04-19-24April 19, 2024
MEMBERS PRESENT: Phyllis Mobley, Gwen Block, Jim Camarata, Beth Mason, Kara Cassidy, Ruth
Lunde. Ruth Slivken and Bhakti Modi attended remotely without voting privileges.
STAFF PRESENT: Jenny Potter, Chanhassen City Clerk; Mary Blazanin, Chanhassen Senior Center
GUESTS PRESENT: Allison Streich, Deputy Director, Carver County CDA; Steve Dunbar, Carver
County CDA, Linnea Fonnest, Adult Services Librarian
OATHS OF OFFICE Jenny Potter, City Clerk, performed the oaths of office swearing in Commissioner
Camarata, Commissioner Block, and Commissioner Mobley.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Camarata made a motion to approve the agenda.
Commissioner Block seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed, the motion passed.
COMMISSION ON AGING MINUTES March 15, 2024. Commissioner Block made a motion to
approve the minutes from the March 15, 2024, meeting. Commissioner Mason seconded the motion. All
members voted in favor; the motion was carried. Minutes were approved and published with proposed
Election of Chair and Vice Chair, - Jenny Potter: Commissioner Lunde nominated Commissioner
Cassidy as Chair of the Commission on Aging. Commissioner Camarata seconded the nomination.
Motion carried with no opposition. Commissioner Cassidy nominated Commissioner Camarata for Vice
Chair; Commissioner Mason seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Open Meeting Law – Jenny Potter: The state mandates that any ‘body’ that recommends to the city
council must follow that state’s open meeting laws. The regulation states that if the commissioner cannot
meet in person, they must notify the community where they will be virtually, and the commissioner must
be in a public space, for example the public library. If the commissioner is not in a public space, then they
will still be able to video or call into the meeting but will not be able to be a voting member in said
meeting. These are rules made by the state that we are required to follow.
Allison Streich, Deputy Director, Carver County CDA: The CDA provides affordable housing
opportunities and fosters community economic development. They own 750 units of affordable and
subsidized housing throughout Carver County and are looking for funding from MN Housing to develop
76 more units of senior housing in Waconia called Trails End. A way to get funding from the Equitable
Development Fund through the state is to get points towards their project. A way of getting points is by
seeking out organizations that represent the community in which they will be serving, the Chanhassen
Commission on Aging (COA) is one of these organizations. The CDA takes recommendations from the
COA, meeting a minimum of two times with them, and then works with an architect to meet COA
recommendations. Once the CDA has presented the COA with the new plans, the COA Chair will sign a
letter for submission to MN Housing. Trails End Senior Living will be a 55+ and Veterans facility with
13 of the 76 units being income restricted and 8 of the 76 units being reserved for high priority homeless.
Trails End will be built using universal design, making it fully accessible for its occupants. One goal of
the CDA is to help residents age-in-place. Another way that they will encourage residents to age-in-place
is to hire a Resident Service Coordinator at the facility to plan events and aid residents. Streich
encouraged commissioners to reach out to her with comments as part of the Equitable Development Fund
if they have any ideas moving forward. CDA’s goal is to have open discussions with the COA throughout
the whole process of building this complex.
Communications Articles and Website Updates: With the news of the Chanhassen Villager closing its
doors, Commissioner Camarata suggested moving to the Sun Sailor or Chan Neighbors. Commissioner
Camarata explained that not every senior has access to an electronic copy of the news and that he wants to
publish our articles in a paper copy moving forward, so that all seniors may have access to read and stay
current. Commissioner Camarata said that the Sun Sailor is only sent to single-family homes in the area,
and they have about 2,500 on their mailing list. Commissioner Lunde expressed that it might be a good
idea for extra copies to be put at the library for seniors who do not live in a single-family home. Moving
forward Commissioner Camarata will follow up with the Chan Neighbors and the Sun Sailor. Currently,
Commissioner Modi has no updates on the website.
Bridging Program Updates: Commissioner Block suggested that the commissioners pass on
volunteering for the Arbor Day events this year, as last year they were not utilized. Commissioner
Cassidy reminded the group that it is listed on our website as one of the events the Commission on Aging
volunteers for and encouraged anyone with free time on the day of the event to attend.
Memorial Day Participation Updates: The city will set up a table for commissioners to use to collect
donations for the Veterans Court at the Memorial Day events. A few commissioners will need to
volunteer to sit at the table for the day. Commissioners Mason and Mobley volunteered to help run the
table. Past Commissioner Jerry Cerchia will be contacted to explain how this has worked in the past and
share his experiences with set up and donations. Staff Liaison Blazanin will make sure a table, chairs,
signage, and information are ready for that day.
4th of July Bingo, Expo, and Senior tent/seating: Commissioner Cassidy explained that she is rewriting
the letter inviting local businesses to donate to the bingo prize fund. She also organized the lists of
businesses by address to make it easier for commissioners to group their door-to-door outreach. Staff
Liaison Blazanin confirmed that the commission will deliver the letters at the end of May. Commissioner
Lunde made a motion to have this year’s donations go to the local Semper Fi Flo nonprofit, who are
devoted to supporting military families in our community. Commissioner Camarata seconded that motion.
Semper Fi Flo will be receiving the donations from 4th of July Bingo this year. Staff Liaison Blazanin will
reach out to the local group to let them know.
Senior Center Updates: Mary explained that there are monthly summer trips planned in 2024. Monthly
movies are seeing an average crowd of 15-25 seniors. Monthly Coffee with the Cops, hosted by Deputy
Jake Hodges, is popular and well attended. British History lessons will end in May and has been gaining
participation throughout the year. Last year the Senior Center served 11,000 cumulative participants. The
Senior Center is continuing to work with CAP agency, delivering over 6,400 meals last year. Over 3,400
seniors took part in day trips planned in partnership with Chaska Lodge. In the year 2023, there were over
9,000 cups of coffee served in the Senior Center. The Senior Center is growing rapidly and touches a
large part of our Chanhassen community. The Senior Center programs will be moved to the Chanhassen
Recreation Center starting June 2024 through Fall of 2025 during construction of the new Civic Campus.
Linnea Fonnest, Chanhassen Library Updates: There will be a Senior Nook “update” to the
Chanhassen Library. This is a specific space in the library with comfortable seating, and places to keep
information related to the Commission on Aging’s activities like Act on Alzheimer’s, as well as Senior
Center program flyers and posters, Carver County information, and other Alzheimer’s related materials,
like the Memory Kits, to reside. Consumer protection information is also on the wall in the library lobby
and in the refreshed Senior Nook that is from the Federal Trade Commission. The area will be clearly
labeled with a sign that has been ordered. The Book Sale is happening currently and Fonnest encouraged
the commissioners to share the details of the Book Sale with the people they know. Intergenerational
games that were held in March will be making an appearance once again on April 28th. From May 4th
through the end of September, the Chanhassen Library will host the volunteer Master Gardeners to help in
the lobby. Master Gardeners will be there every Saturday morning to answer questions. Chan-o-laires
concert on May 4th. There will be a Cello and Guitar Concert on May 19th, the concert is being put on by
Compass which is an arts organization in the Twin Cities. The Seed Library project is in its third year,
where anyone can take seeds to plant and now can return seeds in the fall. CareerForce is now monthly at
the library for drop-ins for job assistance. The library is continuing to support and promote the Bridging
Seniors and Students Book Club which is coordinated by Commissioner Ruth Slivken.
Carver County Health and Human Services Updates: No one was present at this meeting from Carver
Country Health and Human Services. No updates currently.
Staff Liaison Blazanin confirmed that the May 17 Commission on Aging meeting will be held at City
Hall, but the June meeting will be at the Recreation Center as construction on the new City Hall building
Commissioner Mason called for the meeting to adjourn. Commissioner Block seconded the motion.
All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:24 a.m.
Minutes prepared by Kate Vogt, Administrative Support Specialist
Minutes Submitted by Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator