Park & Recreation Documentation Hoffman, Todd e ! Page!o!! ----~~- From: Paul Bilotta [pbilotta@hmidevelopment.com] ~~ th ~' Sent: Tuesday, September 26,20062:38 PM . ())JJ K I~ To: Hoffman, Todd jJ) A.,1Js r Cc: johnchadwick@chadwickland.com ,lJ-.. ,P &JJ "'- Subject: Purchase price ~- Attachments: Purchase price per acre.xls; Purchase Agreement Executed 7 -18-06.pdf; Pioneer Pass - Second Amendment 7-28-06.pdf; PA 2-Page.pdf Todd, Unfortunately, we did end up selling the property for less than we had it under contract with DR Horton. Attached are documents that show the new purchase price of $182,781.46 per acre (see attached spreadsheet). The contract is long and confusing because there was a lot of renegotiation with the buyer and they only purchased part of the Peterson property, not the entire parcel. I have attached the entire contract for your use, but for simplicity's sake, I have also included a scan of the two pages that have the key information on them (what was purchased and for how much). Please let me know if you need anything else or have any questions. Thanks, Paul Bilotta 11/27/2006 Knoblauch Offer Purchase Price Land Area Single Family Lots Subdivision Streets Outlots E & F Total purchased acreage Purchase price per acre Acreage per James R. Hill, Engineers 6,900,000 28.11 8.21 1.43 37.75 182,781.46 ---..:-_"':~ MilleflOavis Co, Q St. Paul. MN 661-842.1988 Form 1519A 1&2 PURCHASE AGREEMENT This form approved by the Minnesota Associlltion of REAL TORSoG, which disclaims any liability ui$ing out of tlse Of misustl of this form. (:I 2004, Minnesota Association of REAL TORS~, Edina, MN 1. Data !!~Y...._._.,_..:LO_9..g__.__._..__.._..____ 2. Page 1 of. ..............._........._.__.____.._....._.. Pages 3. RECEIVED OF John C. Knoblauch (.. Buver") _ 4. 5. 6. 7 B. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1.3. 14. 15. ,he ",m 01 ~ Hundred Thousand and OJiL.lQ.Q.:--:-------------.---------- Dollar. ($ 100.000.00---- I by lKJ CHECK 0 CASH 0 NOTE as eame.st mon&y to be dspashed upon acceptance of Purchas. AgrMment by all parties, on or - lchack onel - bejorl~ the tt-Jrd buslnltSS day aft",r acceptance, In the tru.t account 01 listing broll;8'r but to bEt returned to Buyer If Purchase Agreement Is not IIccept8'd by SlItHet. Said earnesl money is part payment fOl the purchase 01 the pro~rty locattld at: Street Address: __'. ._~.~_~~_.___.__.______. City 01 fhE:Dh..~~~~!.L.,__....._.~.._.n..._____..____.._._.___.____~._.__._.. County of .g?_;:Y..~~_..____...m.n._._..._ .___.___~..~~ . State of Minnesota. Legally described .s: .{\.1_L1!Lffi.ln9:1~LJ~ily_l.9.~1L.C)..!l~L9..\!.U.9.'_!LL ,;nQ._E.I._~,,_.".bgm:L.2)J.....t.h~.._I2.r~.U!!'i.n~.D':_ plat of pioneer Pass at cached to the Addendum (" Property") inr-l11rling nil fiytllrACl nn tnp fnlll"lW"ing prnpRrty iI It.'''V n\A1(H't'!.'III ~AIlAr A",rf lIeArI ftn.rf l"'I"Atnrl nn ~"irl 16. garden bulbs; plants: shrubs and trees; ,torm sash: ,torm doors; sere"ns and awnings: window shades; drapery,odsj 8lt3ched.lightlng fixtures and bulbs: plumbing fixtures, water heater; hoating pIa equipment used in connection 1horewlth): built.in air-conditioning eQuipmen - mc air filter; wator softencr:DowNEa'lRENTEc{]NONE: - mock one) built. in humidifier and dehumiditior: liquid gal tank e $ (It tho property of Sellcr}; sump pump; attached tole vision on100n8; ovens; cook~top stoves; mIcrowave aliens; ATTACHED: carpeting: mirrors: ~arago door oponers and all controls: smok., dotoctors; fireplace screens; 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 'II of whieh p'operw Seller has this d'y agreed 10 ,all to Buyer lor ,um 01 ($2.dLQ.Q.".QQ..Q"..9_Q..:..::,.::. -_:.:.:=-:':'::.':':_::.:'::.:.::'..7.:-.~.:.:.7.. } 24. lJine Million and 001100---------~-arf..ic1~ea--A~.----------------- Doll.... 25. which Buyer AQrees to pay in the following manner/ '. ' . 26. rHoney. and linancing. the tot III amount .secured against this property to fund thi percent 1%) 01 the sale price. 27. Such financing will be {check one n ract or deed; or 0 a flrst mortgage with subordinate f1Nncln9. as 28. ~~ ett:ll;lA9j ^1~Q"<j"<;j""D ~~A"'Athmil~g.o.v~III:U'f1I'\ionOG,,,\,,I..:.t t.., 1;)....4 DOtl.',; .. fctuck .1Ith.tl Ipply}-- 29. 30. 31. 32. n,... J..l.... of ...I~.....i st-ls.1I 88 ,28 Ttrir?urclteas ." llrUMllAtn Ii: n Ii NOT twliijut tlill Cll~tjRB''''o;>-A6d! 8t:lW far sala 81 Bura,'" -..:::ccht~Of\I)-- (If answet is IS NOT. the c:Iol;lng of Buyer', propeny, if any, may still aHect Buyer'$, ability to obtai ,I inancing applicabte.l Thi; Purcnasa Agl'eementD IS 0 IS NOT subject to a cancellation of a nl1en Purchase Agreement d~__ -lchlck on.l- m answer is IS. sDid cancellotioo shall ater than _._......___."UO~..._..._, 20_ . If said cancellation Is not obtained by said date. Purchase Agree c , 8UY~H and Builder shllll immcdiotely sign j) CancellEltion ot Purchase Agreement confirming said cancellation _~"'_.. la e. .Gtd..d.J to Ov,=1- ThIs PUt chase AQreementO IS rXllS NOT subject to a Vacant Land Addendum. (If answer is IS. see attached Addendum.) Buyer has been - (c:hI~Ont)- ffi8{(a 8....<1'9 gf thg a ij.lllQ'Jlt', Qf 1i1(8~B I ,'IRB~uti8f'l8 9b1 r~ alaah 0 o!Iv_Ld-J. 111 Aa a & ~r81i8rt, jR8~a8t'81'1 p8~d at BbI,a.'.i Colpa Ja. r! 11 - Icheck one) - TI,;" "...arias "s B9~ilRt L---1 Ii l--.J It NOT 9wejcllt 1~ <1 If'I.3r.re.e1t.a"Bl!I~f'l'h,Hfl rlf 1If'18 .1 is It. 888rtt8St;j88 aesah'l:dj?h h - leh.o.on.1 - 'r-, or eac ase w en closed DEED/MARKETABLE TITLE: Upon perlormanc. by Buyer. Selle, shall deliver ,0 W.rranty D.ed {=~XXXJCRQ(~ iOined in by spouse. if Bny. conveying marketable litle. subject to: Ichlc::k one) fA} building and zoning laws. ordinances, state and lederal tegul~tion$; (Bl restrictions fcloling to use or improvement of the property witnoul effec1ive forfeiTUre provisions; Ie} reservation at any mineral rights by the State of Minnesota; (D) utility and drainage easements which do not interlere with existing improvements; tE} rights 01 tonantl 81 follow. (unless specified. no' subject to tenanciesl: .tl.Qn..~_.L.j.f_l_c;is..Y:_9._C. 9hanD!'\.~ ,,<';1' c:"n,U~ igrg. f.9.1"_ .UIl<\,l p,l.!lt .APP']:'OV.ill.. Cl.f.riQn.~~p .1;'.,,:;<_,,_. ._......_.. ...._...............__ .......... rF) Othels (MuS1 be specified In writing): Other matters not obiected to by Buve}:" .___.h__.......___.~__.____._._ o BUYCR GlIAll P.\Y~~R-l>H~AY "" do" af .la.I.~ a', ..~~ la.O' lI.a. Cra,. . (check one' assessments payment of which is required as a result 01 thlt closing of this sa/e. o BUYER AND SELLER SHALL PRORATE AS OF THE DATE OF CLOSING 0 SELLER SHALLP 01 special assessments ceniticd (or payment with rhe realfts~i~eo~:~es dlJe and p In the year of closing. LJ BUYER SHALL ASSUME 0 SELLER SHALL PAY on d.te of olos oth.( ,peeialassessmcnl' I.viad a. of the date ollhi, Agrocmcnl. (chick cn.l Cj BUYER SHAll ASSUME f_J SELLER SHALL P (I;h."k. on.' Agreement fOf improvemenu tha etn otdered by any assessing authorities. (Seller's provision fot payment shall be by payment infO osc,ow of two (2) ti eslim.tcd amount 01 the auusments 01 feu, as reqUired bV Buyer's lended Buyer s any unpaid special llS$e$$ments payable In tho yeol following closing and thereaher, the paymem af which is not otherwise 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 42. 43. 44. 45. 45. 47. 48. 49. 50. 01. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. As of the date 01 this Agreement, Soller toprcscnt:s that SeflerOO HAS 0 HAS NOT roceivod a notice rogording any new improvement -jcheck. Ollti)- plojeet from any assessing authorities. the costs of which project may be assessed against the property. Anv such notice received by Sellet .liter lhe d4te of this Purcnllse Agreement uf'1d beforo closing shall be provided to Buyer im~odi~1.ClY,-1hu~..L ..()tiG~ ia ~ lhis. Purcnnsc AgreemenT and on or beforo the dnte of closing, then lhe pllnios molY agree In writing. on or e 0 closlOg. ro pay, provide lor the payment 01. or a$$umc the special Assessments. In the abse reemenl, either patty may declare 1his Purchase Agfeemef'\t cancelled by wriH~n notice to thO oth . ensce representIng or assisting the other pArty. in which C8SQ this PUl'chase A9feemem is cancel . y declafes lhis Purchllse Agreement cancelled. Buyel and Seller shall immediately sign a Cancellation of . ~.d 64 &411eti~ ", 8.f e"lj A all u nest money paid heret:t1~# t6 L<. ."t., .led f6 Bt:lI,o'Y. 57. 58. 59 60. 61 62. 63. MN:PA.118/04} Form 1 519 A 3 PURCHASE ,'GREEMENT t 27. Address 128, P.ge 3 D.t...._...... 12S. \30, t 31. (check ono\ 132. 133 paYb.blu in Ihe year 20_ Seller ,hIli pay 0 PRORATED FROM DAY OF CLOSING 0 _ 12THS 0 ALL ICht,1{ Ql'lt) payable in the year 20___ . If tho closing date is ch4ngod. the real osun" taxtfS paid shall, if prorateo, be adjusted to the new cr wan8nts 18Xft due and payublc in tho yaDr 20.. sholl baD FUU.[J PART.CJ NON. homc:stClDd cla.uification. --hlchcx:\' Ol'e}- If part. or non.homo$tnd clanlf1c8tlorl I. circled. Seller agrees 10 pay Buver 81 closing $.__. H'_"'_',__U _.".. toward the non-homo stead real e.$lD1e taxes. Buyer lIgrees to pay any rem4ining balance of non.homeste4d tllX8S when t v become due t1nd payable. Buyer shaU pay real estate t8X8S c1U6 and payable in tne y48r following closing and thcrcahcr, the paymo of WhiCh i3 nOf otherwise herein provided. No representatiot'\s are made concernin9 the amount of subsequent rnl eatate taxes. POSSESSION: Seller shall deliver possession of the property not later than All interost, homeownerls association dues. rents and all charges for city water, dty sewet. electricity and natur between the parties as of date of closing. Buyer shall pay Soller lor Icmainiog gallons of fuel oil - or liqUid pelf closing, 3' the rate of the last fill by Seller, Seller .gree. to remove ALL DE8RIS AND ALL PERSONAL PROPER from the property by po$&eulon d..te. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS: To the bes' of the Sellar', knowledge, there are no hazardou, 134 135 136 137 138 ,3S. 140. '41. 142, 143. 144. \ 45. i 146 i J 7. 148 , 49, 160 after closing. ga.5: shall be prorated eum gas on (he day of NOT INCLUDED HEREIN underground storage tanks. except herein noted; _.._' SELLER WARRANTS THAT THE PROPERTY IS EITHER DIRECTL Y OR INDiRECTLY CONNECTED TO: CITY SEWER: DYES ONO / CITY WATER: DYES 0 N o NOT APPLICABLE 0 SELLER 0 BUYER AGREES TO PROVIDE WATER QUALITY TEST SULTS SHOWIN.G POTA8LE WATER lchllCk. oow) IF REQUIRED BY GOVERNING AUTHORITY AND/OR LENDER. o NOT APPliCABLE 0 SELLER 0 BUYER AGREES 'TD PROVIDE, IF REQUIRED 8Y __lcheckonel OR 8Y GOVERNING AUTHORITY AND/OR LENDER, A LICENSED INSPECTOR'S SEPTI SYSTEM INSPECTION REPORT DR NOTICE INDICATING IF THE SYSTEM COMPLIES WITH APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. NOTICE: A ALIO CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR THE SYSTEM MAY SATISFY THIS OBLIGATION, NOTHING IN LINES 143 TO 146 SHA OBLIGATE SELLER TO UPGRADE, REPAIR OR REPLACE THE SEPTIC SYSTEM. UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO IN THIS PURCHA AGREEMENT. BUYER HAS RECEIVED THE WELL 01SCLDSURE STATEMENT DR A STATEMENT THAT NO WELL EXISTS ON TH ROPERTY, AND A SEPTIC SYSTEM DISCLOSURE STATEMENT OR A STATEMENT THAT NO SEPTIC SYSTEM EXISTS ON OR SE ES THE PROPERTY, AS REQUIRED BY MINNESOTA STATUTES, SELLER WARRANTS THAT CENTRAL AIR,CONDITIONING, HEATING, PLUM8 G AND WIRING SYSTEMS USED AND LOCATED ON SAID PROPERTY SHALL BE IN WORKING ORDER ON DATE OF CLOSING. EXCEP AS NOTED IN THIS AGREEMENT. BUYER HAS THE RIGHT TO A WALK-THROUGH REVIEW OF THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO CLOSING TO ESTABLISH THAT THE PROPERTY IS IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME CONDITION AS OF THE DATE PURCHASE AGREEMENT. SELLER AGREES TO NOTIFY BUYER IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING OF ANY SU8STANTIVE C NGES FROM ANY PRIOR REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY, 8UYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT NO ORAL REPRESENTATIONS VE BEEN MADE REGARDING POSSiBLE PROBLEMS OF WATER IN 8ASEMENT OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY WATER DR ICE 8UILDU ON ROOF OF THE PROPERTY. AND 8UYER RELIES SOLELY IN THAT REGARO ON THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT BY SELLER: SELLER 0 HAS 0 HAS NOT HAD A WET BASEMENT A HAS 0 HAS NOT HAD ROOF, WALL OR CEILING DAMAGE CAUSED -Icheck 01'\0)--- - {check 0(10)--- BY WATER DR ICE BUILDUP. 