06-21-24June 21, 2024
MEMBERS PRESENT: Phyllis Mobley, Jim Camarata, Ruth Lunde. and Bhakti Modi
attended remotely without voting privileges.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Gwen Block, Kara Cassidy, Beth Mason, Ruth Slivken
STAFF PRESENT: Mary Blazanin, Chanhassen Senior Center Director
GUESTS PRESENT: Patrick Jones, Chanhassen Library; Emmanuel Ngabire, Carver County
Health and Human Services; Lee Ann Eiden, Senior Community Services
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Lunde made a motion to approve the agenda.
Commissioner Mobley
seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed, the motion passed.
COMMISSION ON AGING MINUTES May 17, 2024, Commissioner Mobley made a
motion to approve the minutes from the May 17, 2024, meeting. Commissioner Camarata
seconded the motion. All members voted in favor; the motion was carried. Minutes were
approved and published with proposed corrections.
GENERAL BUSINESS As per Commissioners on Aging requests from the May 17th
meeting, Mary Blazanin summarized her research related to possible corrections and
changes to the Bylaws, Rules of Order, and Commission on Aging operating protocols.
This information was provided in writing to all Commissioners prior. Staff recommends
no changes to these documents, apart from rewording Bylaws Section 7.5, which currently
states, "The Chair of the Senior Commission shall appoint a member of the Senior
Commission to the Senior Advisory Board." Recommended wording for Section 7.5 of
Commission on Aging Bylaws is as follows: "The Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator
shall act in an advisory capacity of issues related to and involving the Senior Center's
programs, outreach, goals and initiatives." Commissioner Mobley made a motion to
remove the old language and replace it with the new language; Commissioner Lunde
seconded the motions. All in favor, none opposed, the motion passed. The change will be
noted. Commissioner Lunde made a motion to approve the Commission on Aging bylaws
with the recommended wording change to Section 7.5. Commissioner Mobley seconded
the motion. All members voted in favor, none opposed, and the motion passed. The
bylaws will be sent to the Chanhassen City Council as required for final approval.
Emmanuel Ngabire, Carver County Health and Human Services reported he is still
learning about his responsibilities and how best to serve the 55+ communities of Carver
County. He will continue to pass along information from his office on issues or programs
of interest to the Commission. He gave an overview of an initiative that provides a new
vision of aging, called Reframing Aging. This is a state-wide initiative and consortium of
many different agencies and programs that serve the aging population. He is interested in
creating a cross-generational understanding of aging programs and making them more
age-friendly. Commissioner Camarata asked if ageism is also being looked at. Emmanuel
stated that his office is collaborating with other partners on this issue as well.
Lee Ann Eiden, Senior Community Services, introduced herself and noted she has
returned to Senior Community Services after a brief time away at another position. She
will be coordinating and facilitating the Caregiver Support Groups for the City of
Chanhassen as well as for Waconia. The caregiver groups average 8 people per month.
She will also be available to help families and individuals with counseling and
information sessions and share the importance of caregivers getting support and brief
respites as needed. She averages 40 calls per month for one-on-one support. Lee Ann
works closely with Mary Blazanin to coordinate her meetings. SCS is hosting an
upcoming fundraiser, "Drink on Down" for SCS. She also announced she will be
providing two Dementia Friends Education sessions in 2024. One on August 27 with
Mary at the Recreation Center, and one on November 19 with Joan Seedorf at the Chaska
Lodge. These are offered free and open to the public, but registration is required as there
is limited seating. Chanhassen's event is being sponsored by Riley Crossing and includes
a free lunch. She is looking forward to more partnership events in the future.
Patrick Jones, Chanhassen Library discussed summer programs and the library and how
they are currently focused on kids while school is out. In the fall they are planning on
programs to include author talks, arts programs, and Alzheimer's Awareness education (in
November.) They are also dealing with parking challenges due to the new Civic Campus
construction and the high volume of families coming to the library during the summer
Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator, updated the Commission on moving her
programs to the Recreation Center during Civic Campus construction. She noted that the foot
care clinics are growing rapidly, and now have up to 4 nurses per month offering care. She
announced there will be no Senior Expo in the fall, but the Recreation Center and Senior Center
will be hosting an open house Community Day on August 17 to showcase their programs and
resources. More information to come.
A Memorial Day event recap was provided by Commissioner Mobley. $250 was raised for
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon to be given to the Veteran Courts.
4th of July Updates. Commissioners and Lee Ann volunteered to assist with both the
Business Expo table and the 4th of July Bingo event. Many wonderful prizes have been
collected. Mary encouraged commissioners to follow up with their businesses for any last-
minute donations. This year's donations at the Bingo tent will go to Chanhassen's local
chapter of Semper Fi Flo. The Rotary Club is also offering free tent seating for seniors and
those with disabilities. Call the Senior Center to reserve a spot. In the event of bad weather,
updates will come by email from the City and Mary will call volunteers as needed.
Communications Articles and Website Updates: The Sun Sailor has received articles from
Mary for future postings. Commissioner Camarata continues to be in communication with both
the newspaper and Chanhassen Neighborhood Magazine. The Magazine recently published an
article submitted by Jim on "To Sell or Not to Sell."
Commissioner Modi shared information about the Southwest Metro Book and Social Club to
build intergenerational community friendships. No other Committee updates were presented at
this time.
Commissioner Lunde made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Mobley
seconded the motion. All members voted in favor; the motion was
carried, and the meeting adjourned.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:26 a.m.
Minutes prepared by Kate Vogt, Administrative
Support Specialist Minutes Submitted by Mary
Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator