1984 01 26Minutes
Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
January 26, 1984
Call to Order
Vice-Chairman Horn called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Present
were Commissioners Bohn, Swenson, Horn, and Robbins. Absent was
Commissioner Whitehill. Executive Director Martin was also present,
along with approximately forty (40) members of the general public.
Downtown Redevelopment Project ProDosal: JLH Associates/Historical
Development Corporation
Jack Henning, Bill Howard, and Charles Adamson of JLH Associates pre-
sented their proposal for redevelopment of the old Instant Web pro-
perty in the Downtown Project Area. Frank Reese, project architect,
was also present to explain the concept plan prepared by his firm.
The developers proposed to renovate all but approximately 22,000
sq.ft.of the old Instant Web building and asked that the HRA deed them
the land and building necessary for their project. Their proposal
also included plans for 20,000 sq.ft, of new construction in the front
(north) side of the building for local retail/convenience shops, and
an optional supermarket containing 15,000 sq.ft. Total project cost
was estimated by the developer to be $2,750,000.
JLH Associates further asked that the HRA acquire land for and develop
parking facilities to the south and west of the building, and to par-
ticipate in financing the cost of public improvements required to
serve the project. Henning presented a plan for the overall Downtown
Core Area (dated Received 1/23/84) which included a large area within
which JLH Associates was requesting site control and exclusive nego-
tiation rights for the next 120 day period. He stated that site
control was critical if they were to be successful in arranging for
project financing.
Henning also pointed out that development of the proposed Bowling
Center hinged upon a firm commitment from the HRA by March 1, 1984.
This deadline is critical due to the requirement of the prospective
bowling center owners/operators that fall bowling leagues be announced
during March to assure a profitable operation next fall once the
center is open.
Commissioner Horn felt that the JLH plan was generally consistent with
the adopted Downtown Redevelopment Plan, and that JLH Associates
should be given a 120 day period to negotiate a redevelopment
agreement with the HRA and to arrange financing, since there were no
other developers "beating down the door" to participate in the
Downtown Project.
Commissioner Swenson felt that the level of public financial
assistance being requested by the developer was too much.
chanhassen HRA Minutes
January 26, 1984
Page 2
Bill Howard of JLH Associates reiterated the importance of site
control prior to their seeking firm financing and tenant commitments.
Robbins moved, seconded by Bohn, to grant exclusive negotiation rights
to JLH Associates for a period of 120 days (January 26, '1984 to May
25, 1984) for that portion of the Downtown Redevelopment Project Core
Area identified on the JLH Associates Downtown Redevelopment Project
Proposal Plan (dated "Received January 23,.1984) as the JLH Associates
"Site Control Area". All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Downtown Pro~ect Market Study - Final Report
Richard Sollie of James B. McComb & Associates presented their fin-
dings and conclusions from the retail and office market study con-
ducted by his firm for the Downtown Chanhassen trade area. The study
identified a market potential for an estimated 20,000-25,000 sq.ft, of
new convenience retail floor area by 1985, plus another 15,000-20,000
sq.ft, by 1990. Potential also exists for a 60,000-70,000 sq.ft.
Specialty Center by 1985 which has a theme centered around Minnesota
Artists and Artisans and Antique Shops. Finally, the study findings
concluded that 20,000-30,000 sq.ft, of office space could be absorbed
in the trade area by 1985, with the potential for an additional
50,000-75,000 sq.ft, of office space by 1990.
Mr. Sollie also pointed out their recommendation that a street connec-
tion be considered between West 79th Street and the western sector of
the Ringroad. This connection would strengthen the Central Business
District retailing function in their opinion.
The Board directed the Executive Director to pursue the idea of a new
roadway linking West 79th Street with the Ring Road.
The Board took no action on the Market Study, but thanked Mr. Sollie
for a well prepared study.
Approval of Bills
Robbins moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve the bills for January,
1984, as submitted. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Bohn moved, seconded by Robbins, to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.