8UYER 0 HAS 0 HAS N T RECEIVED A SELLER'S PROPERTY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT OR A --- (chock on~ SELLER'S DISCLOSURE ELECTION FORM. BUYER HAS R CEIVED THE INSPECTION REPORTS. IF REaU1REO BY MUNICIPALI'N. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156 l157. 158. 15S. 160. 161, 162, 163, 164. 165. t 66. , 67. 15B. 169. 170. 171. Is[] Seller's AgentO Buyer's Agent [I Dual Agent 0 Facilitator (check oner: NOTICE (Licenseel 150 SaUe('s AgentO Buyer's AgentO Dual Agent 0 Facilitator (check onal 172. (Company) 173 {licenseel 174. 175. IN TA T T E Y 176. DUAL AGENCY REPRESENTATION 177. PLEASE CHECK ONE OF THE FDL WING SELECTIONS: 178. 0 Dual AgenC~resentEltion OES NOT apply in this transaction. Ojlil~gerd linas 179.'92. 1 79. 0 Dual AgencV repruentalio DOES applv in this Iran sac lion. Complete the diSClosure in lines 180.192, 160. Broke' represenu both the S Ie.r{s) and the BuVerlsl of the property involved In this transaction. which creates 8 dual AQcncy. This means 181. thaI Sroke, 5nd its sales: 50nt owe fiduciary dutias to both Sellerfs. and Buyerlsl. Because the parties may have conflicting intcrests, 182. Broker and ils salesperso Ofe prohibited lrom advocating exclusively for eilhe.r patty. Broket cannot act as a dual 80em in this transaction 183. without the consent of th Sellef{s} and Buyerlsl. Seller(s) and Buyer/51 acknowledge that: 184. (1) confidential' formation communicaled to Broker which regards Plice, lerms, Of motivation to buy or sell will remain confidential \ 85. unle.!iS Sell (~) or Ollyerl!} instruct5 arekor in wrlling to diacrose lhis informatio(\. Othet information will be shared: 186. (2t Broker a iu slIlc.spersons will not repre&ent tho interest ot either pal'ty 10 the detrimenT of the other: and 187. 13) within e limils of dual agency. Sroket and ils salespersons will work diligently Ie r"cilittltc ThO' mechanics of thet sale. 188. WIth the know dgt!: IlInd understanding of the e)(P!anlllion above. Sellcrls) and Buyer(s) Duthorizc 4Jnd instruct Broker and ilS salesperso(\! \ 89. to act u du agents In this transaction. 190. Buyer Bllver D,to MN:PA-3 (8/04) form 1S1SA 4 PURCHASE AGREF:MENT 193. Addro.. .__. ..... 194. Poge 4 0010_.______.__...__ 195 OTHER:5.e.e.. At. ta"hec:jHAClc:jend!,!lT\ 196. 197. 199. 199. 200. Other addenda may be attached which ara made a part 01 Ihis Purchase Agreement. (Enler total number of pages of this 201. Purchaae Agre.mem, inclUding addenda, on line two (2) of page one (Ii.) 202. I, the owner of the property, accoptthis Agroemam 203. authorize tha listing bra said property 204. 205. I agree to purchase the property for the price and in accordanca with the terms and conditions set lorth above, I have reviewed all page. of this Purchase Agreement. 206. U If aRssh,,', t~l. ^arQQm9F1t ifi l\.Ibja8t t6 -,l'tJahsa '.1 . Peterso and Company, LLC ~ /~ '-l1fJ1 Lc S/8/oro loalel IBuver's ~turel ( mo'el lfe--/5 X John C. Knoblauch (Buyer's Printed Name) 208. X (Selle" 5 Si9notUe 209&;U~r ~...1"50)1 (Seller's Pdnted Name) 210. X (Marital Status.~ X (Marital StaTUS) 211 X (Seller's Signawrel IDotel X lBuyer's Signature) IDatel 212. X (Seller's Printed Name) x (Buyer's Printed Nomo) 213. X (Marital SUtLJsl X IMorilal 510'U5) 214 FINAL ACCEPTANCE DATE 215. 218. THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN BUYERS AND SELLERS, IF YOU DESIRE LEQAL OR TAX ADVICE. CONSULT AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL. 217. 21 B. 219 I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE RECEIVED AND HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW THE ARBITRATION DISCLOSURE AND RESIDENTIAL :~:~H::~P:~:~:~RATION AG75~CH IS AN OPTIONAL VOLUNTARY ~:::;MENT AND; ;OT p;~o~ THIS / SELLERIS~ _ ~~ BUYERlS) ,/pPLv{, C/(.f.J~- / I no. 221. SELLER(S) BUYEA(S} MN:PA.4 181041 AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT ~ THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into this li day of July, 2006, by and between Peterson-Jacques Farm Land Company, LLC ("Seller") and John C. Knoblauch or Permitted Assigns ("Buyer"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer entered into a Purchase Agreement ("Purchase Agreement") dated May 18, 2006, regarding the sale of certain single family lots and outlots as shown on the preliminary plat of Pioneer Pass, Carver County, Minnesota ("Property"); and WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer desire to void a prior Addendum and an Amendment to the Purchase Agreement and replace said Addendum and Amendment with this Amendment; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants hereinafter contained, it is hereby agreed by and between Seller and Buyer that the Purchase Agreement be amended as follows: 1. The prior Addendum and Amendment to the Purchase Agreement shall be null and void and replaced with this Amendment. 2. The Purchase Price on Page 1 of the Purchase Agreement shall be changed from Nine Million and 00/100 Dollars ($9,000,000.00) to Six Million Nine Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($6,900,000.00). 3. Purchase Price. Seller has agreed to sell to Buyer and Buyer has agreed to purchase from Seller the Property for the sum of Six Million Nine Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($6,900,000.00), which Buyer agrees to pay in the following manner: An initial One Hundred Thousand and 00/1 00 Dollars ($100,000.00) as earnest money ("Initial Earnest Money"), which Seller acknowledges receiving upon execution of the Purchase Agreement on May 18, 2006; an additional earnest money payment ("Additional Earnest Money Payment") of One Hundred Fifty Thousand and 00/1 00 Dollars ($150,000.00) to be deposited with Carver County Abstract ("Title Company") within three (3) days of all parties executing this Amendment; and an additional Four Million Nine Hundred Thirty-five Thousand Two Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($4,935,200.00) on the closing of Phase 1. The remaining Purchase Price of One Million Seven Hundred Fourteen Thousand Eight Hundred and 00/1 00 Dollars ($1,714,800.00) shall be paid on the closing of Phase II. The Additional Earnest Money Payment and the Initial Earnest Money shall become non-refundable and shall be paid by Title Company to Seller upon satisfaction of the contingencies in Paragraph 7 of this Purchase Agreement. The Purchase Price contemplates that Phase I will contain fifty-three (53) single family lots, two (2) outlots and a to-be-created outlot of approximately 27,000 square feet and Phase II twenty-eight (28) single family lots, as shown on the preliminary plat of Pioneer Pass, attached hereto as Exhibit A. Attached as Exhibit A-I is a listing of the lots in each Phase. The division of the plat into phases shall be subject to the approval of the City of Chanhassen. If the City approval results in a different number of lots in the first phase the allocation of the number of lots in each phase shall be adjusted accordingly. If the number of lots is changed by the City, Doc# 216332712 ~.. the Purchase Price for Phase I shall be adjusted upward or downward based on Eighty-five Thousand One Hundred Eighty Five and 19/100 Dollars ($85,185.19) per lot based on the number of lots allowed by the City in Phase I that is more than or less than fifty-three (53) lots and a commensurate adjustment in Phase II so that the Purchase Price shall remain at Six Million Nine Hundred Thousand and 00/1 00 Dollars ($6,900,000.00). 4. Closing. The closing of Phase I shall occur on or before September 14, 2006, if this Amendment is executed by Seller and delivered to Buyer no later than July 18, 2006. If this Amendment is executed later than July 18, 2006, the closing of Phase I shall occur on or before sixty (60) days from the date of execution. The closing of Phase II shall occur on or before January 2, 2008. Buyer may extend the closing date on Phase II until July 1, 2008, by Buyer giving Seller written notice of such extension at least ten (10) days prior to January 2, 2008, along with a payment of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00). The Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) payment shall apply against the Purchase Price on Phase II. In no event shall the closing date be extended beyond July 1, 2008. 5. Preliminary Plat. Seller has obtained preliminary plat approval, rezoning and comprehensive plan use amendment (contingent on Metropolitan Council review) from the City of Chanhassen on April 24, 2006 ("Approvals"). Attached as Exhibit B is a letter from the City dated April 26, 2006 confirming such approvals and listing the conditions for final plat approvaL Seller agrees, as soon as reasonably practicable, at no cost to Buyer, to furnish Buyer all documents, grading and engineering reports and data and all other information used in connection with the obtaining of the Approvals and any other actions related to the development of the property, including but not limited to dedication of property and commitment to any special assessments. Seller also agrees to negotiate the transfer of all rights to use the plans, reports and consultants retained by D.R. Horton, with the exception of D.R. Horton's environmental consultant, to Buyer as provided in Paragraph 7B of this Amendment. 6. Purchase Price Adjustment. The preliminary plat of Pioneer Pass provides for eighty-one (81) single family residential lots. If any action of the City or the Seller results in the final approval of a reduction in the number of single family lots, then the Purchase Price shall be reduced by Eighty-five Thousand One Hundred Eighty Five and 19/100 Dollars ($85,185.19) per lot; provided, however, if the number oflots is reduced below seventy-six (76), then Seller, at its option, may terminate this Purchase Agreement and refund to Buyer all earnest money paid hereunder. There shall be no reduction in the Purchase Price if the reduction in the number of lots is a result of actions taken by the Buyer. 