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LvI X08 'O'd 9 0 9n'V 'O^ 18 .l3)1~VW DOLL 03^'303Is1011 V3~:J3~ ONV S)I~V d N3SSVHNVH:J jADP -I-D3J6 D 3^DH 'sn 0-1- -I-uD-I-JodW! AJ3^ 3JD S-I-U3WWO:> PUD -I-ndu! JnoA 'UO!-I-DnID^3 S!4-1- 3-1-3Idwo:> 0-1- 3W!-I- 34-1- 6u!>fD-I- JOJ. nOA >fuD4.l L- , ~f ~l~ ilu?J'i/\1?ld ;1"Jr Fd- () .vrJ I . vJJJ lr I :S-I-U3WWO, IDUO!-I-!PPV .~i dVJ .rrnuc~ ~1'A?57J~,Yf\L9 -jO-pu) ~ lSS3:>OJd UO!-I-D^J3S3J :>!u:>!d 34-1- J3-1--I-3q 0-1- SD3p! JO suo!-I-S366ns AUD 3^D4 nOA 0c) p:nTtlf ~FJQ7 I'- q "VJt'I~ S/cO.-flnJ1 omt~7/,)^'YJVj to P?fOl 'f'11; ;tj ?)jJ-! I . o>0j F --- 'SW-QO~q A1C lA-I-!IPOJ. 34-1- J3-1--I-3q 0-1- 3pDW 3q Plno:> S-I-U3W3^OJdw! -I-D4M -;>-\ILO\A lP3PPD 3>f!1 nOA PlnOM S3!-I-!U3WD -I-D4M , (3P!S J34"-0 UO p3nU!,,-UOJ WJO;:j uo!,,-onI0^3) I . 0' ~J ..JVnv v- "> so Il/ :,("-!IPOJ J!uJ!d Jno,{ ,,-noqo "-SOW 3>1!1 no,{ P!P ,,-04M :S,,-U3WWOJ ~ 17 t U) 1 ,{"-!I!JoJ JO uO!SS3JdW! 1I0J3^O ~ 17 t (f) 1 Suo!,,-op3dX3 Jno,{ "-33W ,("-!IpoJ P!Cl ~ 17 t @ 1 .J"-3 'SII!J6/s3Iqo,,- 46nou3 3J34"- 3J3M ~ 17 t G) 1 U03p ,{"-!IPOJ sOM ~ 17 @ Z 1 33;:j UO!"-0^J3S3~ J!UJ!d ~ 17 t (j) 1 J!uJ!d 6U!^J3S3J JOJ 3Jnp3JOJd (~uo ~Pl!:) ~su~ld) .Iood .IJ8.t( 3S8.13A V pooD lU3113:lX3 "'./'~/1JOcf. - u~- ?~ ,{"-!Ipo;:j J!UJ!d -;f..,qM-fd;V~'CUIOUO!,,-dO):3WON dnoJ~ jno,{ >1u04.l .Suo!,,-s366ns 3WOS sn 3^!6 puo Suo!"-S3nb 6U!MOlloJ 34"- J3MSUO 0"- S3,,-nU!W M3J 0 3>10"- no,{ "-04"- >1So 3M 'S3!"-!IPOJ J!UJ!d JnO 6u!sn S"-UOdp!"-JOd 3^J3S J3"-"-3q 0"- J3pJO UI NOll vrnv A3 JINJld (Jawa6an~ AJJar) 12H-L22-296 3NOHd N3SSVHNVH8::10 AlIO LIE99 NW 'N3SSVHNVHJ LOOZ 9 0 gnV LvI X08 .O.d a3^13~3H .OA 18 .l3)f~VW DOLL NOll V3~J3~ ONV S)f~V d N3SSVHNVHJ .. .~~//\jh / 7~r0 ;; J.AfY1 ~ )CO' rv:J <7YJCV/ u"->C> $ VV7 rq' Lf2:~9 vr:; ~ ).yr{Vf e7//~ U~-,~ jAOp -I-03J6 0 3^OH 'sn 0-1- -I-uo-l-Jodw! AJ3^ 3JO S-l-U3WWO~ pUO -I-ndu! Jno}.. 'UO!-I-OnIO^3 S!4-1- 3-1-3IdWO~ 0-1- 3W!-I- 34-1- 9U!)fO-l- JOJ. nOA )fuo Ii" noh ~l/1?~~ . "/"J(V1 . f7f111 B kr,;1 - 11TY?f\(J iSS3~OJd UO!-I-O^J3S3J ~!U~!d 34-1- J3-1--I-3q 0-1- S03P! JO SUo!-I-S366nS AUO 3^04 nOA 0<J I HI tv iA-I-!IPoJ. 34-1- J3-1--I-3q 0-1- 3pOW 3q Plno~ S-I-U3W3^OJdW! -I-04M II IN iP3ppO 3)f!1 nOA PlnOM S3!-I-!U3WO -I-04M Reach for Resources, Inc. 1001 Highway 7 Room 217 Hopkins, MN 55305 Phone: 952-988-4177 Fax: 952-988-6728 The A-,*"" Fall 2007 Helping individuals with Disabilities Reach Their Full Potential Reach for Resources Board of Directors Christala J.B. Culhane Choice, Inc. President Paul Jaeger REM - Hennepin Vice President Maxine Skold Zachary Lane School Secretary Andy Weinstein Minnesota Twins Treasurer Gary Johnson Wells Fargo Self -Advocate Patrick Boley Larson King, LLP Susan Gray Fairview Hospitals Barbara Kleist Sibling Steve McConley Wells Fargo Kari Schamber US Bonk REACH Helps with School Success Tiffany is an 11 th grader who enjoys scrap booking, outdoor activities and learning new things. But her emotional issues and difficulties interacting with her peers were preventing her from making academic progress and creating conflicts at home. Six months ago, she began working with Reach Mental Health Practitioner and Case Manager, Annie Kosel. Together they began to tackle learning some important skills such as how to socialize appropriately with peers, how to eliminate repetitive and obsessive behaviors, and how to manage anger and conflict. Through Reach's Mental Health Case Manage- ment services, Annie helps both Tiffany and her mother communicate more effectively with teachers at school to ensure that teachers un- derstand Tiffany's needs. Annie also coordi- nates the various support services that Tiffany needs to succeed. As