05-08-07 Minutes Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting May 8, 2007 Members Present: Ron Olsen, Shirley McGee, Bill Fouks, Lee Scholder, Jo Mueller, Jim Sommers Members Absent: Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Guests: Minutes: March minutes were approved. There were no minutes from April. Arbor Day Review: The commission agreed that the day went well. There was a suggestion that trees only be pre-ordered. Someone wondered if there was an Adopt-a-Park program that ran year round. Jill said that would be a Park and Rec. program and she wasn’t aware of one. Renewable Energy: Ron updated the commission on the solar water heater he has been researching. The payback for the appliance is 2-3 years. Ideally, the city would install one at every public building that currently has a water heater. The initial cost is $6000. The commission will talk to the Ctiy Council about it. Joint Meeting: Denny, Lee and Ron will be able to make it. Bill, Shirley and Jim may be able to make it. Rose will be out of town. th 4 of July planning: Woodsy the Owl and the Green Guardian have been reserved for the event. Ideas from the commission: ? Could have energy theme for float – earth, wind, fire ? Could have smaller float with a hybrid pulling it. Have solar panels, compost bins, E85 on board ? Maybe a dealer would loan a hybrid pick-up for the parade ? Should get trees again from Lotus ? Someone wondered if there was an HourCar drop off nearby that could be promoted ? WM organics collection should be promoted. Maybe they would drive a truck in the parade ? Trash cleanup needs to be better after the parade ? Float give-aways – icee has too much plastic? Will hand out coupons again ? Need to get recycling containers placed along the route. Talk to parade committee? ? Bill, Shirley, Denny, Rose, Lee able to go? Election of Chair/Vice-Chair: Ron was voted in as Chairperson. Jim was voted in as Vice-Chairperson General Discussion: ? Bill said there was an article in the Star Trib today about organics recycling in elementary schools. ? Jill said a review of the comp plan might be on the agenda in June or July. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM. Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair g:\plan\js\ec\07 min\05-08-07min.doc