7. Contingencies. This Purchase Agreement and the parties' obligations hereunder shall be contingent only upon the following two items (Buyer having previously waived all other conditions or contingencies): A. Buyer obtaining a Phase I and Phase II environmental report reasonably acceptable to Buyer. Within one (1) day of execution of this Amendment, Buyer agrees to authorize Braun Intertec, at Buyer's cost and expense, to proceed with the Phase I and Phase II that WaS previously authorized by Buyer. Buyer shall furnish to Seller a copy of the environmental report when it is completed. Seller agrees to provide any available environmental information to and cooperate with Braun Intertec in their 2 Doc# 2163327\2 preparation of the environmental reports. Buyer shall have five (5) days from and after the receipt of such environmental reports to advise Seller that the reports are not reasonably acceptable to Buyer and the reason(s) they are unacceptable. Seller shall have three (3) days after receipt of such notice to advise Buyer that Seller, at Seller's cost and expense, will (a) have additional tests performed, and/or (b) pay the cost to remediate or remove any hazardous substances, or (c) elect to eliminate the property affected by the hazardous substances from this Purchase Agreement and make an appropriate adjustment in the Purchase Price. If Buyer fails to give notice to Seller within the five (5) days provided above, then Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the environmental reports and waived its option to terminate this Purchase Agreement. Similarly, if Buyer objects and Seller fails to give the notice within the three (3) day period provided above, then this Purchase Agreement will terminate and the Initial Earnest Money and Additional Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. B. Seller shall, within five (5) days of execution of this Amendment, deliver to the Title Company an executed Escrow Agreement and related letters to consultants (James R. Hill, American Engineering Testing and Graham Environmental Services), substantially in the form attached as Exhibit C to this Amendment that transfers the rights to the engineering plans and soils tests and the rights to utilize the services of such consultants from D.R. Horton to Peterson-Jacques Farm Land Company, LLC and to Buyer. It is understood that the Escrow Agreement specifically excludes the transfer any environmental reports prepared by Tetra Tech EM, Inc. Seller will indemnify and hold harmless Buyer from and against any claim by D.R. Horton that Buyer does not have the right to use the aforesaid reports, data and tests. Buyer shall notify Seller in writing 0 f any such claim by D .R. Horton and Seller shall be allowed ten (10) days after receipt of such notice to cure such default. If Seller is unable to cure the default within the time allowed, Buyer may waive such contingency or terminate this Purchase Agreement and the Initial Earnest Money and Additional Earnest Money refunded to Buyer and neither party shall have any further liability hereunder. 8. Conditions for Final Plat Approval. All conditions of final plat approval for Pioneer Pass, except as herein specifically provided as the responsibility of Seller, shall be the obligation of Buyer to satisfy, at Buyer's sole cost and expense. Buyer shall immediately proceed and thereafter diligently pursue the obtaining of final plat approval from the City. The obligations of Buyer shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A. Buyer shall be responsible for the construction of the street extension from the southern edge of the plat to Pioneer Pass to Pioneer Trail across MnDOT right~of- way. B. Buyer shall be responsible for grading, seeding and parking lot construction of the new City park as provided in the Approvals. Any reimbursement for such construction from the City shall go to the Buyer. 3 Doc# 2163327\2 C. Buyer will be responsible for plant restoration in the Bluff Creek Overlay District for construction of storm water ponds. D. Buyer shall be responsible for construction of offsite storm water ponds to serve the development. The Seller shall be responsible for the following: A. Seller will donate and/or sell the required park land to the City, as required by the Approvals. The proceeds of any sale of park land to the City shall in all events belong to the Seller. B. Seller will, by separate easement agreement, grant an easement to Buyer to allow grading and installation of utilities across Phase II prior to the Phase II closing. The easement agreement will provide for an indemnification and hold harmless of Seller by reason of Buyer's presence on the Property, and shall require that Buyer keep Phase II free from any liens or encumbrances. C. Seller granting the adjoining property owner to the west a temporary construction easement allowing such owner to rough grade a portion of the Property to match the grades of the adjoining property, as is more specifically provided in the Easement Agreement. D. Seller has agreed, as part of the plat approval for Pioneer Pass, to grant to the City an easement for ponding and wetland mitigation on Outlot A, Pioneer Pass ("Outlot A"). Seller shall, at closing, grant to Buyer an easement across Outlot A to access and construct the storm water pond and create the wetland mitigation area required by the City. In addition, Seller shall agree that as part of the final plat Buyer will create an Outlot over approximately 27,000 square feet in the northeast corner of the property and convey at closing said Outlot to Buyer. E. Seller agrees to sign the Plat of Pioneer Pass, but makes no representation or warranties with respect to the same, including suitability, drainage, soil condition and similar matters. F. Seller acknowledges that the Planning Commission of the City has recommended as a condition to final plat approval of Pioneer Pass (Condition #45) that future utility services and access to Outlot B be determined. Seller agrees to use reasonable business efforts to eliminate the access requirement of such condition. Buyer agrees, at Buyer's expense, to stub the sewer and water utility lines to the easterly property line of the plat of Pioneer Pass, as shown on the plat submission to the City. 9. Seller Representations. Seller hereby makes the following disclosures relating to the environmental condition of the Property: (i) Approximately fifteen (15) years ago, Seller spread (or allowed to be spread) petroleum-contaminated soils on approximately twenty (20) acres of the 4 Doc# 2163327\2 Property pursuant to a plan approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (ii) A single barrel that had leaked petroleum products was found on the Property. The spill site was remediated under the direction of Tetra Tech EM, Inc. by Rehbein Companies (contact Alex McClean) in December 2005 and January 2006. (iii) Seller does not know of any individual sewage treatment systems on or serving the Property, except that Seller discloses that an old farmhouse is situated southeasterly of the Property within the area taken by MnDOT as road right-of-way, and Seller has not previously confirmed whether the individual sewage treatment system for that homestead is situated on the Property or within the MnDOT right-of-way. 1 O. Special Assessments. Buyer shall assume all assessments that are levied or deferred as of the date hereof and all assessments pending as of the date hereof or hereafter levied with respect to the Property per the allocation based on the attached tabulation of special assessments from Kimley-Hom for the column labeled "Large Developable Parcel (Old DR Horton Site) Area 1 and 2 (Exhibit D). Seller and Buyer agree that, if they pursue a reduction in the assessments on the property being purchased or, in the case of Seller the remaining portions of the property, and are successful in reducing the assessment, such action will not result in transferring any additional assessment amount to the other. If such action does result in an increase in assessments to the other's property by reason of such transfer, then the resulting increase shall be paid by the benefiting party to the other. 11. Prorations and Closing Costs. Seller and Buyer agree to the following prorations and allocations of costs, fees, taxes and special assessments with respect to the Property, which the parties will pay at the applicable closing: A. Title and Closing Fees. Seller shall pay fees charged by Title Company related to issuing the Title Commitment, including all examination fees and title search fees. Buyer shall pay the premium(s) for the Title Policy. Seller and Buyer shall each pay one-half (1/2) of any closing fee charged by Title Company. With respect to all other costs, each party shall pay its share of the closing costs which are normally assessed by Title Company against a seller or buyer in a transaction of this character in the County. B. Deed Tax and Recording Fees. Seller shall pay any deed tax, conservation tax, and the cost of recording any documents necessary to cure any title objections or otherwise transfer good and marketable title to Buyer. Buyer shall pay all document recording fees for the warranty deed. C. Real Estate Taxes. Seller shall pay all real estate taxes due and payable in the years prior to the year of closing of the applicable Phase. Real estate taxes due and payable in the year of closing shall be pro rated on a calendar basis at closing, effective as of the applicable date of closing. If a closing shall occur before the tax 5 Doc# 2163327\2 rate is fixed for the year of such closing, the apportionment of the taxes shall be upon the basis of the real estate taxes for the preceding year, but any difference in actual real estate taxes for the year of such closing shall be adjusted between the parties to the actual amount upon receipt of written evidence of the payment thereof. Buyer shall pay all real estate taxes payable in the years after the year of closing of the Phase being purchased. In the event a Phase to be purchased by Buyer is, on the date of closing of such Phase, taxed as a part of a larger parcel, Seller shall at the closing of such Phase deposit into escrow with Title Company sufficient funds to pay Seller's pro rata share of the taxes for the current year (and all prior unpaid taxes) for such larger tax parcel, and Buyer shal~ at the closing of such Phase, deposit into escrow sufficient funds to pay Buyer's pro rata share of the taxes for the Phase. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Seller shall pay the real estate taxes and installment of special assessments payable therewith up to the date of closing on Phase II; provided, however, Buyer shall reimburse Seller, at the Phase II closing, for all installments of special assessments paid by Seller on Phase II since the closing of Phase 1. D. Deferred Taxes. Seller shall pay all "Green Acres" recapture taxes or similar taxes attributable to agricultural or special use valuation or any other deferred taxes with respect to the Property, if any. Seller may work with Title Company and the County to apportion any such recapture between Phase I and Phase II and to pay only that portion due at the applicable closing. 12. Ownership of Documents. If this Purchase Agreement is terminated for any reason, Buyer shall furnish to Seller, at no cost to Seller, in addition to the environmental reports and appraisal, all rights to and copies of all engineering, soil and other reports done in connection with the Property prior to the termination of this Purchase Agreement. 