06-12-07 Minutes Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting June 12, 2007 Members Present: Ron Olsen, Lee Scholder, Rose Kircher, Dennis Hansen, Jim Sommers Members Absent: Shirley McGee, Bill Fouks Staff Present: Krista Torgerson, Natural Resources Technician Guests: Minutes: May minutes were approved with the addition of Rose Kircher and Dennis Hansen to attendance. Renewable Energy: Ron updated the commission on the progress of the solar water heater proposal and the report to City Council. The Commission is waiting for a response from City Council. Ron suggested a request for further discussion with City Council. thth 4 of July planning: Ron informed the commission on the 4 of July parade and past parades. Woodsy the Owl and the Green Guardian have been reserved for the event. Bill was to report on a vehicle to be used, and partner coordination. Information that is still needed: ? What partners have confirmed on participation ? Who is supplying the vehicle ? What type of vehicle is it? (Will need room for both Woodsy and The Green Guardian to ride) ? Commission able to get a hybrid vehicle? Also discussed: - Meeting time and logistics th - E-mail v. meeting before the 4 of July. - Application deadline next week. Krista will check on this. Pollution Prevention/Nat’l Recycling Day: Discussed article in the Villager. Dennis suggested possibly submitting article on the composting pilot program at the Landscape Arboretum. Decided more information was needed. General Discussion: - The recycling portion of the Citizen Survey was distributed and discussed - Discussed more involvement in council meetings - Discussed receiving notice on environment related issues that were to be brought to council and being aware/checking the paper for notices Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM. Minutes Prepared by Krista Torgerson