CC Staff Report 9-10-07 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site W'INI. ci .chan hassen.mn. us j,_l'~ -'- MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE: ~~ September 10,2007 SUBJ: Paisley Park Enterprises Planning Case #07-18 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant is requesting site plan approval for an auxiliary parking lot on the northwest corner of Audubon Road and Coulter Boulevard. This facility will be used for special events that are periodically held at Paisley Park Studios. ACTION REQUIRED City Council approval requires a majority of City Council present. PLANNING COMMISSION SUMMARY The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 4, 2007. The Planning Commission voted five for and one against a motion recommending approval of the site plan for the 193-space parking lot. Planning Commission discussion brought up one issue regarding lighting for the parking lot. City Code requires site lighting for all commercial or industrial parking lots. It is staffs interpretation that such lighting is only required when the facility is actually being used. Commissioners expressed concern that individuals might use an unlighted parking facility inappropriately. Since this is private property, it is up to the property owner to provide security for the property. A motion to require that the parking lot be gated failed one for and five against. The Planning Commission minutes for September 4, 2007 are attached to this report. RECOMMENDA TION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend adoption of the motion as specified on pages 6 - 8 in the staff report dated September 4, 2007 approving the parking lot. ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Staff Report Dated September 4, 2007 2. Planning Commission Minutes for September 4, 2007. g:\plan\2007 planning cases\07-18 paisley park parking lot\executive summary.doc The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ < < ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ rJ'J. PC DATE: September 4,2007 [!] CC DATE: September 10,2007 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: October 2, 2007 CASE #: 07-18 BY: AF, RG, ML, JS, JS STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Request for Site plan approval for an auxiliary parking lot. LOCATION: Northwest comer of Audubon Road and Coulter Boulevard APPLICANT: Paisley Park Enterprises Attn: Jim Lundstrom 7801 Audubon Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 949-2510 o~ PRESENT ZONING: Industrial Office Park, lOP 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Official/Industrial ACREAGE: 7.64 acres DENSITY: Not Applicable SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is proposing a parking lot on the site. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the City must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. CleANNED Location Map Paisley Park Parking Lot NW Corner of Audubon Road and Coulter Boulevard Planning Case No. 07-18 City of Chanhassen ~~~ *(t, 'l7 -.J ~I f:l... Street State Hwy 5 Arboretum Bou'ev~rd Subject Property McGI nn Drive ~ '" o a: c: o .0 ::J ~ ::J <{ au er . t;CAtItlEO Paisley Park Parking Lot Planning Case 2007-18 September 4, 2007 Page 2 of 8 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 193-space parking lot. Access to the site is being proposed from McGlynn Drive which is located north of the site. Off-site parking is a permitted use in the lOP district. The parking spaces are to accommodate spillover parking for events at Paisley Park Studio. The entire area is zoned Industrial Office Park, lOP. Directly to the north is a KinderCare Learning Center (formerly Children's World Learning Center) as well as vacant industrial land. To the east, across Audubon Road, is Paisley Park Studios. To the south, across Coulter Boulevard, is General Mills. The property to the west is vacant industrial land. Water and sewer service is available to the site. Storm sewer connects to the City's system in Coulter Boulevard. The east end of the parking lot is approximately eight feet above Audubon Road. The west end of the parking lot is approximately four feet above Coulter Boulevard. While shown on the plans, the applicant has stated that they do not intend to fence the parking area at this time. Staff is recommending approval of the site plan subject to the conditions of the staff report. APPLICABLE REGUATIONS Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article XXII, "lOP" Industrial Office Park District Chapter 20, Article XXIV, Division 2, Parking and Loading BACKGROUND On August 8, 1988, the City approved the final plat for McGlynn Park (Subdivision #88-13) creating one lot and two outlots. On August 28, 1995, the City approved the final plat for McGlynn Park 2nd Addition (Sub. #95- 14) creating a 1. IS-acre lot for Children's World Learning Center and a 7.64 acre outlot, site plan approval for Children's World Learning Center and a conditional use permit for a daycare in an lOP district. On May 27, 1997, the City approved the vacation of Butternut Drive which was a circular roadway shown for McGlynn Park 2nd Addition. The street vacation was done in conjunction with the construction of Coulter Boulevard. Paisley Park Parking Lot Planning Case 2007-18 September 4, 2007 Page 3 of 8 On January 10,2005, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: Preliminary Plat approval for McGlynn Park 3rd Addition creating one lot and one outlot and Site Plan approval of Planning Case #04-41 for a 4,080 square-foot, one- story warehouse building. However, the final plat was never requested, voiding the preliminary plat approval, and the site plan permit was never executed and recorded, voiding the site plan approval. GENERAL SITE PLAN A 193-space parking lot is being proposed at the northeast comer of Audubon Road and Coulter Boulevard. A fence, which is shown on the plans but it not currently planned to be constructed, surrounds the parking lot with a motorized gate proposed at the access to the parking lot. MCGLYNN DRIVE ,/~Q"~-- ACCESS .