CC Minutes 7-9-07City Council Meeting - July 9, 2007 Councilwoman Ernst: Well I'd like to ask to pull it off to ask some questions about the 1(b). Mayor Furlong: No, I'm sorry. This is 1(f). Councilwoman Ernst: Oh, sorry. Mayor Furlong: 1(b) we'll take up after new business. Mr. Gerhardt was speaking to item 1(f). There was some minor modifications in the pages handed out to us so if everyone is comfortable with what they've seen, we'll continue that as part of our consent agenda items. Todd Gerhardt: Thank you. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any other items? If not then is there a motion to approve items 1(a) through (k) excluding (b) and as amended. Councilman Litsey moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated June 25, 2007 -City Council Summary & Verbatim Minutes dated June 25, 2007 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Summary & Verbatim Minutes dated June 19, 2007 c. Award of Bid, Power Hill Park Trail. d. Fox Hill Subdivision, 6570 Chanhassen Road: 1) Final Plat Approval. 2) Approval of Plans & Specifications and Development Contract Resolution #2007-42: f. Approval of Resolution Establishing a Special Assessment Deferment Policy, as amended by staff. g. Approval of Amendment to Chapter 4 of City Code: Establishing Rate for Bulk Water Sales. i. Approve Letter of Support for Federal Funding for the Reconstruction of CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) Between TH 41 and CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard). j. Approval of Amendment to Chapter 7, Section 18 of City Code: Adopting the 2007 Minnesota State Building Code. Resolution #2007-43: k. Approval of Letter of Support for Federal Funding and Resolution for the Lake Minnewashta Regional Park Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail, TH 41 Underpass. 2