DECEMBER 10, 2024
Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Eidsmo; Rob Swanson; Kristin Fulkerson; Michael Leisen; Clara
Christenson, youth.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jim Peck, Chair; Scott Pharis; Sean Morgan; and Aayan Srestha, youth.
STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Adam Beers, Park
Superintendent; Priya Wall, Recreation Manager; Jodi Sarles, Rec Center Manager; and Mary
Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Swanson moved, Commissioner Eidsmo
seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
1. Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated November 26, 2024
Commissioner Fulkerson moved, Commissioner Leisen seconded, to approve the minutes
of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated November 26, 2024, as presented.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
1. 2024 Year in Review Presentation
Priya Wall, Recreation Manager, showed a video to highlight the Year in Review.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – December 10, 2024
1. Recreation Center Quarterly Update
Jodi Sarles, Rec Center Manager, said that she attached a copy of the rental evaluation from late
November, noting they received 25 responses. She reviewed the different events held at the
Recreation Center, including the Puzzle Palooza. She commented that the Holiday Boutique was
next weekend. She discussed the current session of dance and the recital that would happen in
May. She said that pickleball was introduced to 172 players this year and there were options to
play pickleball at the recreation center. Ms. Sarles stated that the punch card sale was currently
2. Park Maintenance Quarterly Update
Adam Beers, Park Superintendent, said that three memorial benches and a memorial tree were
installed recently. He commented that he was working with the Chanhassen Athletic Association
on field upgrades, including covering the dugouts. They are installing two sheds for equipment
storage for the Chanhassen Athletic Association. He said that the Lions Club donated a lion’s
head drinking fountain at Bandimere Community Park. They tested a robotic lawn mower that
would be used at the recreation center before the completion of the Civic Campus. He said the
robotic lawn mower would come out every night to cut grass. They also tested a robotic line
stripper, which they can control from an iPad. The robotic line stripper can complete a field in
approximately twenty minutes. He said the facilities were closed for the season and the Parks
staff were working on annual repairs. The staff was working on the skating rinks and the
warming houses were soon to be installed.
Commissioner Eidsmo asked for information about the memorial benches. Mr. Beers responded
that there was a memorial bench program. They were large cement benches that came with a
plaque. A bench costs $1000 and a tree costs $500.
Mr. Ruegemer showed a picture to Commissioner Eidsmo and stated the program meant a lot to
Mr. Beers said that there were about twenty memorial benches in the park system.
3. Senior Center Quarterly Update
Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator, said that there have been a lot of celebrations with
the Senior Center over the last three months. They reached 875 people with programs. She
reviewed different programs, including Octoberfest, a Veteran’s Day speaker, and an annual
Veteran’s Pancake Breakfast. The annual holiday celebration will be on December 13 at 11:30
a.m. She said the holiday cookies and sing-along would be on December 17. The Senior Center
will still provide foot care clinics and technology help for seniors. They hosted a flu and
COVID-19 vaccination and Medicare insurance counseling. They will host a vision loss support
group that will meet one Monday a month to share resources. They will also host an age-well
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – December 10, 2024
discussion group in partnership with University of Minnesota Pre-Med students who are
interested in working with senior citizens. She stated that the group was continuing to grow. She
is working on brainstorming a new name for the senior center that would give people a sense of
the purpose of the center.
4. Tree Lighting Ceremony Review
Priya Wall, Recreation Manager, reviewed the tree lighting ceremony. She thanked the various
groups who participated in the event to provide cookies, hot cocoa, s’more kits, and a visit from
Santa Claus. She stated that Santa’s mailbox would be there until December 23. They collected
donations for the Bountiful Basket Food Shelf. The map for the Tour of Lights was available
online for residents to visit residents’ light displays. She stated that the lights at City Center Park
would be on through January 15. If the family rink is up soon, people will get to skate
underneath the lights.
Commissioner Leisen mentioned that the event was well done.
Commissioner Eidsmo asked if the Feb Fest was going to happen this year. Ms. Wall said that it
was going to happen. They also planned to still do a version of the Tree Lighting Ceremony in a
modified form in 2025.
Youth Commissioner Christenson asked if they would move the event back to the new Civic
Campus. Ms. Wall answered that it would depend on where the construction fencing is located at
that time. The City Council decided they would plant a new holiday tree.
Commissioner Eidsmo moved, Commissioner Swanson seconded to adjourn the meeting.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Park and
Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 6:52 p.m.
Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer
Park and Recreation Director