__C.C--'~__':"""n_;;;-'T - ~-_-=;;;:'--'_n-r II "....... ~ II . ,~'- ,,~"~: "ff. ;'.,.~~i~;[~~;J~~;i I I~~ =";, ,#:~::~ ;;"~:; i":':: I::: .7 ~ ~-1 ,- ];~,..w-:'--Q"'["l;;!".;,;.iJI1"-.- " "~~:h~':,;,',.~ (rt:~i~1#.~~hll 1 ;..-._~t..._"----",,. _______._._._._-L.:_....-,,_._.....,... ..---.-- I _. ;1:i Access to the site is being provided from McGlynn Drive. A sidewalk connection from the site to McGlynn Drive, which has a sidewalk on the south side of the street is included. This will provide convenient access for pedestrians to events at Paisley Park. cot.'1. TER ROAD Access to the site will be a private drive off of McGlynn Drive. This drive will be privately owned and maintained. If the entrance to the parking lot is gated, a turnaround is required to allow vehicles to turn around when the gate is locked. The cross-section of the parking lot and drive will need to be shown on the plans. Upon completion of the project, the applicant shall submit a set of "as-built" plans signed by a professional civil engineer. LANDSCAPING Minimum requirements for landscaping include 6,396 square feet of landscaped area around the parking lot, 23 trees for the parking lot and bufferyard plantings around the perimeter. The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table: Paisley Park Parking Lot Planning Case 2007-18 September 4,2007 Page 4 of 8 Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 6,396 sq. ft. >6,396 sq. ft. Trees/ parking lot 23 overstory 51 overstory 13 islands/peninsulas 14 islands/peninsulas North property line 5 Overs tory trees 5 Overstory trees Bufferyard B - 350' 10 Understory trees 20 Understory trees 16 shrubs o shrubs South property line - Coulter Blvd. 8 Overstory trees 14 Overstory trees Bufferyard C - 400' 20 Understory trees 6 Understory trees 20 shrubs 236 shrubs West property line 3 Overstory trees 6 Overstory trees Bufferyard B - 220' 7 Understory trees 3 Understory trees 7 shrubs o Shrubs East property line - Audubon Rd 4 Overstory trees 7 Overstory trees Bufferyard C - 220' 10 Understory trees 6 Understory trees 10 shrubs 110 shrubs The proposed landscaping meets minimum ordinance requirements for the parking lot requirements. The proposed landscape plan does not meet minimum requirements for bufferyards; it exceeds in certain areas and is lacking in others. The intent of the ordinance has been met which is to buffer the view from surrounding uses. The daycare to the north and street frontages to the east and south are appropriately buffered. Staff recommends that one additional tree be planted along the west property line in order to meet overall tree requirements for that area. Staff also has the following recommendations: Replace red oak plantings in islands with elm cultivars, hackberry or ginkgo; Increase the minimum inside width of all islands to 10 feet. The applicant should submit a revised landscape plan to the City for approval. GRADINGillRAINAGE The 2.4-acre site is bordered by an existing daycare to the north, Audubon Road to the East, Coulter Boulevard to the south, and Paisley Park to the west. There are no existing structures or driveways on the site. Existing conditions were not provided with the latest submission of the plans. Advance Surveying and Engineering Co. submitted plans dated May 4, 2007 that stated that the existing conditions were completed by Ryan Engineering and are not field verified. The existing conditions should be field verified prior to construction. The existing site is composed of two drainage areas. Approximately 60% of the site drains to a catch basin at the intersection of Coulter Boulevard and Audubon Road. The remaining 40% drains to a catch basin at the intersection of McGlynn Road and Audubon Road. Both of these catch basins drain to a regional pond south of General Mills. The site plan is proposing that 85% of the site drain through a series of catch basins and enter the catch basin at the intersection of Coulter Boulevard and Audubon Road. The remaining 15% of the site is proposed to drain to the catch basin at the intersection of McGlynn Road and Audubon Road. Paisley Park Parking Lot Planning Case 2007-18 September 4, 2007 Page 5 of 8 The stormwater management plan that was submitted will need to be revised. The rational method calculations provided show insufficient capacities in the proposed storm sewer system. Additional ponding is not required because the stormwater will be treated in the regional pond south of General Mills. Spot elevations are needed at the intersection of McGlynn Road and the proposed drive. Drainage should be conveyed through the intersection. The curb line must maintain a minimum of .5% slope. The high points in the parking lot will need spot elevations for construction purposes. Paved surface grades shall not be less than 1 %. Curb line grades shall not be less than .5%. Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plan. An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off-site grading. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes. RETAINING WALLS The proposed retaining wall is as follows: Location Northeast comer of where proposed drive intersects arking lot. Length (a roximate) 90 feet Maximum Height (a roximate) 4 feet Elevations shall be added to the top and bottom of retaining walls to confirm actual height. Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. UTILITIES The developer proposes to extend watermain and storm sewer within the parking lot. All utilities within this site shall be privately owned and maintained. Proposed watermain will extend from the existing watermain stub off Coulter Boulevard. The proposed watermain will terminate at the hydrant near the intersection of the proposed drive and the parking lot having an approximate total length of 410 lineal feet. Plantings within the site will require irrigation. An irrigation meter will need to be installed. Sanitary sewer will not be constructed with this site plan. Utility plans shall show both plan view and profiles of all utilities (water and storm lines). Actual elevations of existing utilities shall be verified for accuracy. The fees for sewer and water will not be charged with this site plan because the land is not being platted. Fees for sewer and water will be collected with the building permit when the property is replatted into lots and blocks. Paisley Park Parking Lot Planning Case 2007-18 September 4, 2007 Page 6 of 8 All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The applicant is also required to provide a cash escrow to guarantee restoration of the boulevards. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required, including the MPCA, Dept. of Health, Carver County, and Watershed District. EASEMENTS There are no new easements required with this site plan. LIGHTING/SIGNAGE Section 20-1123 of the Chanhassen City code requires that all commercial, industrial, and multifamily parking lots shall be lighted. Lighting shall use shielded fixtures and be directed away from the public right-of-way and adjacent residential or agricultural districts. Sufficient lighting shall be provided to illuminate all areas of the parking lot to provide adequate levels of safety. To minimize off-site impact, light levels as measured at the property line shall not exceed one-half foot candle as measured at the property line. Lighting fixtures on poles shall comply with the following: (1) All fixtures must be shielded, high-pressure sodium with a total cutoff angle equal to or less than 90 degrees. (2) Fixture height shall not exceed 30 feet (3) Photometries shall incorporate existing light fixtures, public or private, that may impact the site. No signage is currently shown on the plans. Signage must comply with City Code requirements and would require a separate sign permit application. Staff anticipates that only directional signage, which does not require a sign permit, will be installed at the driveway entrance to the parking area. RECOMMENDA TION Staff re€l€lmmeIl8S tkat and the Planning Commission recommend that City Council adopt the following motion and adoption of the attached findings of fact and recommendation: "The Chanhassen City Council approves the PlaIlIliIlg C€lmmissi€JIl f€l€l€Jmm€lIl8S Site Plan a~~r€J':al of Planning Case #07-18 for a parking lot, plans prepared by Proterra Design Associates, Inc., dated 08/07/07, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City and provide the necessary security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping. Paisley Park Parking Lot Planning Case 2007-18 September 4, 2007 Page 7 of 8 2. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for City review and approval prior to beginning site improvements. 3. The perimeter landscaping on the south and east sides of the parking lot shall be located such that it is between site fencing, if installed, and the roadway. 4. Replace red oak plantings in islands with elm cultivars, Autumn Blaze maple, or ginkgo. 5. All city boulevard trees shall be protected during construction. Any trees lost due to construction shall be replaced by the applicant. 6. The applicant shall add one tree to the landscaping along the west property line for a total of 10 trees. 7. Increase the minimum inside width of all islands to 10 feet. 8. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the city for approval prior to beginning site improvements. 9. Site landscaping shall be irrigated. 10. Field verify existing conditions prior to construction. Submit existing conditions plan with next submittal. 11. Submit revised stormwater management plan. Current calculations show that catch basin #7 does not have enough inlet capacity, the velocity between catch basin #8 and catch basin #1 is over 10 fps, and the existing storm in Coulter Boulevard does not have sufficient capacity. There is a 15" storm stub in McGlynn Road to help resolve these issues. 12. Additional spot elevations shall be added at the intersection of McGlynn Road and the proposed drive to ensure that drainage is conveyed through the intersection and the curb line maintains a .5% minimum slope. Also, add spot elevations to the high points in the parking lot. 13. Paved surface grades shall not be less than 1 %. Curb line grades shall not be less than .5%. Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plan. 14. An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off-site grading. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes. 15. Add top and bottom elevations to the retaining walls. Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. Paisley Park Parking Lot Planning Case 2007-18 September 4, 2007 Page 8 of 8 16. The watermain must be revised to meet city specifications. The hydrant must be installed according to Detail 1004 with a valve and a plastic wrapped CL 52 DIP lead. Watermain fittings shall be wrapped ductile iron. 17. All watermain and storm sewer within this site shall be privately owned and maintained. An irrigation meter will need to be installed. 18. Utility plans shall show both plan view and profiles of all utilities (water and storm sewer lines). Storm drainage arrows need to be corrected on the plans. 19. All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The city specifications shall replace the technical portion of the specification. The applicant is also required to provide a cash escrow to guarantee restoration of the boulevards. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required, including the MPCA, Dept. of Health, Carver County and the Watershed District. 