13. Commission. Seller and Buyer each hereby warrant and represent to the other that no brokers, agents, finder's fees, commissions, or other similar fees are due or arising in connection with the entering into this Agreement, the sale and purchase of the Property, or the consummation of transactions contemplated herein. Any compensation due for John E. Chadwick of 1. Edwin Chadwick, LLC, will be paid by Seller. Seller and Buyer each hereby agree to indemnify and hold the other harmless from and against all liabilities, loss, cost, damage, or expense (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and costs of litigation) which the other party shall suffer or incur because of any claim by any other broker, agent, or finder claiming by, through or under such indemnifying party, whether or not such claim is meritorious, for any compensation with respect to the entering into of this Agreement, the sale and purchase of the Property, or the consummation of the transactions contemplated herein. 14. Notices. Any notice or communication required or permitted hereunder shall be deemed to be delivered, whether actually received or not, when deposited in the United States mail, postage fully prepaid, registered or certified mail, addressed to the intended recipient at the following address, or when delivered, if delivered personally to such address. Any address for notice may be changed by written notice so given. 6 Ooc# 2163327\2 If to Buyer: with a copy to: If to Seller: with a copy to: and a copy to: John Knoblauch 1450 Knob Hill Excelsior, MN 55331 Terry Schneider Project Developers, Inc. 600 So. Hwy. 169, Suite 1580 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Severin H. Peterson, Jf. Peterson-Jacques Farm Land Company, LLC 15900 Flying Cloud Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55347-4047 Facsimile No: 952-937-1598 Bruce G. Odlaug, Esq. Lindquist & Vennum P.L.L.P. 4200 IDS Center 80 South Eight Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Facsimile No: 612-371-3207 John Chadwick 11430 Zion Circle Bloomington, MN 55437 Facsimile No: 952-886-0492 15. Assignment. Buyer may not assign this Purchase Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time without the prior written approval of Seller; provided, however, that Buyer may form a limited liability company (anticipated to be named Pioneer Pass LLC), to include himself and additional builders, provided that John C. Knoblauch retains an ownership interest in the new entity, and the reputation and financial condition of any additional builders do not negatively impact the ability of the entity to perform under this Agreement, and provided further that the limited liability company assume all obligations of Buyer under this Purchase Agreement. If and when additional builders are added or included in the ownership entity, either a balance sheet and profit and loss statement for the last two (2) fiscal years or a letter from a financial institution stating that the builder has the financial capacity to complete its share of this transaction shall be furnished to Seller. 16. Except as amended or modified herein, the Purchase Agreement is in full force and effect and is hereby ratified and confirmed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment to Purchase Agreement the day and year as noted below. Doc# 2163327\2 7 SELLER: PETERSp,N-JACQUES FARM LAND COMPANY, LLC I' ! By:,... Its: Dated: 7 - Ie'?" tJ 6' BUYER: 4L L. ~~ JohnAZuoblauch or Pennitted Assigns Dated: 7 / /5 / 8 ~ t' ' The undersigned agrees to act as Escrow Agent pursuant to the terms of the foregoing Purchase Agreement. CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY By: Its: Dated: July , 2006 8 Doc# 2163327\2 Exhibit A ~ .. '" ~ ';j 4ffi ;;'i r ~ !i ~g '"' '" ~ I I- .. 0 0 0 N I: I 1 U . . c...> '"C1 "... .'. .-..... (:~~\ ----r~ ;1 ~L "s " '- '" I~ ~ - Exhibit A )"- \ " ~, " "- '!~5 ~~ \ ~, "- \" 81'- --! \ r', "is:-- ',\ .co.l ",.. bv1n.. / N- "\, !iI~~c ,~~ ~~ ~~~~; / ~~ '''hj ,\ 5~ ,~ . ~g -----" ~ ~ @ o /,--", '- , --- I', " do " OlO ......, I ON r~~~~~~::::~~~ ~ci -c% gj'l ","- I ~ I I /~' ~!f//)' . ""<'w ,4"':'\,::-' ).. " ',m~ .. g~8~: ro~~g ;:;~~ ;:; cbJ,~cb g~:i'J g ~~~ ,.l (0 CD.~ ~ _~e d :l; -' u~~ z- ~;f~ _:I;W J: ," ~a::~ (fl [J. I w::; ~.~~ ..., 0- I I . a::offi ~.~'~ N 00 ~8u u..'-'c:i S ?zd 13 g>;j :;!~ i=i= ~< ~ ~ 0: ~~~ a:a:z a.fu<3 ~a:;Cj l-l-l- uuo ~~!:::4 000 a: a: a:: a. a. a. Exhibit A~1 (Lot designation based on Preliminarv plat lot numberS) Phase One I Phase Two Lot # Block # Lot # ' Block # 1 1 12 1 2 1 13 1 3 1 14 1 4 1 15 1_ 5 1 16 1 6 1 17 1 7 1 18 1 - 8 1 19 1 9 1 20 1 10 1 21 1 11 1 22 1 28 1 23 1 29 1 24 1 30 1 25 1 26 1 1 2 27 1 - 2 2 3 2 15 2 4 2 16 2 5 2 17 2 6 2 18 2 7 2 19 2 8 2 20 2 9 2 21 2 10 2 22 2 11 2 23 2 12 2 24 2 13 2 25 - 2 14 2 26 2 27 2 28 2 I 29 2 30 2 31 2 32 2 -. 1 3 ---- 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 I 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 3 10 3 11 3 12 3 13 3- 14 3 15 3 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 i 4 I _._-- Outlot E Outlot F New Outlot NE corner I Ma~ 10 2006 2: 13PH MAY. 10,2006 2:49PM Chadw i ck Group, I no LINDQUIST '" V~NNIIM ...' Exhibit B T 1-866-734-3621 p.2 c.~~) ~~2~7 P, .2. eves 1635099154 P.01/09 l'IH I-~a;-C;~~Q ."". ~'-! MAY-02-2006 10:26 CITY OF CHANHASSEN noo MrMl Souevwo' POBox 147 ChanlJ<JSib1, MN 55317 AlIm/lll&llallO n l't1one; 952.227.1100 Fax: 952227.1110 Bulldlna l/l!p~clInllS' P!lOI\4: 952.227.1160 Fax: $2.227.1100 EnaiResring PhQne: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 1'Il1in;u ?1lo1lC: ffi2.227,114D Fax: 9S2.W'.1110 Park &: A.a~rlliltlOll PhQf11!: ~.227,mO Fax: 952227.1110 ~on Cl!nla' 2310 CoIl/fer Boul~ Pl'illle: 952..227.14m Ftt 952227.14001 Plllnnil1lJ& Nalullll R8$1)~ Phone: 952.227.1130 Fad5222i .1110 Mil. Worts 1591 P,uk Road ?i1Ol1e: 0'.i2.227.1:lOO Fax: 952.221.1310 SeRler Cenl2r Phooe: 952227.1125 FiX: 952.227.1110 Web Slle Wtffl.Ci, cnarlll4Ssw.n111.US Ap.riI26,2006 7671 Phcna , Co. Phone It Fax' F~' ~lJ..-?1\...r 1 -<"- Mr.lohn Chadwick J. Edwin Chadwick. LLC 11430 Zion Circle Bloomington, 'MN 554S7 Re: Pioneer Pass - Planning Case #06-09 Dear Mr. Chadwick: This letter is to confum that on April 24. 2006, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: A. "ComprehertSive plan Land Use Amendment from Residential- Medium Density ~d OfficelJndustrial to Residential - Low Density of the land within the Plat of Ploneer :Pass except for Outlots A, B, C, D and 0 contingent on MetropoJitan Council review." B. "Rezoning of ~e Jand~within the Plat for Pioneet ;Pass exaept for outlots At B, C. D and at Pioneer Pass, from Agricultural Estate District, A2. to Residential Low and Medium Depsity Distric~ RLM." c. uPl'elixninary PJat for 'Pioneer Pass" creating 81 lots, 9 outlets and right-of- way for public streets, plms prepared by James R. Hill, Inc" dated 213/06, subject to the following ~onditions: 1. The' de-y;el'Oper,mal~. ~ ooise armY3iO'~ n~sj; 'that 'Will OQ 'generated'QY ttafflc. on ~v(a}' 31~ and Noneer Trail. The analysis shall identity appropriate noise mitigation measures to meet noise s~nd.ards for residential homcs.' 2. The developer shall pay $21,547.00 as their portion of the 2005 AUAR. 3. The applicant shall plant 369 trees within the development, 98 overstoI)' and required buff~ yard plantings trees along Collector Road D and buffer yard. plantings tor lots along the south property line. 4. Each lot shall have a minimum of two QVerstory deciduous trees planted in the front yard. 5. The applicant shall install the tow required buffer yard along Collector 'Road ]) or show proof of berm height of:3 feet or higher along the length of the street and adjust the <:Jrnmtities of understory and shrubs ao;ordingly. TtI. City 01 CfunhaullR · ^ VIewing community wnn clean lakes, qualill'scllools. a ch.1aninq dOlYllfown, thrlvinq businesses, winding ~Is. and beaulillJl parks. A gl1l3l pUce to IlVt. ~. and play. Ma~ 10 2006 2:13PM MAY. 10. 2006 2: 49PM I'lHY-l<l;.!-~l::ll::lb lkj:..:S4 MAY-02-2006 10:27 Chadw i ck Group, I nc LINDQUIST & VENNUM llN~UI~M CONSLL TING MGMT CONST 1-866-734-3621 "'-NO. 268~P. 61237132~7 7635099154 p.3 3 P. 02~9 P.02/09 Mr. John Chadwick April 26, 2006 Page 2 of 8 6. The applicant shall development a reStoration plan includitlg native plantS for the Bluff Creek Ov~la.y district north of Block 1. The plant species shall be seleoted from the Bluff Creek Management Plan Appendix C. The final pltm must be reviewed and approved by the efty before installation. 7. Signage for the Bluff Creek Overlay J?istrict must be posted on every other property comer where tesidential yards meet the primary zone. 8. The 950 COllT.OUI' shall be extended over lots Sand 6, bl~k 3 to provide more coverage from headlights for those homes. 9. Dedication of OUrlots A and G shall ~ made to the city or a conservatiOn easement shall be established over said outlots. 10. The developl:!r shall designate a 4.72 acre neighboxnooa park site, Outlot R. This property shall be transferred to the city by warranty deed with 3.79 acres of the site bei-ng dedicated! donated by the a.pplicant/owner and the remaining 0.93 acres being purchased by the City of Chanhassen. The city shaH compensate the owneIiapplicant $218,550 in total compensation for said 0,93 acres, 11. The developer shall rough grade and cover seed the park site and construct a 20 stall parking lot for an additional not to exceed payment of $50)000 from the city. The parking lQt shall include insutlnountabJe curb. Construction plansfO;r all improvements within the borders of the park shall be submitted to the Park & Recreation Director for approval. prior to initiating COl1atruction of these improvements. All material and laborco$ts am reimbursable. Design, engineering, and testing services associated with these improvements ahaII be provided by the applicant. 12. The applicant shall submit a complete weiland :replacemant plan and must receive approval of the replacement plan prior to alteration of wetlands. Wetland replacement shall occur in a marmef consistent with Chanhassen City Code and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR. 8420). 13. Wecland mitigation shall not be proposed for the northeast comer of the site in order to ensure adequate a:rea for a road connection to the property tothQ east of the sHe. 14. A wetland buffer 16.5 to 20 feet in width (with a minimum average of 16.5 feet) shall be maintained around all AglUrban wetlaIlds. Wetland buffer areas. shall be preserved,. surveyed and staked in accordance with the City' 5 wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the dirtlCtion of City staff, before con5truction begins and shaU pay the City $20 per sign. All s~s shall be set back 4() fe(:t from the edge of the wetland buffer. The wetland buffer setback shall be shown on the plans. J&.-:6'y ?te~'QJi: m~"i:}ropertY't1J.i1i"':irieet"1he:"Ci:ty~.~~ for:.'(,lutfs (i,e., slope greater. than Ma~ 10 2006 2:14PM MAY. 10.2006 2:49PM Chadwick Group, Inc LINDQUIST & VENNUM MAY-{12-2006 10:27 CONSUL Tl NG MOO CONST 1-866-734-3621 p.4 E~O., 268:20'7 P. 4.133/00 7635099154 P.03/~9 l'Ir-tJ -t:Jc- c..\!:JIC.JU ....CoI....r-t rvl'r. John Chadwick Apri126,2006 Page :3 of 8 or~iiaita io%:~~~'.n~in slope9fa~'I~stZ'feeiilbC)veihe toe) shall be_presexy~.:. In addition all Sl:1'Uctures shall maintain a 30-foot setback from the bluff and no grading may Q(:~ur within the bluff impact zone (i.e., the bluff and land located within 20 feet from the tOP of a bluff). The plans shall be revised to show any areas meettt1g the City's bluff criteria. 