06-12-07 Minutes
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
June 12, 2007
Members Present:
Ron Olsen, Lee Scholder, Rose Kircher, Dennis Hansen, Jim Sommers
Members Absent:
Shirley McGee, Bill Fouks
Staff Present:
Krista Torgerson, Natural Resources Technician
May minutes were approved with the addition of Rose Kircher and Dennis Hansen to
Renewable Energy:
Ron updated the commission on the progress of the solar water heater proposal and
the report to City Council. The Commission is waiting for a response from City Council. Ron suggested a
request for further discussion with City Council.
4 of July planning:
Ron informed the commission on the 4 of July parade and past parades. Woodsy
the Owl and the Green Guardian have been reserved for the event. Bill was to report on a vehicle to be
used, and partner coordination. Information that is still needed:
What partners have confirmed on participation
Who is supplying the vehicle
What type of vehicle is it? (Will need room for both Woodsy and The Green Guardian to ride)
Commission able to get a hybrid vehicle?
Also discussed:
- Meeting time and logistics
- E-mail v. meeting before the 4 of July.
- Application deadline next week. Krista will check on this.
Pollution Prevention/Nat’l Recycling Day:
Discussed article in the Villager. Dennis suggested possibly
submitting article on the composting pilot program at the Landscape Arboretum. Decided more
information was needed.
General Discussion:
- The recycling portion of the Citizen Survey was distributed and discussed
- Discussed more involvement in council meetings
- Discussed receiving notice on environment related issues that were to be brought to council and
being aware/checking the paper for notices
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Krista Torgerson