20. Show the cross-section of the parking lot on the plans. Provide a turnaround near the entrance to the parking lot if a gate is installed. Upon completion of the project, the applicant shall submit a set of "as-built" plans signed by a professional civil engineer. 21. Handicap ramps must be installed according to City Detail Plate 5215. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Reduced Copy Site Layout Plan. 4. Reduced Copy Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan. 5. Reduced Copy Utility Plan. 6. Reduced Copy Landscape Plan. 7. Affidavit of Mailing Notice, Notice and Mailing List. g:\plan\2007 planning cases\07 -18 paisley park parking lot\staff report.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION INRE: Application of Paisley Park Enterprises for Site Plan Review for an auxiliary parking lot. On September 4, 2007, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularl y scheduled meeting to consider the application of Paisley Park Enterprises for a site plan review for the property located at the northwest comer of Audubon Road and Coulter Boulevard to review a proposed parking lot. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed site plan which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Industrial Office Park, lOP. 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Office/Industrial Use. 3. The legal description of the property is: Outlot A, McGlynn Park 2nd Addition. 4. Site Plan Findings: a. The proposed development is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; b. The proposed development is consistent with the site plan review requirements; c. The proposed development is designed to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing areas; d. The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; e. The proposed development creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: 1) An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 1 2) The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3) Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. f. The proposed development protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. 5. The planning report #07-18 dated September 4, 2007, prepared by Robert Generous, et aI, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDA TION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the site plan review for a parking lot. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 4th day of September, 2007. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman g:\plan\2007 planning cases\07 -18 paisley park parking lot\findings of fact.doc 2 CITY OF CHA~HASSEN " 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O~ Box 147 1,_ , Chanhassen, MN55317-(952)22?-1100 \ Planning Case No. (j 1-l ~ , CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED \ " ,:' DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION JUL 2 7 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT PLEASE PRINT ~cant N, ame and Address: 19~zF~r~~ ~e~fI<ISF-; ~#-!IN# "'~c.AJ ;/UjJ - 553/7 ~:;~)J~%*!iit~~:f Owner N~dress: ~~ ~~r;:::~s 'Contact:..J/411.. "fll) /},:$ r~1> Ik. PhQnet>?9q'9.~ t;ltJ Fax: 1~;; .9119. .'59i?~ Email:,..llH ':u. Nb _~~~ ",,-@...ADL .(!6Jf;L. I . \, .f :. i NOTE: Consultation with City staff is reQuired priorto submittal, including review of development plans ' Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit- Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (VAC) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Variance (VAR) Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits 'X. Notification Sign - $200 (City to install and remove) Sign Plan Review X Escrow fo~ Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** - $50 CUP/SPRNACNARlWAP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB f.p -la- -6l TOTAL FEE $ t-z SV. - pd Ckz!!d07LPlt'o ~l An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. Subdivision* '~ Site Plan Review (SPR)* 50D. ,- *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%" X 11" " reduced copy for each plan sh~.et along with a di~ital copy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tif) format." 'r ~. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building',material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. 8CANNE~ ~y'>-~ PROJECT NAME: t1iS \e~ ~~~ {~+ LOCATION:~ W (O'f(\-er 'U Y) d-dClnd t ,$ (o~l+er'~\Vd. " '{ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TOTAL ACREAGE: ~;-'. .:~~~ <:~~; .\~::~:"':'.s.. ('~-"'s':::\'\~ :.i, ,- :',\ WETLANDS PRESENT;,. ,', H'" ~ .:~ ~.. ":~ ..~..-..:' .,. ".. ~: ,: :'.. ~ ~}>::~,,:.:~',r -1: ..~ ~\t\.'f\ _1) ".~,~~--' .>\",'1. ."\1;' ..,A" ;-'" ~ ~..'~ ~.l., '",.f_:'~..~'<' \~~{,'~~' ( ..,.-." \ _ ~~~l "~~.t'!t. "'t.., _:'~l\ .:.,~,<' '::~, REQUESTEO LAND USE DESIGNATION: ~ ' -,.;; ,,;..j ;1;, REASON FOR REQUEST: %-r'1"""d=4k- Si *' ~\f\ Y"\ Ap. prrNa.- \ ,k.. <t: ~d- On ()LLXi\lh~' lo+- This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearl~,p~intedand must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Be,fore}iling this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedurcii requireine"nts applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within,15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make'this appil<4tion ,and the fee owner has also signed this application. ~'. ~ ~J I .''.. . . \ . . I will, keep myself inform'ed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further , understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~ ! Ignature of p IC (P/l~? Date SCANNED Signature of Fee Owner Date G:\pLAIW(ilit1strJevelopment Review Application.DOC Rev. 12/05 !'kl!WJ !{lil j " I I !llilh _tH i U ~. ~=::~ 11111111111 ;1aUnI QA 1111111111 ~ h"ll'""' . ~ ~ ~!:i ~ i2:l ~ . NV1d l1lOJ.. V1 aIlS 0 ~ N L1mNl'l'N3S~ IU BAnIa N01IOOOV lOSt NOLLIQQV ~O'l DNDnIVd . h..., )OOTdAEJ.!.."l' · J ~ ! LI(>~ NI'i 'N3SSV1INV1D ~ ~ aAnIO Noaoonv IOSL ~ r SilSl1l.nJ3J.N3)lllYdA31SIYd i I a ii j;; III ~ 15 ~~ ~. 