1984 05 17MINUTES Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority Regular Meeting May 17, 1984 Call to Order Vice-Chairman Horn called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Present were Commissioners Bohn, Horn, and Robbins. Commissioners Swenson and Whitehill were absent. Executive Director Martin was also present. Development Incentive Payment: Larry Zamor This item was tabled by the Board on April 19, 1984 in order to give Mr. Zamor an opportunity to obtain a conservation easement from the owner of Lot 2, Zamor Addition (Prairie House Restaurant site). Mr. Zamor was present and explained that he was unsuccessful in his attempt to acquire the easement. The owner of Lot 2 (Ted Korzenowski) said that providing the easement would "entail substantial time and effort on my part because of Small Business Administration and bank financial restrictions." Therefore, Mr. Korzenowski declined to grant the easement to the City. Robbins moved, seconded by Horn, to authorize the Executive Director to make a $7,500 Development Incentive Payment to Lawrence Zamor for construction of the Prairie House Restaurant on Lot 2, Zamor Addition, based upon the Board's previous alloca- tion of funds for this purpose on November 15, 1979. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Downtown RedeveloDment Pro~ect Status Report: JLH Associates Jack Henning of JLH Associates was present to advise the Board that little progress had been made on their development proposal, and consequently, they would not seek an extension to the site control and exclusive negotiation rights for the old Instant Web site, which is due to expire on May 25, 1984. He explained that an inability to secure a major supermarket tenant and the uncer- tainty about the future of Industrial Revenue Bonds made it unlikely that a firm development proposal would be forthcoming within the immediate future. The Board thanked Mr. Henning for his efforts in trying to put together a redevelopment proposal, and encouraged him to continue to do so. Proposed West 79th Street/R.ingroad Railroad Crossing Martin reported that the Milwaukee Road has rejected the City's request for a new at-grade railroad crossing between W. 79th Street and the proposed Downtown Ringroad. He recommended pursuing this proposal through the State Department of Transportation Hearing process, but only if a traffic study could Chanhassen HRA Minutes May 17, 1984 Page 2 adequately support the City's position that a new crossing was necessary to relieve traffic congestion at W. 79th Street and Great Plains Boulevard. Bohn moved, seconded by Robbins, to authorize the Executive Director to proceed with the necessary steps to have this request formally considered by MnDOT, including the preparation of a traffic study. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Approval of Bills Robbins moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve the bills for May, 1984 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Ad journment -- Bohn moved, seconded by Robbins, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.