CC Staff Report 8-13-07 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us :1~ MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner o~ August 13, 2007 DA TE: SUBJ: Final Plat Approval for Lakeside Third Addition Planning Case No. 06-26 PROPOSAL SUMMARY The applicant is requesting plat approval of Outlot G, Lakeside and Outlots Band C, Lakeside Second Addition for the third addition of Lakeside consisting of five outlots to further define association outlots for sub-association maintenance responsibilities. Two outlots will be further developed (C and E), which must come in for final platting with Lots and Blocks prior to development. The remaining outlots (A, B and D) will be common open space. The subdivision improvements for the project were undertaken as part of the first addition. No additional subdivision improvements are prop(}~ed with this phase of the development. Staff is recommending approval of the final plat for Lakeside Addition. BACKGROUND On January 8, 2007, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: Final Plat for Lakeside Second Addition creating 39 lots and 3 outlots. On October 23,2006, the Chanhassen City Council approved the final Lakeside consisting of 18 lots, 10 outlots and right-of-way for public The first phase of the development consisted of the community building and storm water pond, 11 lots for townhouses on the west side of the development (WooddaleBuilders, Inc.), 4 lots for twin homes on the ea~~~i~e of the development (Charles Cudd Company), Outlot A which will contain the vate street and utilities for the project, and Outlots I and J, the recreational beachlot site. On July 24, 2006, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: A. Rezoning of the property located within the Lakeside development, from High Density Residential District (RI2) to Planned Unit Development- Residential (PUD-R) B. Preliminary Plat for Lakeside. The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Mr. Todd Gerhardt Lakeside Third Addition August 13,2007 Page 2 of 2 C. Site Plan for 231 housing units and a community building with pool, with a Variance for building height for the condominium units consistent with the building elevations prepared by Harriss Architects. D. Conditional Use Permit for a recreational beachlot with a Variance from the requirement that 80 percent of the units be within 1,000 feet of the recreational beachlot. FINAL PLAT REVIEW The developer is performing all the site improvements as part of the original plat. Grading, streets and utility construction for Lakeside Third Addition were under the first addition construction contract; therefore, no security is required for site improvements. There are no building lots being platted as part of this addition. No park or surface water management fees will be collected as part of the third addition. Only administrative and recording fees shall be required with the recording of the final plat. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the following motion: ''The Chanhassen City Council approves the Final Plat for Lakeside Third Addition creating five outlots (plans prepared by Pioneer Engineering, date stamped Received July 5, 2007), subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall pay a City GIS fee of $75.00 and a County GIS fee of $100.00. 2. The developer shall pay an administrative review fee of $450.00. 3. The developer shall pay a plat recording fee of $56.00." ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map Lakeside. 2. Reduced Copy Lakeside Third Addition. 3. Resolution Approving the Final Plat. g:\plan\2006 planning cases\06-26 lakeside\third addition\staff report.doc Location Map Lakeside 125 Lakeview Road East Planning Case No. 06-26 Rice Marsh Lake b r 1l CD j:ij;;;",,;:,;:";:,,:r~~ti'I'" Subject Property Lake Riley o d z z ~ U ~ 8 :5 a: a. 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CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DA TE: RESOLUTION NO: MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT CREA TING LAKESIDE THIRD ADDITION, SIENNA CORPORATION WHEREAS, Sienna Corporation has requested a subdivision of their property into five outlots of 0.44 acres, 1.62 acres, 0.83 acres, 0.22 acres and 1.43 acres; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the preliminary plat for the development and the Chanhassen City Code; and WHEREAS, the approval of the subdivision does not grant any building eligibilities to these outlots without further subdivision approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the final plat for Lakeside Third Addition (Planning Case #06-26) for the Sienna Corporation, property legally described as Outlot G, Lakeside and Outlots Band C, Lakeside Second Addition, creating Outlots A, B, C, D and E, Lakeside Third Addition, as shown on the plans prepared by Pioneer Engineering, date stamped July 5, 2007, subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall pay a City GIS fee of $75.00 and a County GIS fee of $100.00. 2. The developer shall pay an administrative review fee of $450.00. 3. The developer shall pay a plat recording fee of $56.00. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 13th day of August, 2007. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Clerk/Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor YES NO ABSENT g:\plan\2007 Planning Commission\06-26 Lakeside \Third Addition\Resolution Lakeside 3rd Add 1