's-- ~ ,I ~ ~ A~;~ :~ ~de g~ m : - , i~ h ." n~g " ~~8 I ~ I .2 h gi i~!~ ill~1 ! I~ ~~ ! oil A-if . " .;._ . ~~ .i,! · ~ : ~ ~ - '; R - ;;e~' s. sA: . I < .1 t~ e ~" '.. H ;,., . '. A' , e~ ~... - i~ ~ ' ~ ;..~ ~ J:~ ,lra~ ~I ~i ~ ~ i ~~ ~ r .~ .~'i '~.l. A g _ :. 9!~ R . ~I --! 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Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on August 23, 2007, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Paisley Park Parking Lot - Planning Case 07-18 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. ~!r- eputy Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this;BrJ day of A~Lt..B"\- , 2007. ~,~~"YY) .. u.ur ~!''--- N~ .- ... a> a> :aE OlS c.- .- 0 '- 0 m.- a> E ~E ._ 0 :cO ::]Ol C.c ~ .c o c a> m 0- .- c. ... o c Za> o o m ~ c m ~ o Ol C .- ... a> a> :aE c OlO c.- ._ 0 '- 0 m.- a> E J:E .2 0 -0 .c ::]Ol c. .= ~c o c a> m 0- .- c. ... o C Za> o o m ~ c m ~ o "00) o O)O.!: C/) c "0 .!:o...... 0) I .... ......!:"O C/) ~ ctl :Jactl C/) Ecd.2 ~ o.o~ u ~ g>-g 0) ::l.g "5,:= 0) C/) ".: ~ C o::l .m ~ .0' ~ '6 lllctl ~ cc ....u C .r:. 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The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 9466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the use(s access or use of data provided. J"" Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, slale and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-11 07. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 9466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the use(s access or use of data provided. Public Hearing Notification Area (500 feet) Paisley Park Parking Lot NW Corner of Audubon Road and Coulter Boulevard Planning Case No. 07-18 City of Chanhassen I>-~~ *0 ttr -J i J / / ,/ / / / / . 8TH Stre~t State Hwy 5 Arboretum Boul~vard Subject Property Me I nn Dnve " rn o cc c o .0 :::J " :::J <l: CAMPBELL PROPERTIES LP II C/O KNOWLEDGE LEARNING CORP ATTN TAX DEPT PO BOX 6760 PORTLAND. OR 97228 -6760 THE PILLSBURY COMPANY C/O GENERAL MILLS TAX DEPT PO BOX 1113 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 -1113 LOVE 4 ONE ANOTHER CHARITIES 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -8205 MCGLYNN BAKERIES INC #366 C/O GENERAL MILLS TAX DEPT PO BOX 1113 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 -1113 ALFRED A IVERSEN PMT CORPORATION 1500 PARK RD CHANHASSEN , MN 55317 -8200 CREEK FIVE ASSOCIATES PO BOX 16130 ST LOUIS PARK, MN 55416 -0130 PRN MUSIC CORPORATION 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -8201 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 Chairman McDonald called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry McDonald, Kurt Papke, Kevin Dillon, Debbie Larson, Mark Undestad and Dan Keefe MEMBERS ABSENT: Kathleen Thomas STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Angie Auseth, Planner I; and Joe Shamla, Project Engineer PUBLIC HEARING: PAISLEY PARK PARKING LOT: REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR AN AUXILLARY PARKING LOT ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF COULTER BOULEVARD AND AUDUBON ROAD. APPLICANT. PAISLEY PARK ENTERPRISES. PLANNING CASE 07-18. Public Present: Name Address Fred Farr Alan Kretman Rick Pecoquin J ames Lundstrom 5888 45th Street S.E. 7200 Hudson Boulevard, Oakdale 55119 2069 Manitou Avenue, St. Paul 5334 Highland Road, Minnetonka 55345 Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. McDonald: Okay. Mark, you want to start? Dan? Keefe: Yeah. One in particular that, and it may go back a little bit to the previous approval on this parcel but in regards to lighting we had a discussion around operational hours in terms of the lighting and because this is just an auxiliary parking lot, I presume it's only going to be used on just a periodic basis to support activities at Paisley Park. You know what do we do in terms of lighting when it's, is this thing going to be lit every night when it's not being used? Generous: That would be up to the applicant. I thought about that when I was writing the staff report, whether we should limit it to the nights of operation and putting a time limit on but unfortunately limiting the operations would be good but time limit may not be because of the way Prince and Paisley Park Studios work. Sometimes they have late evening activities so you'd want them to have that security lighting. But yeah, we could provide a condition of approval that it could be, it's limit to only times that they are actually, have an event that is using this facility. Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 Keefe: And there is going to be a gated parking lot, or. Generous: Originally, the plan show that it's going to be fenced and gated. However the applicant has advised me that that's not their intention to do that so it will be an open facility. Keefe: Yeah. And I mean, do you have to have permits to use it or can anybody that's going park there or is it you know? Generous: Well it's like any private property. Keefe: Right. So it's limited to the use of patrons or whoever Paisley Park wants to use it. Generous: Unless they did a lease agreement with someone that wanted it. Keefe So restricting the hours or requiring the hours might make some sense since it's really only intended to be used for periods of time associated with Paisley Park facility. Okay. That's my question. McDonald: Kevin. Dillon: 193 spots seems like a lot of parking spots. How does that number, how did you get to that number or did, or maybe is that a question best left for the applicant? Generous: I think it's better for the applicant. They were looking at I think the area that they intended to use and that's the result. I don't know if it's specifically related to what their anticipated needs were. Dillon: Okay. I have a couple other questions that are probably best left for the applicant. McDonald: Okay. No questions? Papke: Yeah I've got a couple. On the landscaping plan, this one's a little unusual. Normally you're pretty rigorous about insisting on meeting the requirements. In this particular case you state that the intent of the ordinance has been met yet we're allowing some to be over. Some to be under, etc.. Could you provide a little color behind it? For instance they're substantially under the under story requirement for trees. So what was your rationale behind you know saying that, you know obviously in some categories they grossly exceed. I mean there's a bazillion shrubs going in here. But they are under some of the other requirements so could you explain a little bit the rationale. Generous: Yeah and I think it's, going from under story to over story, that's always a trade off that the city's willing to make. You get a larger volume of trees eventually and more shading for the parking lot and that's what the whole idea is for a parking lot landscaping. So I believe Jill just felt that that was an adequate amount to put in there rather than going with the strict... numbers. 2 Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 Papke: Okay. The other question I had was on the last condition. Where would the handicap ramps be? It wasn't clear to me what requirement would be there. Generous: They showed on the plan, there has to be some ramps in this area and it just allows for handicap accessibility. It can't be a curb that someone in a wheelchair would have to overcome. Papke: So that goes down, would go down to Audubon or. Generous: No. It would just go from the parking lot to that sidewalk system and then on the sidewalk they don't have anything that would impede their progress. It's just from the parking lot to the sidewalk. Papke: Okay. I got you. That's all. McDonald: Well I've got a couple questions to follow up on the lighting. Now across the street is, well is it Pillsbury or General Mills now? Generous: General Mills. McDonald: And that's lit 24/7 with the big arc lights and everything, right? Generous: Right. McDonald: The lights that would go here, would those be more the type where we would require the spotlights? I mean it isn't the glare that's similar to the lights that are in that parking lot. It would be more focused down so that we wouldn't have the over brightness of the area. This wouldn't add to that. Generous: No, that's correct. They would have to follow our standards which limit the height of the structure and require that it be the shoebox fixtures. McDonald: Right, okay. So we would be able to contain some of the light pollution that way. Generous: And also through design you can do that by entering, or directing it towards the interior. McDonald: Okay. Generous: You help with the spillover. McDonald: Okay. That's really all the questions I had right now for staff and is the applicant present? Ryan Lundstrom: Yes. 3 Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 McDonald: Okay. If you would come forward and if you have anything to add to any of this. We have some questions for you also. Ryan Lundstrom: Okay, thanks for hearing us. Appreciate that. Would you like me to. McDonald: Yeah, please state your name and who you represent and all of those things. Ryan Lundstrom: Ryan Lundstrom. I'm with Paisley Park Enterprises that Prince Roger Nelson owns. Rick Pecoquin: And I'm Rick Pecoquin. Also a Paisley Park employee. McDonald: Okay, thank you. Ryan Lundstrom: Okay, I made some notes about some of your questions. Yes, as far as we're concerned about partial use lighting. Whether it makes sense with us because like was explained by one of them, this would not be continually used like every weekend. It'd be on a limited use basis and I'll just remove some of the mystery what we're accomplishing here. The parking lot is for different shows, not unlike what you've granted us temporary permits on over the last several years, and again that's only been well once every year type of thing. If that. Well this would be more frequently than that but not on an every weekend basis. Nothing of that nature. Other entertainers would come into town, playing at the Target Center or Xcel Energy Center. Prince might invite them to do an additional show out here. Of course much smaller venue. And too, we're looking at offering some tours during the day, and again this would be on a limited basis is what we're working on, so that's the nature of the parking lot. And so going back to the lighting issue, from our standpoint, no. We wouldn't have to have it lit every night of the week. Just when we have events going on. We'd be more than happy. It'd save us money too as far as that goes. Let's see. Oh parking spaces. How we came up with that number. Well as you know at Paisley Park we currently have quite a few spaces as it is already. The city's been very nice in recommending different, other businesses to allow us to use their parking lots on a temporary basis. Well this would hopefully eliminate even most of that. Even in the future they're more than happy to do business with us. We have a nice relationship with them. So that's, as far as the number goes. Based on what the fire marshal and the sheriffs department put upon the amount of attendance we can have. I think what is it, 999 in the sound stage and then 201 in the auxiliary stage area. So it comes, it's about 1,200. We're happy to do too, to accommodate all this is to put in additional fire doors. The fire marshal met with us here in July and walked through and mentioned about the double doors. In addition to that we're even to put up an additional entrance in the back, double doors going to the outside so it will be well within the compliance of the city and be safe. In addition to what we're looking at doing, again to accommodate the city's request, we're adding quite a few additional bathrooms, both women's room and men's room along with adequate handicap and that will be all within the interior of the building. It will not impact the exterior whatsoever. We're trying to show to you we're trying to comply with all that you desire us to do. So that's a brief introduction. Be glad to entertain your questions. Anything you'd like to add Rick at this point? 