PDA Transmittals 8-7-07 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: Attention: Re: Commission No. 07049 Lot Addition 7200 Hudson Blvd. Suite 110 Oakdale, MN 55128 Phone: 651.739.8131 Fax: 651.739.0846 TO: Bob Generous City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN AUG 0 8 Z007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT WE ARE SENDING YOU: [X] Attached VIA: [X I Messenger Service [ I Other [ I Under separate cover I Overnight Service I Mail [ ] Hand DeliverylPickup I Fax - total sheets including cover Fax# : ? pages THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: [ I Shop drawings [ I Letter [ ] Prints [ I Contract [ I Calculations [I Other: [ IReport [ ISpecifications Copies Date No. Description 16 08.07.07 Full Size Plans for Paislev Park 1 08.07.07 Reduced Size Plan for Paisley Park 1 08.06.07 Storm Water ManaQernent Plan ~~.,.....~ ---; ....'.* ~ .. .",. M.......... .-. j'.. . , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: r, t ,...., .l\Ur~: 8 2007 [ I As requested [ I For your use [ X I For acceptance [ I For review and comment I Accepted as submitted I Accepted as noted I Returned for corrections I Other: I Resubmit I Submit I Retum copies for acceptance copies for distribUtkrn:::::::::~:: : C~ ::.::.::~: T. corrected prints REMARKS: Bob, enclosed are the plans and stormwater management plan for Paisley Park Parking Lot Addition. Give us a call if you have any questions. Thanks. COPY TO: Project File 07049 SIGNED: NAME: Alan A. Kretman, AICP/ASLA TITLE: Director - Planning & Landscape Architecture 7200 Hudson Blvd. Suite 110 Oakdale, MN 55128 Phone: 651.739.8131 Fax: 651.739.0846 Date: 08.07.07 ICommission No. I 07049 Attention: Joe Shamla Re: Paisley Park Parkinq Lot Addition LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Joe Shamla City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN cn-v OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED AUG 0 8 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT WE ARE SENDING YOU: [X] Attached VIA: [X I Messenger Service [ ] Other [ I Under separate cover ] Overnight Service I Mail [ ] Hand Delivery/Pickup ] Fax - total sheets including cover Fax # : ? pages THE FOllOWING ITEMS: [ I Shop drawings [ ] Prints [ I Letter [ ] Contract [ I Calculations [lather: [ I Report [ ]SpeciflC3tions Copies Date No. Description 1 08.07.07 Full Size Plans for Paislev Park ....- ,,<:-i-N 1 08.06.07 Storm Water Manaaement Plan !t'\"i'{ O\' ",". ' ", 2 08.06.07 Proiect Manuals ,.. n ')nn7 t\ \\.l ", U [..' ...<::0"('" ~t\.\~,\t~Sc..r,~'''t.'''' ~ ~~ ~ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: [ ] As requested [ I For your use [ X ] For acceptance [ I For review and comment I Accepted as submitted I Accepted as noted I Returned for corrections lather: I Resubmit I Submit I Return copies for acceptance copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Joe, enclosed are a copy of the plans, stormwater management plan and 2 project manuals for Paisley Park Parking Lot Addition. Give us a call if you have any questions. Thanks. SIGNED: NAME: Alan A. Kretman, AICP/ASLA TITLE: Director - Planning & Landscape Architecture COPY TO: Project File 07049