a result of their work together, Tiffany has made great strides academically. "Tiffany has come a long way in the past six months and she's worked really hard," says Annie. "She now acts much rnore mature in social situations as wel!." By avoiding social conflicts, she has learned to focus more energy on her school work and her grades have improved signifi- cantly. "I'm proud of how I'm doing in school," says Tiffany. "I don't obsess about things as much any more." Tiffany is also involved with the NEW at REACH: Ticket to Ride Services are available to the general public! See the bottom of page 7 for details. Reach STRIVE social group, where staff say she has shown the most improvement in her relationship skills this year. REACH's Mental Health Case Manage- ment Services are designed to assist children dually diagnosed with both cognitive and emotional disabilities so that they can com- plete their high school education and learn important life skills that will help them throughout life. If you are concerned about a young person with both a cognitive impairment and a severe emotional disturbance, contact Lisa Rivers. Clinical Director to learn more. Chil- dren's Mental Health Case Management at REACH can help children and parents find ways to improve school performance, de- crease violence, and enhance satisfaction with family life for both children and their par- ents. > '., ,:"',' . - - . , . 7,.~ 'Par~n~'Wantto Know... page 2 '11'...,. 1'II;si:I;'IB"',,*" FaIrPrografns... pages'3 - 7 . .IY:~ , . ".oG ..< - , _.-S .Bowl- A- Thon Recap.. ~ page 9 <.< ~,: 't;', "" .5 ;~; '~; '-~>\"'~i~i:~;1:'!;~F~"~~:'j;.r;~;"i~'~?,", ." ~,," ~~ ~:'" },' ,_ _ . Rarr~ntsW~~til~IIl1~~! ' ...... '. . ~~ 7, "";"i! '~''> "',," "2 'f1r.>;'~1 ft' ~"~~~~;';V\'J ' 0";::-:'f:t~~i\4~~;)-,~t t~~f-' r~~~ n'i.l"~;r ~\~ ~'~:O' , Q: Are there any activities that can really make a dif- ference for my child who is on the autism spectrum? Children with autism spectrum disorders may benefit from structured activities that are based on individual achieve- ment, rather than group cooperation. Martial arts programs can be a great option for these children because they are inherently based on a regimen of order, and progress or achievement is dependent on the individual, rather than the group as a whole. Martial arts also rely on a lot of repetition and modeling that seems to work well for children with au- tism spectrum disorders, as well as other disabilities. Martial arts develop strength, balance, coordination, atten- tion and self-esteem. Through regular practice, participants will learn respect, discipline, self-control, and body manage- ment. All of these skills can have a positive impact on be- haviors. One pilot study indicates that children with disabili- ties involved in martial arts experience significant improve- ments in language, social communication, and cognition. Parents also report less hyperactivity, repetitive behaviors, and temper tantrums, along with increased attention spans and better sleeping patterns. The success of martial arts programs is that they are therapy disguised as play. Children involved forget that they are learning life skills like concentration and discipline because they are having so much fun. Reach for Resources launched Kid Fu in 2006 with those goals in mind. Four classes, taught by a Kung Fu instructor, will be offered this fall to children ages 5-12 with any type of disability. See the en- closed program schedule for detail. Parents can also check witt1 other martial arts studios in the Twin Cities to see if they will accommodate children with special needs. Summer 2007 Kid Fu Participants . ; You can help Reach through your : Workplace Giving Campaign 2007 GHOSTLY GALA! Get those costumes ready for the best party of the year and join your friends for games, danc- ing and fabulous prizes! This fun fundroiser helps support our Ticket to Ride program. Saturday, October 27,2007 Brooklyn Park Community Center 5600 85th Ave. N. 6:30-9:00 pm Individual $8 Family /Group of 4 or more $6 each (Food & drink at the event sold separately) WHEN: WHERE: TIME: COST: The United Way, Wells Fargo, and other companies allow employees to donate directly to REACH through their workplace campaigns. Help provide services to individuals with disabilities by designating REACH in your company's annual giving drive. Just write "REACH for Resources" in the appropriate pledge card section. What a great way to make a difference! Sample Pledge Card a., 0 Specific Organization: $Your Gift Tax-exempt 501 ( c) (3) nonprofit Agency Nome REACH for Resources Register today on the enclosed program registration form! 2 Address City, Sf. Zip 10# 1001 Hwy 7. Rm 217 Hopkins. MN 55305 41-1519855 Fall 2007 Schedules Helping individuals with Diabilities Reach Their Full Potential 1001 Highway 7, #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 Phone (952) 988-6728 fax EDUCATION, THERAPY, LEISURE ACTIVITIES REACH is an agency that serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in the West and Northwest metro area. Services include counseling, therapy groups, commu- nity living training and support, therapeutic recreation and leisure, information & referral. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Counseling & Education Counseling Reach for Resources specializes in working with people with developmen- tal disabilities such as mental retarda- tion, down syndrome, autism, and mild to borderline cognitive difficulties, and their families. We believe in a friendly, supportive, person-centered approach, and in setting personalized goals for each client. Reach accepts: Medical Assistance, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN, Medica, America's PPO. To schedule an intake interview or for information on counseling op- tions call Lisa Rivers, MA, LP at (952) 988-4177 or email I rivers Cffieachforresources. org Support Groups Young Women in Transition (Ages 18-30) This group provides an opportunity for young women with borderline to mild cognitive disabilities to talk with other women about their concerns and ex- periences regarding relationships, sexu- ality , grief and loss, or other topics of interest. Wise Women (Ages 30 & over) This new group is an opportunity for women to share their life stories and daily struggles. Wise Women will ex- plore current life struggles such as inti- mate relationships, sexuality, family, em- ployment, peer relationships, and living situations/roommate concerns. Both of these 8-week therapeutic groups will meet one evening per week at the Eisen- hower Community Center in Hopkins begin- ning in September. If you would like to be a part of either group, an intake is required. Call Lisa at 952-988-4177 for more informa- tion. REACH OUT Life Skills Support for Adults with Disabilities Reach Out is a private pay in- home support service for adults with disabilities who want to live independ- ently, but have been denied eligibility for other public assistance programs, Clients are assigned a case manager who provides on-going support with: . Housing . Employment . Managing Finances . Health & Safety . Socialization . Transportation . Government Benefits Application . Regular phone Check Ins . Crisis Support Reach Out is tailored to your individual needs and offered at an affordable per session