4 Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 Rick Pecoquin: Just the additional parking lot on the site right next to the building also does have handicaps right next to the building itself so. So that's handicap accessible. Ryan Lundstrom: So any questions you might have, we'd be happy to address. McDonald: Why don't we start down to my right. Any? No questions? Larson: No. McDonald: Kevin. Dillon: You answered my questions I was going to pose to you. Ryan Lundstrom: Okay. Keefe: Just a quick question. I mean when you have these events and you're going to have this parking lot full you know and you have traffic to deal with. I mean how do you typically operate that? I mean you bring in people to help people cross or do you depend on the light to do that or? Ryan Lundstrom: No. Keefe: What are you intentions? Ryan Lundstrom: We've hired the sheriffs department. They've been very helpful. I think even 2, even 3 of them possibly. Rick Pecoquin: For the most part. Fire Marshal. Two fire marshals and the highway patrol. Ryan Lundstrom: Yeah. Keefe: See that they do assistance to help people cross? Ryan Lundstrom: Yeah, and let you know too, just from part of this mystery. If you're familiar with the location, if you come from Highway 5. coming from Minneapolis and you take a left on Audubon, then you take an immediate left into Paisley. Well the people, if we allowed that, you'd have a major parking jam going past Powers and Market Boulevard and so what we did, we have signs to have people go, it's down by the city, what's that road you have property on? Park Place? So they'd come up from the south up to Paisley and that way we eliminate any congestion up at the stop light because it's such a major intersection. So we've done that in the past most successfully, and that now with this additional parking lot, that's the whole thing too. They'd come from Park Place, over to the parking lot and then eliminate any congestion we might have up there. Keefe: Okay. 5 Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 Dillon: So the events that are planned, I'm sorry. McDonald: Go ahead with your question. Dillon: So the events that you have there like you know just private events and not open to the public? You might do some tours but besides that. Ryan Lundstrom: Yeah, this is open to the public but of course it's, it's not like the Target Center which has 19,000 people. This is limited to 1,200 at this point. What we'd probably get up to is probably more like 1,500 with the additional fire doors and so on. Rick Pecoquin: Whatever the fire marshal will allow. Ryan Lundstrom: Yeah. Dillon: How is awareness created about these events? Ryan Lundstrom: Awareness? Dillon: Yeah. I mean is it just. Rick Pecoquin: Usually it's a last minute deal where the artist Prince would perform and then they would make an announcement over the P A and tell the people would drive up afterwards. Ryan Lundstrom: Obviously we'd have everything arranged with you people ahead of time. Weeks in advance. So we're not springing a new one on you at the last minute. You know what's happening. That's usually the way he, that's the way he's performed down in Las Vegas and well even in London where he's at right now doing, what is it 21 performances? I think we've added a few extra. Rick Pecoquin: 7 more. Ryan Lundstrom: 7 more? There's like 480,000 tickets sold. It's enormous and he does like an after show type thing. You know he did that in Vegas and for those who like to stop at his restaurant next door, this is in Las Vegas now, you could go in and I think, I was there, that seats like a few hundred people. So he likes to do those type of things. But again at a very reasonable cost too. McDonald: Mark, you have any questions? Undestad: I just had a question on the location. Why you picked that side of the site, and you may have answered that by routing traffic up Park Road. Ryan Lundstrom: Correct. Yes. 6 Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 McDonald: Okay. Well the questions I have were brought up as far as lighting in this area. I understand it's advantageous for you as far as being able to control the lighting and it would help. It only needs to be on whenever you've got something but you've taken out of the plans the fencing to keep it private. The concern I have is that all of a sudden now we have a parking lot there that's open to anyone. How do we restrict anyone from coming in there and if they do come in there and park and the lights aren't on, what happens as far as if something happens within the parking lot? Ryan Lundstrom: Yeah, good question. Well the, well the existing businesses that are there really don't have any need for, I know McGlynn's Bakery, or. McDonald: Yeah, I don't believe that they'll need any of the parking. Ryan Lundstrom: Right, and even the daycare center. Actually the only viable business, and they don't really have events that would require the use of a parking lot. In fact that street, that dead end street, what's that called? Is that McGlynn? Yeah, McGlynn Drive. Yeah, there's more than adequate parking right along the streets to accommodate the daycare center so we don't see any reason, we would be the only people who would have an interest in actually using this parking lot. McDonald: Okay. Now I'm just you know kind of a posing the question that yeah, you've got a