05-08-07 Minutes
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
May 8, 2007
Members Present:
Ron Olsen, Shirley McGee, Bill Fouks, Lee Scholder, Jo Mueller, Jim Sommers
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
March minutes were approved. There were no minutes from April.
Arbor Day Review:
The commission agreed that the day went well. There was a suggestion that trees
only be pre-ordered. Someone wondered if there was an Adopt-a-Park program that ran year round. Jill
said that would be a Park and Rec. program and she wasn’t aware of one.
Renewable Energy:
Ron updated the commission on the solar water heater he has been researching.
The payback for the appliance is 2-3 years. Ideally, the city would install one at every public building
that currently has a water heater. The initial cost is $6000. The commission will talk to the Ctiy Council
about it.
Joint Meeting:
Denny, Lee and Ron will be able to make it. Bill, Shirley and Jim may be able to make
it. Rose will be out of town.
4 of July planning:
Woodsy the Owl and the Green Guardian have been reserved for the event. Ideas
from the commission:
Could have energy theme for float – earth, wind, fire
Could have smaller float with a hybrid pulling it. Have solar panels, compost bins, E85 on board
Maybe a dealer would loan a hybrid pick-up for the parade
Should get trees again from Lotus
Someone wondered if there was an HourCar drop off nearby that could be promoted
WM organics collection should be promoted. Maybe they would drive a truck in the parade
Trash cleanup needs to be better after the parade
Float give-aways – icee has too much plastic? Will hand out coupons again
Need to get recycling containers placed along the route. Talk to parade committee?
Bill, Shirley, Denny, Rose, Lee able to go?
Election of Chair/Vice-Chair:
Ron was voted in as Chairperson. Jim was voted in as Vice-Chairperson
General Discussion:
Bill said there was an article in the Star Trib today about organics recycling in elementary
Jill said a review of the comp plan might be on the agenda in June or July.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair
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