fee. Partial or full scholarships may be available based on family income. Call Mary Perkins at 952-98-4177 for a Free Preliminary Assessment Empowerment Group Men and women in this group learn to support each other, solve their own problems, advocate for themselves, and form a strong social network. Participants must arrange their own transportation and be able to wait independently for their ride. WHERE: Eisenhower Center, 1001 Highway 7, Hopkins WHEN: Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 pm FEE: $10 Begins September 11 An intake is required for participation. Call Annie at 952-988-4177 to register. 3 Youth Programs (Ages 5 - 12) Soccer Calling all young David Beckhams! Join us to have some fun and learn basic soccer skills! WHERE: Basswood Elementary 15425 Bass Lake Rd. Maple Grove Mondays Sept. 24-0ct. 29 6:00-6:45 pm $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 WHEN: TIME: FEE: d~ Bowling Join us for fun, non-competitive open bowling. You will bowl two games each week. Northwest WHERE: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal WHEN: Saturdays Sept. 22-Nov. 10 TIME: 12:00-2:00 pm FEE: $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 each week Program Minimum 3, Maximum 10 West Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park Saturdays Sept. 22-Nov. 10 9:30-11 :30 am $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 WH ERE: WHEN: TIME: FEE: 4 \,\t:.\N\ Social Fun-Joyment for 10-12 year olds with Aspergers This unique program is designed to meet the social needs of adolescents with high-functioning Autism or Asper- ger's Syndrome. We meet once a week for plenty of FUN and social interaction. The fall session will run 11 weeks. WHERE: Plymouth Creek Center 14800 - 34th Ave N Plymouth WHEN: Wednesdays, beginning Sept. 19 TIMES: Group 1: 4:30 - 5:45 pm Group 2: 6:00 - 7: 15 pm FEE: $275.00 To set up an intake for this program or for more information, please call Tara at (952) 988-4176 or email thall berg@eachforresources.org Inclusion SerVices Reach for.ResoUrce$8r()~icj~s inclusion facilItatorsfqr8hj.lc1r~h with disabilities whOvvoul.ciilike to participate in theircitY8.g.r~ and recreation progranls.iiReg- istration for these programs is done through your park and recreation department. After registering, contact Reach for Resources to discuss theheedsl accommodation for yours~lfOr yourchild. We requiregrnini- mum of two weeks notice for a successful inclusion. Call Tara at (952) 988-4176 for more information Kid Fu A six-week martial arts program for kids. Come learn the moves of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee! Two Locations and sessions offered. WHERE: Plymouth Creek Center 14800 - 34th Ave N Plymouth WHEN: Wednesdays Session 1: Sept. 12-0ct 7 Session 2: oct. 24-Dec. 5 TIME: 6:00 - 6:45 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . WHERE: Chanhassen Rec. Center 2310 Coulter Blvd. Chanhassen WHEN: Tuesdays Session 3: Sept. 11-0ct 16 Session 4: oct. 23-Dec. 4 TIME: 6:00 - 6:45 pm FEE: $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 For more information, call Tara at (952) 988-4176 ~ 8lllr-886 (C:S6) II> 0:>>:>>a9 110:>> asoald 'uoYO:>>!Iddo uo JOj JO uOYOWJOjU! aJOW JO::l pUe)jeeM eJ1tUe JO! OST$ ~:I:1 LU6- LlU Jeqwetdes :N:lHM itnO SS!W t,UOa jeJOW puo !105 'eeqs!l! '1IDqte)jsoq '1I0qAel -lOA '5U1tOOq '5UPl!Ll 'eSJno::> e5uellOLl::> o lUlM JeLltOeM 1I0! 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L l-f; l sa50 SI.I15 JaLlto u10r qnlO S,IJIO O~ wnwlXow 'g wnw!u!w WOJ5oJd AopJntOS .led OO'~$ snld tuap1seJ-UON OO'OV$ tuaP1se~ OO'S'~$ wo O~: ll-o~:6 Ol 'AON-66.tdeS SAOpJntOS :33:1 :3WIl :N3HM )jJOd S!n01 ~S S eAY ouo!Sln01 LOv~ uJaA01 )jJOd :3~3HM lS9M o l wnwp<ow '~ wnw1u1W WOJ50Jd )!eeM 4::>oe OO'~$ snld tuep1seJ-UON OO'Ov$ tUap1sa~ OO'S'~$ wd 00:6-OO:6l o l 'AON-66' ~des SAOpJntOS 10tSAJ:J AOMpOOJij M OOOg s,elAOa :33:1 :3W11 :N3HM :3~3HM lS9M4l.10N ')jaaM Ll::>oe sew05 o~ IMOq II!M no).. '5u!IMOq eA!madwo::> -uou 'un! JO! sn u10r 6UIIM08 (t..~ - E t.. sa6~) SWBJ60Jd uaa.1 Adult Athletics Join us for fun, non- competitive bowling. You will bowl two games each week. Northwest WHERE: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal WHEN: Saturdays Sept. 22-Nov. 10 TIME: 12:00-2:00 pm FEE: $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 each week Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 WHERE: Earle Brown Bowl 6440 James Cir N Brooklyn Center WHEN: Sundays Sept. 23-Nov. 11 TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 pm FEE: $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus $4.00 Per Sunday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 West Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park Saturdays Sept. 22-Nov. 10 9:30--11:30 am $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 WHERE: WHEN: TIME: FEE: ~ ~ ~ ~ Walking Club Get some exercise and explore your community! WHERE: WHEN: Various Locations Mondays Sept. 17-0ct. 22 6:30 - 8:00 pm $25.00 Resident $30 Non-Resident Non-Competitive Basketball Have fun and get some exercise in this great non-competitive league! WHERE: Forest Elementary School 6800 47th Ave. N. Crystal WHEN: Thursdays Jan. 1 a-:-Mar 6, 2008 TIME: 6:30 - 8:00 pm FEE: $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident TIME: FEE: Registration Notes and Information . If you are a new participant in On the Town, call Tara at (952) 988- 4176 for information and to sched- ule an intake interview. . Please Note: Participants may only register for one social program per quarter. . Please do not sign up unless you will be able to attend! . If you are concerned about your program filling up quickly, please feel free to stop by the Reach for Resources office to complete a registration form in person. . Residents of our consortium cities are given priority in registration. Non-resident registrations will be held until one week before the start of the program. . You will receive a letter confirming your registration along with sched- ules for all programs you have been registered for at least one week prior to the start of the pro- gram. Fall registration will begin August 15 Winter registration will begin Dec 3 The Adaptive Recreation program is a cooperative effort of cities of Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Crystal. Golden Valley, Maple Grove, New Hope, Plymouth, Robbinsdale and REACH for Resources. REACH is an agency, which serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in the West and Northwest metro area. Services include information, referral. advocacy and counseling. Programs include social/ recreation groups and education programs. An integration specialist is on staff to assist people who are interested in participating in "non- adaptive" recreation programs. For information and registration procedures, call Tara or Becca at 952-988-4177. NOTE: For persons not living in one of the above communities, you are considered a "non-resident" and need to add a $5 to the registration fee. 6 Yoga for Adults (ages 18+) Relax, gain flexibility, and get in shape at this great new program. Taught by certified yoga instructor Ann Mertes. WHERE: Eliot Community Center 6800 Cedar Lake Rd. St Louis Park FEE: Tuesdays Sept. 25--0ct. 30 6:30 - 7:30 pm $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 WHEN: TIME: Call Becca at (952) 988-4178 for details L .~) "l VV L-v Lv-(jS'6 ~D ep!~-D-ID!O 110:) 8S081d 'wOJ60Jd 8LH Ot uO!topodsUOJt 81np8LpS 01 'LL 1 Y-886-(;S'6 ~o AlOIN 110::> 'Ja~s!6aJ o~ puo SUO!~ou!~sap JO ~S!l 0 JO::l 'UO!~ou!~sap N!^!PO l.poa~ 0 o~ 06 o~ sa::>!AJas ap!~ o~ ~a)t::>!1 asn AOW ::>!Iqnd IOJaua6 alj~ JO sJaqwaIN iM3N ')taaM ~SJ!J alj~ app 0 a^!a::>aJ O~ alq!6!1a aq o~ WOJ60Jd alj~ JO po~s alj~ q Jopd )jaaM auo ~soal ~o sn Aq pa^!a::>aJ aq ~snw UO!~oJ~s!6aJ JnOA '(LL I Y-886-(;S'6 ~o o::>::>ag JO OJ01 po~uo::>) W OJ60Jd JnOA JOJ paljs!lqo~sa sapopunoq uo!~opodsUOJ~ alj~ U!lj~!M a^!1 puo sa!~p wn!~Josuo::> Jno JO Jaqwaw 0 aq ~snw nOA 'sa::>!AJas ap!~ o~ ~a)j::>!1 a^!a::>aJ 01 ... 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UOl~01~S168~ 'UOl~01~Sl681 ul 8:)U818J81d 8A!8:)81 s81~P JO wnlPosuo:) ~s8MLI~10N ~ ~s8M 8L1~ JO S~U8P]S8~ '8lQlssod so uoos so W10J U01~01~Sl681 puo ~U8WAOd U! I!ow '8:)!OLl:) JnOA JO (s)w01601d 8L1~ ul ~ods 0 81nSU8 01 '3NOHd A9 ~O S\^IV~~O~d 1'1 NOllV~1SI~3~ ON 'sw01601d 110 10J p81!nb81 S] ~U8WAOd 8:)UOAPV lOOlIlB=I-WJO=l UO!lBJ1S!6a~ Over 50 bowlers and guests came to- gether to raise money for REACH at the 2007 Bowl-A- Thon, held on April 28th at New Hope Bowl. Participants had a fabulous time and over $14,000 was raised! All proceeds from the event will go directly to REACH programs and sup- port services. Fabulous prizes were won by top fund- raisers. Paul Brick took the highest fund- raising honor this year by collecting $1829 in pledges from family, friends, and his co-workers at Cargill. Awards were also given to the highest scoring individ- ual bowlers and the highest scoring team. Thanks to everyone involved for making this our best Bowl-A-Thon ever! A very special Thank You to New Hope Bowl for hosting the Bowl-A- Than this year ! Joe Porker Men's Champion Reoch Stoff: KCJtic Johnson, I\rnber Norcutt ond /\nnie Ko~el Noney Kelly Women\ C:hnmpion Gretchen Lubolina Teen Champion THANK YOU TO OUR WONDERFUl.. 2007 BOWI..-A- THON SPONSORS! OSSEO LIONS CLUB For over 60 years the Osseo Lions have preformed thousands of hours of service projects and fund raising activities so that we might give back to the com munity and support organizations such as Reach for Resources. Our motto is "We Serve" and that is what we do. If we have helped someone in any way by our support to this organization, then that is what makes Lionism all worth while. LARSON-KING ' , A St. Paul-based national litigation firm serving businesses and individuals in dis- pute resolution and various business advisory roles. Larson King provides out- standing trial lawyers serving both defendants and plaintiffs and offers compre- hensive, quality legal services throughout the country. 2800 Wells Fargo Place. 30 E. 7th St., Sl. Paul. MN 651-312-6500 Gold Lane Sponsors Merril Lynch Welsh Companies Silver Lane Sponsors Comprehensive Valuation Services Hammer, Inc. Hoffman & Swintek Mary & Scott Johnson Luncheon Sponsors Stan & Amy Baratz Commercial Furniture Services Dean-Superior Vending Primus Law Office Prize Sponsors APA Medical Equipment Sam & Desiree Ashkar Jim & Cyndi Bade Benefit Partners, Inc. Bremer Bank Kleist Law Office Minneapolis Elks Lodge 44 Paramount Real Estate Corp. Welsh Construction General Sponsors Steve & Marcia Crist Fab Babz OJ Service Loretta Solinger f\ilc"CC)IJ()Jh (. McGough Companies offers a comprehensive range of real estate services includ- ing development, construction, and facilities management. McGough prides itself on quality craftsmanship and high-integrity partnerships with all of its clients. 2737 Fairview Ave. N. 51. Paul. MN 651-633-5050 In-Kind Sponsors Fieldhouse Sports Tavern & Grill Insty-Prints Lifetime Fitness Lifetouch Inc. Median Entertainment Center Minnesota Historical Society Minneosta Timberwolves Minnesota Twins Minnesota Vikings Minnesota Wild Old Country Buffet Papa Murphys Plymouth Playhouse Sf. Paul Saints Salsaritas Santorini Taverna & Grill Science Museum of Minnesota Stages Theatre Company Target Stores The Jungle Theater Thistles Restaurants Three Rivers Park District Triple Espresso Walker Art Center 9 ** 1001 Highway 7 #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 Reach For Resources Staff Mary Perkins, lICSW Executive Director Lisa Rivers, MA, LP Director of Counseling Services Matthew Smifh Coordinator of Education & Training Tara Hallberg, CTRS Director of Recreafion & Inclusion Services Cyndi Bade, MBA Director of Marketing & Fundraising Mary Meyer Office Manager William Beckwith Mental Health Practitioner Katie Johnson, MA Mental Health Practitioner Annie Kosel, LGSW Mental Health Practitioner Marsha Miller Community Living Specialist Stephen Savior Recreation Specialist Amber Norcutt, LGSW Mental Health Practitioner Rebecca Stenzel, CTRS Assistant Director of Recreation Montressa Taylor Community Living Specialist Address Service Requested \NOf\J-PROFIT ORG. 101 l~US POSTAGE PAID LITTLE FALLS, MN PER~/lIT NO. 653 J /\Ur. " ') j-' !J .[ d 2007 1,1.1,.1.1." 11",.111".111." ",11,1,,1 1'111,1. ,II" ,i .11,,1 2*1HHHHHHkSCH 5-DIGIT 553'17 Jerry Ruegemer of Chanilassen PO BOX 'i47 CHANHJ\SSEN flJiI\] 55317-0147 And So Goodbye to Mary Ellen Kaul By Mary Perkins It was about fourteen years ago that I first met Mary Ellen Kaul. She contacted me at REACH wondering whether she could help us in our effort to develop housing options for some of our clients with disabilities in the western suburbs. It seemed that a number of her son's school chums were still at home, feeling trapped, and had no place to go. I was immedi- ately impressed by her understanding and empathy for people in need outside her own family. "I'm a parent, a special educa- tion teacher and a journalist," she told me. "Surely, there must be something I can do to help." And surely there was. Little did I know at the time that her phone call would be the beginning of a richly rewarding relationship for so many of us at REACH. Before long, Mary Ellen was serv- ing on our housing committee and advocating at the city and federal levels for housing funds for people with disabilities. When some of us felt discouraged by the enormity of the myriad obstacles to the project, her energy and positive outlook never failed to keep us going. Needless to say, despite the many barriers, our apartment building was built. Serving on the REACH Board of Directors was also an avocation for Mary Ellen and she was inducted onto the Board on November 11, 1993. As a Board member she always demonstrated a passion for the less fortunate, an acute sense of justice, and a special, positive energy that were among her unique gifts. It came as quite a shock when we learned of Mary Ellen's passing on June 12, 2007, as not once had she complained about her illness. When I think about Mary Ellen Kaul and what she meant to us here at REACH, a biblical saying from the Sermon on The Mount comes to mind, " Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be fulfilled." Mary Ellen did truly hunger for a better and more just society, and she dedicated her life to that end. Mary Ellen Kaul was a dear friend and a great mentor to so many of us here over the years. She was a treasured example of how a concerned citizen-advocate can rise up with heart, humor and courage to make this world a better place. Goodbye, Mary Ellen. You will be missed.