01-19-24January 19, 2024
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gwen Block, Jim Camarata, Ruth Lunde, Bhakti Modi, Beth Mason, Ruth
Slivken, Kara Cassidy
MEMBERS ABSENT: Laura Baumtrog
STAFF PRESENT: Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator
GUESTS PRESENT: Patrick Jones, Chanhassen Library Branch Manager
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Lunde made the motion to approve the agenda.
Commissioner Cassidy seconded. All members voted in favor and the motion carried. Agenda was
COMMISSION ON AGING MINUTES November 17, 2023. Commissioner Block made the motion to
approve the minutes. Commissioner Mason seconded. All members voted in favor and the motion carried.
Minutes were approved
Visitor Presentations
Carver County Health and Human Services was not able to attend the meeting but sent an email to Mary
Blazanin to give an update. Carver County is offering a Move Mindfully class on Wednesdays from 9:45-
10:15 on January 24, February 14 & 28, and March 12 & 27. Carver Community Connect will be on
Wednesday, January 24, from 12-6 pm at Chaska Event Center for all ages that will be coordinating non-
profits and services for people in the area. Carver County is seeing an increase in Covid cases and there
are vaccinations available through Carver County.
Patrick Jones, Chanhassen Library Branch Manager, the library is putting more money into
electronic books and large print books next year. He reported that 60% of the circulation is now in
children's books and has increased from 48%. Digital books must be leased and are not less
expensive than paper copies.
Commissioner Slivken gave an overview of the multigenerational book club which they have named
Bridging Book Club. The group is limited to 12 people, and there is a wait list. The first book is
Lessons in Chemistry. The first meeting will be on January 20, 2024 at the Chanhassen Library.
Discussion was had about finding ways to offer more Tech Help sessions for older adults using high
school student volunteers, and about encouraging local schools to independently collaborate with
The Humanity Alliance for more volunteer opportunities.
Goals and Strategic Plans
Housing is an ongoing goal and Ms. Blazanin is the liaison. Mary will continue to lead this and can
ask for assistance as needed from the Commissioners. No changes were made to the housing section.
Transportation and Mobility was suggested as a title instead of just Transportation.
WeCab has been going through changes and the suggestion was made to have a COA commissioner
on the board of WeCab. Commissioner Cassidy volunteered to be the contact with WeCab. There
was a presentation about all the transportation options in Chanhassen and the commissioners would
like to have another presentation. Ms. Blazanin and Commissioner Cassidy will work on setting up
another presentation for transportation that is available within the city.
Under the heading Information, Education, and Outreach, Commissioner Modi discussed the things
that she has been working on with the city communications staff. There will potentially be a rollout
of the new web page in February.
Other updates to the Goals and Objectives were made and Ms. Blazanin will update the goals. The
finalized list will need to be approved in February.
2024 Open Commission on Aging Positions and Application Process
Jim Camarata, Gwen Block, and Laura Baumtrog all have terms that are up. The commission
vacancies can be applied for online.
Discussion: Senior Center Web Page Project
Commissioner Modi has been working with communications to roll out the new webpage and once it
goes live she will have updates for the Commission on Aging.
Chanhassen Villager Articles and Press Releases
Commissioner Camarata discussed using the Chanhassen Villager for better communication for
seniors. Ms. Blazanin discussed that the Commission on Aging would have a sub-group of the
commission that could work on articles that have relevance for seniors. Commissioners Camarata,
Modi, and Slivken volunteered to be part of this group.
Senior Center Program Updates
Ms. Blazanin reported that there is a February 14 Valentine's Day Luncheon event that she could use
help with setup at 10 am and assisting with guest check-in for the event. Commissioners Block,
Slivken, Cassidy and Mason volunteered.
The new Connection was mailed in January with updated activities.
No new commission presentations.
Commissioner Cassidy called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Camarata seconded the motion. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:16a.m.
Minutes prepared by Jenny Potter, Senior Administrative Assistant
Minutes Submitted by Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator