2025-06.docxCITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: January 13, 2025 RESOLUTION NO: 2025-06 MOTION BY: McDonald SECONDED BY: Kimber RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO DECLARE OFFICIAL INTENT UNDER REIMBURSEMENT BOND REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the Department of the Treasury has issued final regulations (Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2) (the “Reimbursement Bond Regulations”) that, for the purpose of determining whether interest on certain obligations of a state or local government is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes, permit the use of the proceeds of tax-exempt obligations to reimburse capital expenditures made prior to the date of such obligations are issued only if the state or local government, within 60 days of the date of expenditure, declares its official intent to reimburse the expenditure with proceeds of a borrowing; and WHEREAS, the Reimbursement Bond Regulations require that if a current expenditure is to be permanently financed by a later issue of tax-exempt obligations a state or local government must declare its intention to reimburse itself for the expenditure from proceeds of a borrowing within 60 days from when the expenditure is made (the “Declaration of Official Intent”); and WHEREAS, the Reimbursement Bond Regulations permit a state or local government to designate an official or employee to make Declarations of Official Intent on its behalf; and WHEREAS, the City Council (the “Governing Body”) of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota (the “Issuer”) deems it to be necessary, desirable, and in the best interest of the Issuer to authorize an official or employee of the Issuer to make Declaration of Official Intent on its behalf when the Issuer reasonably expects to reimburse itself from the proceeds of a borrowing for certain expenditures for a specific property, project, or program from which it pays from other funds prior to the receipt of the proceeds of the borrowing with respect to such expenditures; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body hereby finds and determines that designating an official or employee with the authority to make Declarations of Official Intent will facilitate compliance with the Reimbursement Bond Regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Issuer, pursuant to Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2(e)(1), that: Section 1. Authorization to Declare Official Intent. The Finance Director is hereby authorized and designated to make Declarations of Official Intent on behalf of the Issuer pursuant to the above-referenced Reimbursement Bond Regulations. Section 2. Form of Declaration. Any such Declaration of Official Intent shall be made in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. Docusign Envelope ID: C76EF011-5A33-4C55-BE41-3E1CA0913D18 Section 3. Public Availability. Any Declaration of Official Intent shall be maintained in the files of the Issuer and shall be made available for public inspection in compliance with applicable State law governing the availability of records of official acts of the Governing Body. Section 4. Further Authorizations. The official or employee authorized and designated above is hereby further authorized to take such other actions as may be necessary or desirable to comply or evidence compliance with the Reimbursement Bond Regulations. Section 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 13th day of January 2025. ATTEST: Jenny Potter, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT Ryan von Oven Kimber Schubert McDonald Docusign Envelope ID: C76EF011-5A33-4C55-BE41-3E1CA0913D18 EXHIBIT A DECLARATION OF OFFICIAL INTENT This is a Declaration of Official Intent of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota (the “Issuer”) to reimburse expenditures with proceeds of borrowing or borrowings authorized by the Issuer. This Declaration is made under and pursuant to Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2. The undersigned has been designated as an official or employee authorized by the Issuer to make this Declaration of Official Intent pursuant to Resolution 2025-____ adopted on January 13, 2025. This Declaration of Official Intent is a public record maintained in the files of the Issuer and is available for public inspection pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes. The undersigned hereby declares that it is the reasonable expectation of the Issuer to use proceeds of a borrowing or borrowings to be incurred by the Issuer to reimburse expenditures for the property, project, or program from the fund(s)/account(s) described below: 1. _______________________________________________________________ The maximum principal amount of the borrowing or borrowings to be incurred to reimburse expenditures for the above-described purposes is reasonably expected, on the date hereof, to be $________________. The Issuer intends to reimburse itself from borrowed funds within eighteen (18) months (or three (3) years if the City is considered a small government issuer for the calendar year, i.e., no more than $5,000,000 of government bonds is expected to be issued in the calendar year) after the later of (a) the date the expenditure is paid or (b) the date the facility is placed in service, but in no event, more than 3 years after the expenditure is paid. No money from sources other than the anticipated borrowing or borrowings is or is reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside by the Issuer with respect to the expenditure, pursuant to the budgetary and financial circumstances of the Issuer as of the date of this Declaration. Dated this _______ day of _________ __________. CITY OF CHANHASSEN By: ____________________________ ____________________, Finance Director Attest: ____________________________ ____________________, City Clerk Docusign Envelope ID: C76EF011-5A33-4C55-BE41-3E1CA0913D18