16. No alterations shall be permitted within the primary corridor or within the fim 20 feet of the setback from the primary coIridor without a variance, AU structures must meet the 4O-foot setback. from the primary corridor. 17. The applicant shall demonstrate that storm. water management along the southwest property line ofLot$ 25-31, Block 2 is adequate to prevent drainage issues for future homeowners. 18. The outlet for Pond 2 shall be moved westward to increase the flow distance between the inlet and. outlet structures. 19. Drainage and utility easementS with a minimum width of 20 feet shall be provided over all existing wetlands) wetland mitigation areas., buffer ar~ll$ used as public value credit and storm water infrastructure. 20. Energy dissipa.tion shall be provided at the flared..end section inlet to Pond 2 wi thin 24 hours of installation. AdditioTlal blanket shall be provided for stonn sewer installation area for inlet infrastructure: to Pond 2. The access area shall be protected with erosion control blanket upon the establishment of final grade. Erosion control blanket shall be used on the slopes within Lots 31-24, BJock 2. Mulch shall be substituted for the blanket proposed for the berm axea of Block 3 along Street D. 21. T!mporary sediment basins shall be provided. in existing watersheds 1 and 3 during mass grading activities. 'Where 10 acres or more of exposed area come to a discernable point of discharge to a wetland or waterway, a tempOl'ary basin shall be provided. The proposed storm water basins in proposed cir3inage areas 2, 6 and 7 shall be temporary sediment basins until the contributing areas are stabilized. The temporary outlets could be instaJled in place. of the permanent ,outlets. 22. Perimeter control (silt fellce) shall be installed prior to grading along the south side of the Stree& D and CSAB 14 (pioneer Trail) inte1'SeotioD. AJI silt fences near flared-end sections shall be installed up and around fiared-end sections so water is not discharged against the silt fence, causing it to fail, 23. An outlet area shall be defined fOr the two areas labeled as temporary sedimentation basins during the rough gradinglsubcut street phase of development. Any shredded wood material from tree removal shall be saved for temporary mulch berms/vehicle ex.it pads as Ma~ 10 2006 2:14PM MAY. 10. 2006 2: 49PM rIHY-ICl.::::-~ldIab UP.54 MAY-e2-20e6 10:28 Chadwick Group, Inc LINDQUIST & VENNUM L.JNWUJ~llioYt:.NNur'l CONSULTING MGMT CONST 1-866-734-3621 NO. 268 6..L.o:..Jr.l.-J207 7635093154 10.5 p, 5 l"".04/~9 P.04/09 Mr. John Ch~wiok April 26, 2006 Page 4 of 8 needed. Typical silt fence shall be installed prior to initiaJ rough grading activities along the west side of Outlot H to the proposed "street by others." Z4. The total SWMP fee shall be paid to the City at the time of final plat recording. 'The esti.tnated toUll SmIP fee at this time is $165,600. 25. The applicant shall apply for and obtain pcmnits fJ:Om the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed DisUiQ't, Minnesota Pollution Control Af!Jm.c:y (NatiOJI3l Pollutant Discharge Elittrlr1ation System Construction Pert.llit), Minnesota Dep311:ment of Natutal ResOUICeS (dewatering permit), Army Corps of Engineers) and comply with their conditions of ap~oval. 26. A lO-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants~ i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xc:el Ene1iY, Qwest, cable TV and tnmsfonner boxes. This is to ensure that rue hydrants can be quickly located and s~f~Jy operated by firefighters. Purswmt to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. 27. Fire apparatUs access roads and water supply for f1re proteetion is required tQ be installed. SllCh protection shall be instilled and made serviceable prior to lllld during the time of construction except when approved altemate methods of protection am provided. 2S. Temporary street signs shall be installed on street intersections once construction of the new roadways allows passage of vehicles. Pursuant to 2002 'Minnesota Fire Code Section 501 A. 29. Fire apparatus access roads shal..1 be designed and rt.Iaint2ined to support the imposed load of fire apparatus and shall be $'er'Yiced so as to ptcv:ide a11~weather driving capabilities. Pursuant to Minnesota F1re Code Section 503.2.3. 30. Submit proposed street names to Chanhas&en Building Official and Chanhassen Fire M:arshal for review and approval, 31. Fire hydrant &pacing is Wlacceptable. Locate f1I'e hydrants at intersections and in cul-de-sacs and at 300 foot spacing. Most spacing is in excess of 400 to 500 feet at this time. Submit revised fire plans to Fire Marshal for review and approval, 32. Before site grading commences. the existing building .and driveway access off Picmeer Trail onto the property must be removed. 33. On the grading plan, add a note to n:move any existing hQuse and driveway access. 34. The developer's en.gineer must work with Liberty on Bluff Creek's engineer to ensure thaI the proposed grading on each property matches at the property line. 35. Ground slopes shall note:.r.ceed 3:1. Ma~ 10 2006 2:14PM MAY, 10, 2006 2: 50PM Chadw i ek Group, I ne LIN~QUIST & YENNUM MAY-02-2200 1121: 28 CONSUL T1 NG MGMT CONST 1-866-734-3621 NO. 268 6J.~':\"(J.$21:17 7635099154 p.s ''''I _ _~"""' ...u......,.., L.J'''U..IutUJ.''''''' ~""CJ'iI"J.J'.1 P. 6 1-'.05/89 P. 05/09 Mr. John Chadwiok April 26, 2006 Page 5 of S 36. A minimum 75...foot long rock constructio~ entrance must be shown on the plans. 37. Retaining wQ.]ls must be designed by a structural engineer :registered in the State of Minnesota and require a buildJ'ltg permit if greater than 4 feet in height. 38. The developer shall work with MnDOT to move the access ~Pi.qn~.er.Trail so tQar.it aligns_, with the MnDOTs street On the south sida. ,Tfii~ioPfonetrT~l-sb,all.:l:1!!:,.Qo~!+UC~!i .' in t6njunction,~~thtdir#pIi~ oftne development., ' ' 39. The property is 31&0 subject to sanitary sewer and water hook-up ch~ for all of the lots. The 2006 trunk utility hook-up charges are $1,575 per unit for sanitary sewer and $4,078 per unit for water. The 2006 SAC charge is $1,625 per unit. 40. The Arterial Collector Roadway Fee of $2,400/devclopable acre will need to be paid at the time of final plat recording. 41. All of the ponds are required to be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards wi!b 1naXimum 3:1 slopes and 10:1 benches at the NWL. Revise accordingly. 42. All of the proposed housepads rnu.st have a rear yard elevation of at least three feet above the HWL of the adjacent ponds. 43. Storm sewer calculatioos and drainage map :lUIlSt be submitted with the final plat application. The storm sewer must be desi~ed to accommodate a lO-year, 24-hour storm event. 44. The last public stonnw.ater ~ that is road-accessible prior to discharging to a water Pod)' must have fl3-foot sr.unp pump. 45. future utility service and access to Outlot B needs to be detemrined prior to final plat. 46. The applicant shall include a draintile system behind ~ curbs to convey sump pump discharge from homes. 47. Add catch basins in the back yards of Lots 1-15, Block 3 connecting to Street C stonn sewer. Also add a catch basin aloog Street A in front of Lots 25-28 and between Lots 15 & 16 ami 4 & 5~ Block 1. 48. AIl plans must be signed by a registered Civil Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. 49. The catch basin between I..ot& 6 & 7 must l;lehuilt with two inlet openings. 50. Tree preservation fencing must be installed a.t the limits of tree removal. ' M~Y-02-2006 Hli 28 Chadw i ok Group, I no 'LINDQUIST & VENNUM l.l NJ.JbIU I::' llSoVI;;;NNUI'1 CONSIl.. T l NG MGMT CONST 1-866-734-3621 NO.2 6 8 6123'713~7 7635099154 p.7 Ma~ 10 2006 2: 15PH MAY. 10. 2006 2: 50PM l'IHI~-a:l1<.lQ .l.\:I'~ P. 7 P. 06/09 P.06/09 Mr. John Chadwick April 26, 2006 Page 6 of 8 .s 1. An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off~site grading. 52, Jf importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes. 53. Utility services for the 'buildings must be shown on the final utility plan. Sanitary services must be 6-inch PVC and water service must be l.inch copper, Type K ;md will require a City Building Department inspection. 54. Extend the silt fence along the south to the back. yard of Lot ZST Block L 55. No retaining waD is allowed within any draint\ge and utility easement. Re'Visc the retcil1ing wall between Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 2, accordingly. 56. All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The applicant is also required to enter into a development cont.l'm with the City and supply the necessary financiill ~curity in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee instaI1ation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. The applicant must be aware thn! all public utility improvements win require a preconstnlCtion meeting before buiIdi'ng permit issuance. 57. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required prior to constroction. including but not limited to MPCA, NPDES. MnDOT. Department of Health. Carver County and Watershed District. 58. Reroute the sanitary sewer from Street A and the north-south COIridot intersection to minimize the sewer depth. Relocate the southern sanitary sewer out of the stormwater pond easement at Outlot E. 59. Add a pressure relief valve to the watermain alon~ StreeI D between Outlots E and F. Thi& will be a City improvement cost but installed by at the time of development 60. In-home pressure reducing 'Water valves :rrnlY be required on all lots with 2 lowest floor elevation of 930 or less. Final dewmination for the need of in-home pressure red\Jcing valves will be made by the City at time of building pennit. 61. The applicant sh3l1 coordinate with the developer of the adjacent propertie$ in the northeast comer of the site the dedication of public street right--of~way to provide aocess from the parcel to the north to the parcel 10 the east and :revise the plans accordingly." D. "WeChmd AlteratioD :Fennit for the grading and filling of wetlands on property subject to the following conditions: Ma~ 10 2006 2:15PM MAY. 10. 2006 2: 50PM . II I. __ "-..........._ -_.....""f MAY-0~-2006 10:29 Chadw i ck Group, I nc LINDQUIST & YENNUM CONSUL lING W3MT CONST 1-866~?34-3S21 10.8 NO. 268 P. 8 E....G...l (.lJ207 1"'.07/\39 7635099154 P.07/09 &.-.& I '~\.IR,.J,I."'" I ~'-I "'.11 t Mr. John Chadwick Aprl126,2006 Page 7 of 8 1. The appHoam shall submit a complete wetland replacement phm and must receive approval of the .replacement plan prior to alteration of wetlands. Wetland repla!lemeDt shall oocur in a manner consistent with Chanhassen City Code and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR,S420). 2. Wetland mitigation shall not be proposed ror the northeast corner of the sire in order to ensure adequate area for a road connection tQ the property to the east of the site. 3. A wetland buffer 16.5 to 20 feet in Width (with a minimum average of 16.5 feet) shall be maintained around all AgtUrban wetlands. Wetland buffer areas shall be p~rved. aurveyed and ~ed in accordance with the City's wetland otdinance. The applicant shall install wet) and buffer edge signs, tlJ1der the direction of City staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign. All struct:w-es shall be set back 40 feet from the edge of the werl.md buffer. The wetland buffer setback shall be shown on the plans." E. ''Con:illiibT'!a1"gse' Perrru.t t<?.P6mlit deYei~ent Wf1iJin tne Bluff Creek OVerlay Distrlcr With a variance fot' encroachmenrinto the~zone to construct a st~ water pond subject to. the following conditions:' . .. . - - . -. - . 1. Dedication of Outlots A and G shaH be made to the city or a conservation easement shall be established over said outlots. 2. Any mas on the property that meet the City's criteria for bluffs (i.e., slope glWter than or equal to 30% and a rise in slope of at least 25 feet above the toe) shall be preserved. In ~dition, all SlrUctu.res shall maintain a 3Q-foot setback from the bluff and no grading may occur within the bluff impact zone (Le.. the bluff and land located within 20 feet from the top of a bluff). The pla1'1s shall be revised to show any areas meeting the City's bluff criteria. 3. No alterations shall be permitted within the primary corridor Or within the first 20 feet of the setback from the primary conidor without a variance. All structures must meet the 40-foot setback from the primary corridor..t Please note that the Land Use Amendment :must he submitted to the Metropolitan Council for their review. The City will not be able to act on the final plat umil we have the Metropolitan Council sign off on the amendment Final plat document3 must be submitted to the City three weeks prior to the City Council meeting in which you wish to have your final plat approved. Conditions of the preli.tninary plat approval must be addressed for final plat approval. Enclosed is the list of items required for submittal for final plat approval. Ha~ 10 2006 2:16PM Chadwick GrQup, Inc MAY. 10.2006 2:50PM LlNDQUIST & VENNUM MRY-02-2006 1~: 29 CONSULTING MGMT CONST 1-866-734-3621 p.9 NO. 268 P. 9 6~~~(~32~ ~.08v09 7635089154 P.08/09 . . II ....... l.wc...ouu ..&.Y. -.J-r ...."l"""loOIt'-'lwl OlVL...I'I-.uJ I Mr. John Chadwick Aprll 26, 2006 Page 8 of 8 Should you ha.ve any questions, please feel free to contact me at (952) 227-1131 or bgenerous@ci.chan'hanen.ttrn.us. s~'ncerel . .....~ ('" Robert GeneroUS', AICP Senior Planner Enclosures ec: Alyson Fausk(4 Assistant City Engineer Jetry Moon, Acting Building Official g:\pl;m\201lO Pm..nU.i ClI1iCS\06.!l9 pialCt:r pa$l;l:lwl'lMl It.Illlt jmlimI~.doc: Ma~ 10 2006 2:16PM MAY. 10,2006 2:50PM MAY-02-2006 10:29 Chadw i ck Group, I nc LINDQUIST & VENNUM CONSULTING MGMT CONST 1-866-734-3621 p.l0 ENO. 268207 p, 1 0~9/09 7635099154 P, 09/09 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ITEMS REQUIRED FOR FINAL PL.AT CONSIDERATION The following items are required to be submitted a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to City Council meeting and payment of a $250,00 final plat review fee: 1. Submit three (3) sets of full size constrUction plans and specifications for staff review and redU!'I9. . Utility plans shall $hoW both plan view and profiles of all utilities (sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer lines). The plan view must show all drainage and utility easements. . G~ding and drainage plans shall show dwelling type and elevations, wetland5 and wetland buffer areas, stormwatei' pond NWL and HWL, EOF and catch basin and storm manl1Qle numbem. . The construction plans and specifications shall b$ in accordance to the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications & Detail Plates, ,. 'n'l~ plans shall include traffic slgnaga and street light placement. 2. Drainage calculations for water quantity and quality ponding with maps showing drainage ~roo$ for pre-and post-development conditions and contributing areas to catch basins. 3. Hydraulic calculatiohS and drainage map fot the storm sewer design. 4. Tree Preservation Easements (if appliea~le). 5. Trail Easements (if applicable). e. Engineer's Cost estimate of Public Improvements: a. Sanitary sewer system. b. Water system. c. Storm sewer drainage system including cleaning and maintenance. d. Streets, sidewalk and trails. e. Erosion control. f. site restoration (seedingr sodding, etc.). g. Site grading h. Street fights & signs i. Engineering, ~urveying & inspection j. landscaping 7. Five (5) sets (folded) of final plat, one (1) set of reductions (824" x 11j~, and a digital copy in .tif fonnat. 8. Digital copy of the legal descri~1ir.m of the property in a .doc or .pelf compatible format. 9. Lot tabulations 10. 1":;:; 200' scafe paper or mylar reduction of' the final plat with just street names and Lot and Block nr"m1ber'$. 11. Legal description of the property/properties to be platted. Failure to provide any m: the above Items by the required deadline will result In delaying c:onSlds1'Utlon (Jf final plat before the City CQunciJ. Upd;ltec' 02-Q3.W c;:;\encl'form3\firIaJ cl3t submlll:l!.doc TOTAL P.OO TOTAL P.09 Exhibit C ESCROW AGREEMENT THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _ day of l 2006, by and among D.R. HORTON, lNC.-M1NNESOTA, a DeLaware corporation ("Horton"); PETERSON-JACQUES FARM LAND COMPANY, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Peterson") and CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT ("Escrow Agent"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, Horton and Peterson entered into an Option Agreement covering a portion of the property owned by Peterson and located in Carver County, Minnesota, and being part of the property legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto ("Property"); and WHEREAS, Horton, under the terms of the Option Agreement, proceeded to obtain from the City of Chanhassen ("City") preliminary plat approval of Pioneer Pass for its proposed development; and WHEREAS, Horton, in connection with the obtaining of such approvals. retained consultants, planners, surveyors, and engineers (hereinafter "Consultants'') and incurred expenses with the City in obtaining preliminary plat approval; and . . WHEREAS, the Consultants have prepared surveys, reports, studies and other work ("Consultant Work") in obtaining the preliminary plat approval; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission. granted preliminary plat approval subject to numerous conditions as set forth in the Staff Report dated March 21, 2006; and WHEREAS, Horton has elected not to proceed with the project and has not exercised its option to purchase the Property; and WHEREAS, Horton has agreed to sell and transfer and Peterson has agreed to purchase from Horton the Consultant Work on the tenns and conditions hereinafter provided; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises' and mutual covenants hereinafter contained, it is hereby agreed by and among the parties as follQws: 1. Horton hereby authorizes and consents to Peterson and/or its purchaser'or assigns to employ the Consultants listed on the attacbed Exhibit B to work on the development and final plat approval of Pioneer Pass. The authorization and consent includes, but is not limited to, the ,use of all work perfonned by Horton or the Consultants in connection with the Property and the application for approval of Pioneer Pass. The authorization includes the making of any changes or modification to such work. 2. Horton has incurred with the Consultants and City those expenses in the amount set opposite their names on Exhibit B totaling $68,048.72. Horton represents that such expenses have been paid in full. Doc# 2156666\1 Jul 13 2006 5:51PM Chadwick Group, Inc 1-866-734-3621 p.2 3. Peterson and/or its purchaser or assigns proposes, subject to certain conditions, to proceed to obtain final plat approval of Pioneer Pass. Peterson agrees, upon obtaining of final plat approval of Pioneer Pass and the closing of the sale of the Property, to reimburse Horton for the Consultants' and City's expenses in an amount not exceed $68.048.72. The amount of reimbursement shall be conditioned upon the extent of the use of the Consultant Work in obtaining final plat approval. If modifications are made so that some or all of the Consultant Work cannot be used, then an appropriate adjustment in the reimbursement due Horton shall be made. . 4. Horton has delivered to Escrow Agent executed letters to each Consultant in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C. Escrow Agent is directed to mail the letters to each Consultant . upon payment from the closing proceeds of the sale of the Property the reimbursement amount as certified by Peterson. Petersen shall, prior to or at closing, certify to the Escrow Agent and Horton the amount to be reimbursed Horton based on the use of the Consultant Wark as provided above. Horton also has deposited with Escrow Agent a bill of sale for such Consultant Work and City deposits in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D. The bill of sale shall be delivered by Escrow Agent to Peterson at closing. 5. Any notice or other communication in connection with this Escrow Agreement will be in writing and will be sent by United States certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, by a nationally-recognized overnight courier guaranteed next day delivery, or by personal delivery, properly addressed as follows: If to Horton: D.R Horton, Inc.-Minnesota 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville MN 55044 Attn: Neil G. Hansen If to Peterson: Severin H. Peterson, Jr. Peterson-Jacques Fann Land Company, LLC 15900 Flying Cloud Drive Eden Prairie MN 55347 With a Copy to: John Chadwick 11430 Zion Circle Bloomington MN 55437 lfto Escrow Agent: Carver County Abstract 411 Chestnut Street North Chaska MN 55318 Attn: 6. This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. 7. This docwnent may be executed in separate counterparts, each of which and all together will constitute this document in its entirety. 2 Doc# 2156666\1 Jul 13 2006 5:51PM Chadw i ok Group, I no 1-866-734-3621 1'.3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year frrst above written. D.R. HORTON, INC.-MINNESOTA By: Its: PETERSON-JACQUES FARM LAND COtvrP ANY, LLC By: Its: ESCROW AGENT: CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT By: Its: 3 Doc# 2156666\1 Jul 13 2006 5:51PM Chadwick Group, Inc 1-866-734-3621 EXHIBIT A The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, TO'W"IlShip 116 ~orth, Range 23 West; and the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minn~ota. 4 Doc# 2156666\1 p.4 Jul 13 2006 5:51PM Chadwick Group, Inc EXHIBIT B American Engineering Testing, Inc. (Invoice #31704) City of Cbanhassen Development ApplicationslEscrows Property Owner Labels Invoice Statement dated 3/20/06 James R. mn, Inc. (Invoice #31900 - provides total project on page 2 of 2) Graham Environmental Senices, Inc. Invoice #2601201 Invoice #2513304 Invoice #2601202 Carver Soil and Water Conservation District TOTAL: 5 Doc# 2156666\1 1-866-734-3621 $ 5,575.00 $ 4,180.00 $ 36.00 $ 165.00 $54,672.95 $ 2,092.50 $ 141.71 $ 1,185.56 $ 0,00 $68,048.72 p.5 Jul 13 2006 5:51PM Chadwick Group, Inc 1-866-734-3621 p.s EXHIBlTC Re: Preliminary Plat of Pioneer Pass Gentlemen: You have performed services on behalf of D.R. Horton, Inc. - Minnesota in connection with the approval of the preliminary plat of Pioneer Pass, Carver County, Minnesota. We have paid you in full for your services and have advised you that we have elected not to exercise our option to purchase the Pioneer Pass property and will not proceed with the development. Please be advised that we have transferred to the owner of the land, Peterson-Jacques Farm Land Company, LLC, or its assigns (including but not limited to any purchaser of the property) ("Ovlner''), all of our right, title and interest in your reports, drawings or other work on this project. This will also confirm that we previously advised you that you can continue to \york on further reports, drawings and the like, in connection with obtaining fmal plat approval on behalf of the Owner making such changes or modifications to the work you perfonned on our behalf as are requested by the Owner, All such work requested by the Owner shall be at the sole cost and expense of Owner, and n.R. Horton, Inc. - Minnesota shall not be responsible for any additional cost or expenses whatsoever. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, D,R. HORTON, INC,-MINNESOTA By; Its: 6 Do;# 21 56666\1 Jul 13 2006 5:51PM Chadwick G~oup, Inc 1-866-734-3621 p.? EXInBIT D STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) 55. COUNTY OF ) BILL OF SALE D.R. HORTON, INC.-MINNESOTA, a Delaware corporation ("Seller''), in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by ("Buyer"), the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does hereby convey and transfer unto Buyer, its successors and assigns, the personal property described as follows: [Fill in Description of Consultant Work] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has executed this Bill of Sale as of the ,2006. day of D.R. HORTON, INC.-MINl"\TESOTA By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) 55. COUNTY OF ) On , 2006, before me, a notary public, personally appeared , the of , a on behalf of Notary Public 7 Doc# 2156666\1 I . \,~ ~ .~ ~ v ~ .. , ~ \J .."l (i 00 l()0 . 0 N " 0) 0 0 III ,... 15 ~ :;:; Gl ::l ... 0 < NO COO '0 C\I . t..l M "" N ~ ~ ,... '5 l!! 0 <( COO l()0 , 0 M . In <0 M l<) ... ,... 0 ~ :;::l ~ :: <( 0 0 - C Q) E III <ii NO 0 MO ~- '0 4.l N . 0 01.$ '<I'M ~ Q., ,- ~ lll"'N >. :QI::-C 01 0 C; 1:: Co~lG CI) 0. .2:t:.... 0 ~ 0:: :g ... CIIO< C. O-c c ClI- O E'~ f!! 01 ell oJ - Q) NO C. ~ NO 'a ..... . l()..... CII '" Co N 0 N' ... Q., 'i ~ f IJ filS ~ '" i! e << ... ,- q) ::::Q ~~ Will < Gl ~~ 0 NO '" '" 0>'" "" N MM r-: ....<0 r... <01'- M .,f ",' = tf7 tf7 ... N 0'" M co I.{)N ,.. N ..tm ai 0'<1' .., NN ." I.{)".,f a'- tf7 tf7 ... CO '" "" ... I.{) ....(') "" C'i r-:cri ..; OCO '" <00") O!. m..o .... tf7. tf7 ... .... 0 NN "" 't "'''' co r....: criU"i !Ii 't 1'--'" M '<l" '" co r-:~ = CO I'-- III ........ ... .... 0 co I'-- It> M '<1'0> ~ td <riM 0) l() o III III 0> I'-- ... ri -.i .0 o <Xl co ..... .... .... .... .... VI C Gl E CII > iJ 0 glw I:: E t3 CII - 01 E 'l;l'-" III III c; S ~ CII 'iij 01 '- III E <ii<( ~ 0:: CIl 2 ",.0 &i~ .... 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M ~zi~ <'l" It) It) III 01 &d' tf7 ... e ..... <( 4Ao N 1O'l'll'l "" N 00 101'-00 .... CO N NN"': ,..: .n <00.... .... <O<ON <0 "" Q ~~ll"i C 01 N III 117 .... <0 f! &ri' tf7 ... <( co ~ co 0> 0> to ." 0) LO to<O"" co Q M criMtd ci en "'I'-.... N COl(}1.O Q M <D g~g ,.: .... r-. 01 r.ti .... ~ ~ Q .... ~ N NCOtO ..... .... '" 0<0<0 .., Q N tdtd..r ,.: cO '<I' g8N co It) ..... ;ei;e r:i N co .... N. 1'--........ en "0 N .... .... C lG M. .... .... 01 4Ao. f! < .j, N PJ~~ .., 0) C'! ..- ~ 0) iO U"ir....:M ..; en CO "'<0 co Ol'l'<O Q. Gl co -r-- Lri ~.. Co ...... N 0 "1"<00> Q ... .... Ol........ "":. Q., 0) .... ..... ] III ... ~ .... ~ N ~ :rl: ~ '" I:: '" ~.~ ..::0: $ :; IQl Gl III Q., ... .... e Gi C u Q., .- Q) :2.~ ..e:! 3: e !XI cv iJOc:(1) i E 'm C/] III < (1) III en.... e.sE~ Q) :J<( III :e~ en (I,) $ .~ 1II~1llC: ~ It) cv 2:<1l3:~ 0 l/l .,3:,:.:..::0: -; 0 l/l S N (1) <("!:leI:: - l/l :g 2 2 ~ l/l ~ <( 0::1-1- SECOND AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT 2-oft.. ptIS SECOND AMENDMENT, made and entered into this () day of yl \ , 2006, by and between PETERSON-JACQUES FARM LAND COMPANY, LLC ("Seller") and JOHN C. KNOBLAUCH or permitted assigns ("Buyer"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer entered into a Purchase Agreement dated May 18, 2006, as amended July 18,2006 ("Purchase Agreement") regarding the sale of certain single family lots and outlots as described in the Purchase Agreement covering property in Carver County, . Minnesota ("Property"); and WHEREAS, Seller had agreed, pursuant to Paragraph7B of the Purchase Agreement, to deliver to the Title Company an executed Escrow Agreement and related letters to consultants; and WHEREAS, Seller has negotiated with D.R. Horton, Inc.-Minnesota for a Reimbursement Agreement in lieu of the Escrow Agreement, and Buyer is agreeable to such substitution; and WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer wish to amend the Purchase Agreement on the terms and conditions hereinafter provided; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants hereinafter contained, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties as follows: 1. Paragraph 7B and Exhibit C shall be deleted from the Purchase Agreement. 2. The following shall be substituted in lieu of Paragraph 7B: "7B Seller has delivered to Buyer a fully-executed Reimbursement Agreement between Seller and D.R. Horton, a copy of which is attached to this Second Amendment as Exhibit 1. This contingency shall be deemed to have been satisfied. Seller agrees, at Closing, or within thirty (30) days of Buyer obtaining final plat approval of Pioneer Pass (provided that the Closing has not occurred through the default of Buyer) to pay D.R. Horton, pursuant to the terms of the Reimbursement Agreement, the sum of Sixty-eight Thousand Forty-eight and 721100 Dollars ($68,048.72). Seller further agrees, at Closing, to transfer all right, title and interest in and to the Consultant's Work, as defined in the Reimbursement Agreement, to Buyer. 3. This Second Amendment will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. 4. Except as amended or modified herein, the Purchase Agreement is in full force and effect and is hereby ratified and confirmed. Doc# 2167144\1 5. This document may be executed in separate counterparts, each of which and all together will constitute this document in its entirety. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Second Amendment as of the day and year first above written. SELLER: PETERSON-JACQUES FARM LAND COMPANY, LLC ~tkJily BUYER: ~ ~ kt&~7/Zf>!O~ John Uoblauch / 2 Doc# 2167144\1 SEP-19-2006 16:24 CONSULTING MGMT CONST 7635099154 P.01/02 "'1114,101", co.. St. .....,. MIl a61...MS88 Form 1e1SA 1&% PURCHASE AGREEMENT Thl. fo,m OllprDVId by rh. MfnMaot. A..oaialion of ilEAL TORS", whk:h dloclofma a"y Uab.llv ,rilina CKIC of VII 01 mil"'l. of thia fom,. · 2004, MIM..OI. AhOCiallon 01 REALTORS", Edlll.. MN 1. Ollt. .l!.!n~...._n......l.Q.Q.L_____ 2. P'OI 1 ot ...:...._............._.___.._.._.. Pill" 3. RfiCEIVED Oil John C Knoblaueh f -Buver" J 4. 5: ,h. .um ot .QIU Hundred Thousand and 00/1 OO---.~.n__ -......---;-- ----......-- Doll.,. I $ lOO. 000.00---- I 6. . by @ CHI!eK 0 CASH d NOT!! .. ..<non mo....,. '0 bo dopa.llod UP'" __ 01 ""'_ All_mane by d putl... o. or - fc:Nct on'l - , 7. tr..ote th. third buatn... d.1V aHIt' .~tanot. In the tN.t aooo'*rtt at H"dng: btolr... but 10 0. r.tul"n'td to Suyer If !'urchiN AorwmMt l.s a. nat AQOtIp1,d by S.J1.... S..id ..rn.lf money I, pan P41YMt1nt (01 the PUIf:h... 01 tM pto~nv loe.ted at: 9. SU"' Add'e.l;' _..______ ~ 10. ellv or ~bJ!.!l.lt"!.l!.."!.!!L.__.____.___, COUlll'( or .~.!U:.....__...___ ....__..._. . Slot. .1 ""'MU.II. II. Levanv d"o.bad .., .W..J!.LlUnw....amlly..l9..!OL.ln.<.!...!tli..tJ.9.l<.LlL f..(llLl.,_!!!LJ!!\2.':f.!!....2!l_..sb.'!-R.!.!l~J!li.l),uy_. . '2. pla~ of pioneer Pass attached to the ^ddendum ("Property", 1.3. 1.4. '5. ,... garden o\Jlbl: plapts.; Ihn~bl Ind tr"'i Ilorm laaRj storm doctSl lerrl"$.net awnings: window Ihld'lj bUn . drap.,y ,odl; _u_eked IighlMg (iktUfU ..,d b\.llb.i pIYm~JIl9 fbc1W.'; wot" hut'fi heating pi Iny bu'MU, links, stako,. and Olhtf eQy;pmenl u..d in connec:t1Qn lhlll,.wlthl; 'bUlk"'n elr'<;Ol\dmonfnv cqulpm.n . c ,ir fillet: WIl.' 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Such lin.nolng w~1 b. (ch.d ."" ,...,. Qt ~cl: or 0 0 flru m.rtgaga wit/> wbotOl,"" f1..nclng, .. 01ll1'1"'II1I..J A..s..J ...s 'O~tA rtl~pdDF~.O".'AO......"'.u,JlDG.ijt..... it. Bw,.08th".: '~"'''''' _......._...... loiluk ,111M' ~y) 'I _ ~...,... .if .I,&.~I . .1'1,11 h .88- 'ftrirfluteM.. ..., "M'~lnll II It HtJT 11I1]lIt II.. ~.F11iFl.I..O, j ~~III.tHt (., ..fa If 9u.... '1 ::::-td>oar....1-- (If 4nlWet is '5 NOT, t". ClQ6lnO 01 eUVIU'1 pl"cpony, Il,nv. I1'l'V .tlll .~f.ct guV"'''' abilitY to obta ",.noing Ippll"~..1 Thi. "",eh... .o.OI..",.,;to IS 0 IS NOT .ubjlct 10. caneoll,'lo. .f . <II1.n Pu,chas. Agroom..r fl,at.d -ecMGIL "11..5- (II ...wa' I. IS. ..Id .....tl..l.n .h." ., .Ih.... ..._ ."..... 20_ . II .ald o.neal.lI... i. no' obtllin.d by &aId d.,.. PlJtch... Agflllle . 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At 0' th4: d.C. 01 ,hie Aura.mem. Solltr tepra.antl thlt StlllS/OO HAS 0 HAS NOT IQlUiVlld. notice (egeldlng In\, new Jmprovllmllnr -lcMl:k 0"..- 57. P1oie:c;:t from any IIIUIf.ng: autJlOrltlOl. ,hi C:O.l. o. wtlich P'OI-':1 mlY be """ad Ig.ini1 the pt'OOd,tv. Anv .such notEc:a tocewld bv S.Ut{ ~e. 4het lhet date of (hi, Purd'l.ult Agroement ."d beto,. ciOlino shall bca pr'CMdod co Buy"lmmo016"Jv., 59 I~' F'1.IrchiIJU AQlGftmel'l'f Ind on or boiorCII Ih. dtnt 01 dosing. ttwln the 9'lIni.ot rnoy 8.grO'o in wflti/'l9. on 0 ,1011"0. to plly. &0. provide jo, 11111 PQyme.,c or. 01' 'Mumd rhe S~'II alllJlme,ul. In 1"'1 IbI ..men.. lither Piny tnf!'( docl.... thl. Putch... 151 A<",umlfll Clncelted bV w(h"n l"'IOdco to It'll! 0 h NCf. roprudntlnQ 01 luJS.'l'\Q en. oCher potty. jn wNd'l C111. thll Pu(ChIA 62. Ao".",e"t i", c.nc.1 clll" ,hi. PurcblH Agl..mcmf t:Gl1l:..Jhrd. BuyOl .nd S.t., JnaH irnmldillel" sign. Cancollltion of 63. Il!IC mol'l.V paid ....r4',.~.A 1A e~ .!.I~ 4.!l.J iJ. 9_._. MN,PA'H810.) SEP-19-2006 16:25 CONSULTING MGMT CONST 7635099154 P.02/02 AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT . ~ . THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into this li day of July, 2006, by and between Peterson-Jacques Farm Land Company, LLC ("Seiter") and John C. Knoblauch or Permitted Assigns ("Buyer"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer entered into a Purchase Agreement ("Purchase Agreement") dated May 18, 2006, regarding the sale of certain single family lots and outlots as shown on the preliminary plat of Pioneer Pass, Carver County, Minnesota ("Property"); and WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer desire to void a prior Addendum and an Amendment to the Purchase Agreement and replace said Addendum and Amendment with this Amendment; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants hereinafter contained, it is hereby agreed by and between SelIl(r and Buyer that the Purchase Agreement be amended as follows: 1. The prior Addendum and Amendment to the Purchase Agreement shall be null and void and replaced with this Amendment. 2. The Purchase Price on Page 1 of the Purchase Agreement shall be changed from Nine Million and 001100 DOI($9.000.0~0.OO) to Six Million Nine Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($6,900,000.00). . 