1984 09 27Minutes
Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
September 27, 1984
Call to Order
Chairman Whitehill called the-meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Present were Commissioners Bohn, Swenson, Horn, Robbins, and
Whitehill. No one was absent. Executive Director Martin was
also present.
Approval of Minutes
Bohn moved, seconded by Robbins, to approve the minutes of the
August 2, 1984 meeting as presented. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Presentation of West 79th Street/Railroad Crossing Traffic Study
David Warner, Traffic Engineer from BRW, Inc., presented the
results of the West 79th Street Area Traffic Analysis prepared by
his firm at the request of the Board to determine the need for a
new at-grade railroad crossing between West 79th Street and the
Downtown Area. Several Board members questioned the timing of
the traffic counts, (i.e. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; July
24-26) and felt that peak traffic in the study area was on
weekends due to the nature of the businesses located in the area.
John Pryzmus of Razors Court disagreed with the study findings
and felt that there was an immediate need for an outlet on the
westerly end of West 79th Street.
Dale Geving added that the principal commercial growth area in
the City was along Highway 5/West 79th Street, and that a link-up
with downtown would encourage additional business development
downtown as well.
Whitehill felt that the major problem facing the City is the con-
figuration of T.H. 101/W. 79th Street intersection, rather than
the timing of future development projected by the consultant.
Swenson moved, seconded by Whitehill, to table the discussion of
this item until the Board has more time to consider the study
results. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Approval of Leases - Chanhassen HRA Building
Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the proposed lease
with E. A. Sween Company for warehouse storage space in the HRA
building at a rate of $437.50 per month. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Horn moved, seconded by Robbins, to approve the request of
Chanhassen American Legion Post %580 to use the vacant office
area in the HRA building for a "Halloween Haunted House" at no
Chanhassen HRA Minutes
September 27, 1984
Page 2
charge, during the month of October, 1984, subject to the Legion
obtaining $1,000,000 in liability insurance coverage and subject
to the restoration and clean-up of the building and grounds by
November 5, 1984. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Review of Preliminary Downtown Project Request for ProDosals
Martin presented a preliminary draft of the Downtown
Redevelopment Project "Request for Proposals" (RFP) that he had
prepared at the direction of the Board. He also distributed a
list of twenty-one developers' that he had identified as having a
potential interest in the project, and therefore, should receive
an RFP.
Swenson felt that the mailing of the RFP would prove fruitless
and that this approach would not interest prospective developers
in the Downtown Project. She suggested that a more aggressive
sales approach be undertaken by the City to interest developers
in the Project. A special dinner party was suggested that would
bring together community leaders and prospective developers, ven-
ture capitalists, mortgage bankers, investors, etc. to discuss
the opportunities for investment in Downtown Chanhassen.
Following discussion of Commissioner Swenson's suggestion, the
Board agreed to table action on the RFP and to further discuss
arrangements for a dinner party with the City Council within the
next month.
Review Proposed 1985 Operating Budget
Martin presented the proposed 1985 HRA operating budget, and
advised the Board that the Mayor and City Manager had requested a
meeting between the HRA and City Council to review the proposed
Budget and discuss the future of the HRA.
Whitehill moved, seconded by Bohn, to table review of the 1985
Operating Budget until a special Joint meeting with the City
Council is held. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Approval of Bills
Swenson moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the bills for August
and September, 1984, as presented. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
New Business
The Board agreed to meet jointly with the City Council on either
October 16 or 17 to review the proposed 1985 HRA Operating
Budget, to discuss the future of the HRA, and to make plans for
the promotion of the Downtown Redevelopment Project to prospec-
tive developers.
Chanhassen HRA Minutes
September 27, 1984
Page 3
Report on HRA Building Revenues/Expenses
Martin presented a detailed breakdown of revenue and operational
expenses for the HRA building. The report showed that opera-
tional cots have exceeded revenues by a two to one ratio since
the HRA took possession of the building from Instant Web, Inc. in
January, 1983. He estimated that the building would lose more
than $35,000 in 1984, not including depreciation and debt
Martin recommended that the building be closed effective December
1, 1984 in order to eliminate the high cost of energy during the
winter heating season.
Whitehill felt that the HRA should not risk having a portion of
the building collapse due to frost heaving until a final decision
is made concerning the ultimate disposition of the building. He
preferred to keep the building open and occupied during the next
six-nine months in order to retain the option of selling or
leasing the building in its existing condition.
Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to keep the HRA building open
and leased to multiple tenants at least through the end of May,
1985. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Ad journment
Horn moved, seconded by Robbins, to adjourn the meeting at 9:35
p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.