03-13-07 Minutes
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
March 13, 2007
Members Present:
Shirley McGee, Bill Fouks, Lee Scholder, Jo Mueller, Jim Sommers
Members Absent:
Dotti Shay, Ron Olsen
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Marcus Zbinden, Carver County Environmental Services, Solvei Wilmot, Chanhassen
February minutes were approved.
Applicant interviews:
The commission interviewed Dennis Hansen and Rose Kircher. They
will recommend appointing both to the commission.
Guest Presentation: Marcus Zbinden, Carver County Organics Project:
Marcus gave an
update to the commission on the project. The program will begin the second week of April. The
county needs the commission to help distribute the starter kits (pails, bags, handouts, magnets).
The commissioners signed up for different sections of the city for distribution. It will need to be
done the last week in March or first week in April. It was reported that all local retailers, except
Target, will carry the compostable bags. The county survey that was mailed to participants got a
35% return rate. 89% of respondents think the project is a good way to reduce waste and 82%
plan on participating.
Renewable Energy:
4 of July planning:
Arbor Day update:
General Discussion:
Jill will forward past Earth Day articles to Bill. He will put together an article for the
Jill will be finding out when the next joint meeting is planned.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair
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