3. Purchase Price. Seller has agreed to sell to Buyer and Buyer has agreed to purchase from Seller the Property for the sum of Six Million Nine Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($6,900,000.00), which Buyer agrees to pay in the following manner: An initial One Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($100,000.00) as earnest money ("Initial Earnest Money"), which Seller acknowledges receiving upon execution of the Purchase Agreement on May 18,2006; an additional earnest money payment ("Additional Earnest Money Payment") of One Hundred Fifty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($150,000.00) to be deposited with Carver County Abstract ("Title Company") within three (3) days of all parties executing this Amendment; and an additional Four Million Nine Hundred Thirty-five Thousand Two Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($4,935,200.00) on the closing of Phase I. The remaining Purchase Price of One Million Seven Hundred Fourteen Thousand Eight Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($1,714,800.00) shall be paid on the closing of Phase II. The Additional Earnest Money Payment and the Initial Earnest Money shall become non-refundable and shall be paid by Title Company to Seller upon satisfaction of the contingencies in Paragraph 7 of this Purchase Agreement. The Purchase Price contemplates that Phase I will contain fifty-three (53) single family lots, two (2) outlots and a to-be-created outlot of approximately 27,000 square feet and Phase II twenty-eight (28) single family lots, as shown on the preliminary plat of Pioneer Pass, attached hereto as Exhibit A Attached as Exhibit A-l is a listing of the lots in each Phase. The division of the plat into phases shall be subject to the approval of the City ofChanhassen. If the City approval results in a different number of lots in the first phase the allocation of the number of lots in each phase shall be adjusted accordingly. If the number of lots is changed by the City, Ooc# 216332712 -- TOTAL P.02 Message Page 1 of 2 Hoffman, Todd From: Generous, Bob Sent: Friday, September 29,200610:21 AM To: Hoffman, Todd Cc: Fauske, Alyson Subject: RE: Pioneer Pass, Carver County, Minnesota Todd: The park is designated as Outlot D on the plat. We will need to modify the condition of the DC, condition 8. E. 1., to mirror this. 1. The developer shall designate a 4.72 acre neighborhood park site, Outlot D. This property shall be transferred to the city by warranty deed with 3.79 acres of the site being dedicated by the applicant/owner and the remaining 0.93 acres being purchased by the City of Chanhassen. The city shall compensate the current fee owner $169,986.76 in total compensation for said 0.93 acres. The transfer of the above property shall satisfy all park dedication requirements for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the development, and no additional park fees will be required at time of building permit. Bob From: Hoffman, Todd Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 8:31 AM T : Aanenson, Kate; Generous, Bob; Gerhardt, Todd; Fauske, Alyson; Sticha, Greg Subject: FW: Pioneer Pass, Carver County, Minnesota Good morning Prior to calling Andrea can you please double check the information in the letter from the Peterson-Jacques attorney. The purchase price is correct - is Outlot D the correct designation? Any issues with wiring the money? Anything else? Thanks Todd H From: Andrea McDowell Poehler [mailto:AMcDoweIlPoehler@ck-law.com] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:48 PM To: Hoffman, Todd Subject: FW: Pioneer Pass, Carver County, Minnesota Todd: Please review email from attorney re: Pioneer Pass deed and easement and call me to discuss. Andrea -m-Original Message----- From: Deborah L. Stowe [mailto:dstowe@lindquist.com] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:21 PM To: Andrea McDowell Poehler 11/27/2006 Message Page 2 of 2 Subject: Pioneer Pass, Carver County, Minnesota The attached document is being sent on behalf of Bruce G. Odlaug. Andrea, Attached for your review is a proposed letter regarding Outlot 0 (Park). I will send you a copy of the proposed deed as soon as completed. Any comments please let me know. I will also send you a proposed conservation easement for Outlot E. Do you have any problem with my adding a provision that the easement does not grant any rights to the public on the subject property. Thanks. IRS Circular 230 Notice: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that, except to the extent expressly provided to the contrary, any federal tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein. For more information about this notice, see http://www.lindquist.com 11/27/2006 · LINDQUIST & VENNUM P.L.L.P. '. 4200 IDS CENTER 80 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402-2274 TELEPHONE: 612-371-3211 FAX: 612-371-3207 IN DENVER: 600 17TH STREET, SUITE 1800 SOUTH DENVER, CO 80202-5441 TELEPHONE: 303-573-5900 FAX: 303-573-1956 ATTORNEYS AT LAW BRUCE G, ODLAUG (612) 371-5792 bodlaug@lindquistcom www.lindquistcom September 29,2006 Carver County Abstract and Title Co., Inc. 411 Chestnut Street North Chaska, MN 55318 Re: Pioneer Pass, Carver County Minnesota Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: We are the attorneys for Peterson-Jacques Farm Land Company, LLC. Our client is in the process of selling to Pioneer Pass, LLC certain property in Carver County, Minnesota that is being platted as Pioneer Pass. The City of Chanhassen ("City") is requiring, as park dedication in connection with plat approval, the transfer to the City by Warranty Deed of a 3.79-acre site. In addition, the City is purchasing from our client an additional 0.93 acres adjacent to the 3.79 acres being dedicated for park purposes. The City is paying as the purchase price for the 0.93 acres the sum of $169,986.76. The 3.79 acre and 0.93 acre parcels are being platted as Outlot D, Pioneer Pass. Enclosed is a fully executed Warranty Deed from our client to the City covering Outlot D. This Deed is delivered to you in trust pending your receipt from the City of the purchase price of $169,986.76. State deed tax in the sum of $561.00 should be deducted from the purchase price and the balance of $169,425.76 wired to our client per wiring instructions previously delivered to you. The cost of recording the Deed should be the obligation of the City. If this transaction has not been completed by October 31, 2006, the Deed should be returned to the undersigned. If you have any questions please call. Very truly yours, LINDQUIST & VENNUM P.L.L.P. Bruce G. Odlaug BGO/dls Enclosures Doc# 2186989\1 Message ("" I] /' rrv prC~ 0' Page I o~~ / \}J I tJ Dr/) Hoffman, Todd rllJ ( ~ /;.,f,/ c ~~~"~~~~~"'~"""~m'" "..~~. . ......... ......~... .."..~l;;l,. ~~..4...~.~." q"':::.L. t- From: Hoffman, Todd /' J 18 ') ~f ;VJl)! Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 1 :45 PM l' . /f;~ ~ I To: 'Andrea McDowell Poehler' / I If .; ~ Subject: RE: Pioneer Park Acquisition f: q ~~:~~~:r is dedicating 3.79 acres in lieu of paying park dedication charges. The remain~g Ilr ~ei~~ 13 \,~~~ased by the City althe cost of $218,550. No donation is being made. ~ U vJ I U /'?( fY1 Fr~m: Andre'a McDowell poehle~'[mailt;;~MCDOW~IIPoe,~Ck-I~W'';''-';;] --- -e~ q (1 ~ rtf - ~ - Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 12:30 PM ~'" y I) V To: Hoffman, Todd . Subject: RE: Pioneer Park Acquisition \.' . . ; ::d::ahave a valuation of the property? form:or d?tatid ,r -----Original Message----- From: Hoffman, Todd [mailto:thoffman@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] ( To: Andrea McDowell Poehler Cc: Gerhardt, Todd; Sticha, Greg Subject: RE: Pioneer Park Acquisition r Hi Andrea U Let's go with the title insurance. You can contact Greg Sticha, our Finance Director, to have a check Icut \r- rfi#flllf .~ From: Andrea McDowell Poehler [mailto:AMcDoweIlPoehler@ck-law.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:31 PM To: Hoffman, Todd Subject: FW: Pioneer Park Acquisition Todd: --:::--.... I will be handling the acquisition. ouple of items: 1) Does the City intend to purchase ti the property (I recommend it); 2) I wil s as I recieve it with the dollars to be paid by the City and charges in connection with the closing, is there a deadline by which the City needs the final amoutn in order to cut the check (sometimes, the settlement statement is being changed right up to the day of closing)? 3) Who do I make the request for funds for the closing to? Andrea 9/2512006 rS 7- J78r. 1~ SV~ \{~ -,...."'"'..~-' Andrea McDowell Poehlet CAMPBELL KNUTSON, P.A. Suite 317 Eagandale Office Centet (~l Message Page 2 of 2 f' .- ;. 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 (651) 234-6224 ~);!oehlewck-law.co_m CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Ifxou h,IVC rcceived thi,; uansmi88ion in euor, ple:18e iml11cdhte{v notify tl1C' Sender ,wd destroy the Oligi1wl u,1118mis"ion :uuf it" attach111cl1ts without l'cading or saving in any.manncr. Thank YOlt. Di8c1aitncr Reg:lrding lJnifiJ1Tll Electronic Transactions Aet (J}linn. St,'ll. :fJ325L.OJ-J9) (UUETA''): [(this COl.IUllll11ication concerns nc.gotiiltion of a contmct or agreelllcnt, lJE'TA does not ilpply to this communication. COJ1tr,lCt formation in this matter shall occur onlX with m,wuallx-affixed origimd signatures on original documents. This email i..not.11or shall it be deem cd to be, legal advice or counsel, unless therecipicm :l/rcady has an attorncy-client relationship with thc firm or me. This e-mail docs not create an attorne,.v-clicnt relationship. -----Original Message----- From: Roger Knutson Sent: Wednesday, September 20,20063:19 PM T : Andrea McDowell Poehler Subject: FW: Pioneer Park Acquisition Can you take care of this please? -----Original Message----- From: Hoffman, Todd [mailto:thoffman@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Wednesday, September 20,2006 1:41 PM T : Roger Knutson Cc: Gerhardt, Todd; Aanenson, Kate; Sticha, Greg; Oehme, Paul Subject: Pioneer Park Acquisition Hi Roger I forwarded a voice mail toyoufromJohnChadwick.Mr. Chadwick works for Sever Peterson and is assisting him in he sale of his property in Chanhassen. The voice mail contains the name and contact information for Sever's attorney. In a separate voicemail Mr. Chadwick informed me that the transfer of the parkland to the City will be from the Peterson/Jacques LLC. He also said that the title work is with Carver County Abstract and that their closing with the development LLC is scheduled for next Thursday. Please take the necessary steps to ensure that the City receives title to the 4.72 acre park site as a part of these transactions. Listed below is the condition in the DC related to this transfer. Let me know what you need from us. The following is the condition regarding the park in the development contract: The developer shall designate a 4.72 acre neighborhood park site, Outlot D. This property shall be transferred to the city by warranty deed with 3.79 acres of the site being dedicated by the applicant/owner and the remaining 0.93 acres being purchased by the City of Chanhassen. The city shall compensate the owner/applicant $218,550 in total compensation for said 0.93 acres Thanks Roger. Todd H 9/25/2006 :2 0- If) CD o n \ '<', \ "-.. '-- " '. , , " I '. '. ". '. _ _,BEGIN cd ST> 1+57.70 ELEV 942 68 " " ", ". '''-. '. 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