1984 11 15· Minutes CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Special Joint Meeting with City Council November 15, 1984 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairman Horn called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Present were Commissioners Bohn, Swenson, Horn and Robbins. Whitehill was absent. Also present were Mayor Hamilton, Councilwoman Watson, City Manager Ashworth, City Planner Dacy, and Executive Director Martin. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Swenson moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve the minutes of September 27, 1984 meeting, subject to the modification of the third paragraph on page 2 to reflect Commissioner Swenson's suggestion that personal sales calls be ,~_de by a party to be selected by the Board, and crediting Commissioner Whitehill with the suggestion for the special dinner party. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF LEASES - CHANHASSEN HRA BUILDING Swenson moved, seconded by Robbins, to approve the following seven leases for space in the HRA building: 1. Quali-Tech Products, Inc.' 8,892 sq. ft./$1,482.00 per month 2. Duane Harter Auctions: 3,808 sq. ft./$555.33 per month 3. Dennis Karlen: 495 sq. ft./$72.19 per month 4. Roger Ewald: 480 sq. ft./S70.00 per month 5. Dave Halverson: Seasonal Boat, Auto, RV.storage/One-half gross receipts 6. Multiple Sclerosis Society: One day fund-raising Auction (Saturday, November 17)/No charge 7. M.A. Gedney Co: 2000.-3000 sq. ft. (to be determined) @ $2.00/sq. ft. Ail voted in favor and the motion carried. DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT: PRESENTATION OF CONSULTANT PROPOSALS Barton-Aschman Associatest Inc.: Bill Chapman, Senior Associate, presented their consultant proposal, dated NOvember 7, 1984. Robbins asked if the consultant intended to supplement the McComb Market Study with additional study. Chapman responded that discussions with McComb may lead to further study, but its impossible to say at this time whether such a study will be required. Chanhassen HRA Minutes November 15, 1984 Page 2 Swenson asked if climate-controlled shopping center designs were preferred designs by Barton-Aschman. Chapman said that pedestrian oriented and climate-controlled shopping centers are much pre- ferred due to Minnesota's climate. Hamilton asked how realistic it is to expect redevelopment acti- vity in-Downtown Chanhassen within the next year. Chapman felt that some activity could reasonably be expected if carefully nur- tured by the City and business community. Geving felt that it is important to take a fresh look at the pro- ject without any preconceived notions. He asked what the con- sultant's timetable for their proposal "Stage A" might be. Chapman responded that this stage will likely require 6 months. He added that the cost estimate is only preliminary, and must be further defined based upon the scope of the work. Horn asked if the replanning stage is being scheduled at an appropriate time and also asked about the involvement of developers. Chapman felt that the timing was right and that developers will need to be involved during the middle part of the concept develop- ment process. Hamilton asked if the consultant would be willing to be actively involved in the proposed developer dinner party. Chapman responded affirmatively. Brauer and Associates ~ Inc.: John Worrall, Vice-President of Brauer and Associates, presented their consultant proposal and explained that he would act as project manager in Chanhassen if their firm is selected. Swenson asked if the consultant felt that the project should have weather-protected pedestrian ways. Worrall felt that either side of W. 78th Street could be climate-controlled but that the street probably should not be bridged by a skyway due to the cost. Bohn asked if the plan considered reuse of the HRA building. Worrall responded that the site was identified as a possible future motel site, but the existing building would probably not be utilized except for interim retail and office uses. SELECTION OF DOWNTOWN PROJECT CONSULTANT Watson felt that Barton-Aschman's proposal represented a realistic approach and offered the best developer contact net- work. However, she preferred Brauer and Associates because their concept plan allows for the involvement of several smaller developers and incremental development. She also liked the idea of providing opportunities for small business ownership in addi- tion to rental arrangements. Chanhassen HRA Minutes November 15, 1984 Page 3 Bohn agreed that Brauer's proposal provided the city, businesses, and prospective developers with more flexibility and oppor- tunities. Robbins thought that Barton-Aschman's proposal was incomplete and not responsive to the Board's request for proposals. He felt that Brauer did their homework and responded appropriately with a good plan. Hamilton felt that Barton-Aschman presented a canned proposal that didn't require much thought, while Brauer and Associates prepared the type of concept plan requested by the City. He also liked the enthusiasm and interest shown in the project by John Worrall. Swenson was disappointed that Barton-Aschman failed to prepare the :requested concept plan, although she preferred their approach to the project and liked their extensive developer contact net- work. She questioned some of the functional aspects of Brauer's concept plan and thought it would lead to "piecemeal" develop- ment. She also felt that Brauer had an unfair advantage over the other consultants, since Worrall had seen the adopted plan (prepared by BRW) last year when they were invited to submit a proposal for a market study. Geving felt that Barton-Aschman's proposal was a rather clinical response, although he was impressed by the resources available to them to attract developers. He was more impressed by the enthusiasm and creativity of Brauer and Associates and liked the idea of retaining West 78th Street as a means of minimizing the total restructuring of Downtown public improvements. He also felt that Brauer's concept plan was a more realistic approach which allows for easily staged development, while minimizing the degree of public financing required for all downtown revitalization. Horn felt that Brauer's proposal was most responsive to the City's request and that their concept plan had a better chance of being implemented due to its incremental approach. He also felt that Brauer's knowledge of Chanhassen and the close proximity of their office to the City would be beneficial and result in better communications. Robbins moved, seconded by Bohn, to select Brauer and Associates, Ltd~ as consultant on the Downtown Redevelopment Project, and to authorize the Executive Director to negotiate and execute a pro- fessional services agreement with Brauer which provides for their services and through the first four work tasks outlined in their proposal. All voted in favor, except Swenson, and the motion carried. HRA Minutes November 15, 1984 Page 4 REVIEW UPDATED TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN Martin presented a brief overview of the recently revised Tax Increment Financing Plan. The Board discussed the plan generally, but no action was taken. APPROVAL OF BILLS Bohn moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the bills for October and November, 1984 as presented. Ail voted in favor and the motion carried. HRA BUILDING REPORT Martin advised the Board that Dave Halverson has agreed to be responsible for HRA building maintenance, at no charge, effective December 1, 1984. ADJOURNMENT Robbins moved, seconded by Swenson, to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. Ail voted in favor and the motion carried.