parking lot. People will want to park there and if something were to happen in it and because there was no lighting or something on the off day, and you're not going to have it on that much because you're right, these things are rather few and far between so it's not as though it's going to be an every week occurrence or anything. That's the only question I'm posing about this is, how do you control all of that? And I guess you can't answer it and that's fine. I just wanted to raise the issue. Other than that, I have no further questions unless anyone else does. I thank you very much for presenting this to us. Ryan Lundstrom: Okay, thank you. McDonald: Thank you. At this point I will open up the meeting to the public. Anyone wishing to come forward and make comment, please come up to the podium. State your name and address and then address your comments to the commissioners. Seeing no one come forward, I will close the public meeting and I will bring it back before the commissioners for deliberation and we will take a vote. Mark, you want to start with anything? Undestad: No. Keefe: I'm fine too. Dillon: No comments. Larson: The only comment I would make is kind of expanding on what your question is and it appears to me that it's not a real obvious entrance into this parking lot and then if there's going to 7 Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 be trees and shrubs all the way around it, it's not like it's going to be completely visible that anybody would encroach on Audubon or Coulter. I don't know, in my mind it's an issue I guess. McDonald: Okay. Papke: I guess I'd be in favor of a 22nd condition here which would be to allow the applicant to conditionally light it on the basis of gating the entrance. As long as, I think they control the entrance to the parking lot, I think that would, with all the shrubbery and so on, I think that would be sufficient to allow them to light it at their option. I guess that's what I'd put out for them. McDonald: Okay. Keefe: And just in regards to the lighting, I mean we've got McGlynn across the street. We've got the daycare which I think already casts off some light at night anyway, so and if somebody wanted to go in there right now, maybe they could presumably drive their car into the field right now if they wanted but you know, police do go by. They'd kick them off there. The same thing I think would be if you know. Papke: I'd just be concerned with you know during the winter, kids doing donuts there or something. If there's no lighting at all. And there was no controlled access. McDonald: Yeah, and an empty parking lot's an invitation for that kind of stuff. You know, and the big reason I raise the issue is what's the liability to the City. If there is none, then it's all upon Paisley. It's not our problem. Keefe: So they would need to decide whether they wanted. McDonald: Right. I only raise it from an issue of liability in case some kids go in there and decide to do donuts or whatever, but empty parking lots with no lights are an invitation for people to go and gather. You know, well never mind. We all were young once. So yeah I mean that was the only reason I raised the issue. Right, it's their liability. Okay, then in that case I'm willing to accept a motion from the commission. Papke: Mr. Chair, I make a motion that the Planning Commission recommends Site Plan approval of Planning Case #07-18 for a parking lot, plans prepared by Proterra Design Associates, Inc. dated 08/07/07, subject to conditions 1 through 21 as stated in staff report with an additional condition number 22 that the applicant be granted the ability to conditionally light the parking lot as long as they gate the entrance to the parking lot. They control the entrance. McDonald: Okay, do I have a second? Larson: I'll second it. McDonald: Any discussion? I hear a little bit of a moaning over here. 8 Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 Keefe: Well my problem is just, you know I don't know why we need to regulate a gate. They can decide, it's their liability as to whether they need it gated or not. Papke: In terms of city regulations with lighting a parking lot, any, what's the bottom line? Does the city require lighting? Generous: We require that parking lots have lighting. Papke: So all I'm, all we're really saying here is we're relaxing the restrictions slightly by controlling access. Dillon: How so? Papke: With a gate. Undestad: They have to leave lights on all the time or they can... Papke: Or they've got to close the gate. Dillon: So is that the ruling? I mean is that. Keefe: That's what he suggested. Papke: That's what I'm suggesting. Keefe: My counter point is, is let them have lights to save energy and lighting the city and it's their liability if someone gets hurt there. You know they have, they can gate it but it's their's. It's their responsibility. Undestad: So does the city require parking lot lighting? Generous: When, well I should. Keefe: Public lighting. Generous: Yeah, you have to light it if people are using it. That's the end result. Undestad: So if Jerry's in there doing donuts at night... Generous: He's also trespassing I believe. Dillon: But the city doesn't require a gate. Generous: No. It's like any other parking lot in downtown. We only require it if a facility's open and people are invited, or using that facility. 9 Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 Keefe: So let me ask you this. I mean if it's, if we require lighting, does it necessarily have to be on per ordinance? Or does it just have to have the lights there? Generous: Well they have to have the lights and it has to be on if there's an operation going. Keefe: So in a sense I mean it's...if there isn't anything going on then they don't have to light it. Generous: They're not technically required to have. McDonald: Okay, I guess what we have, we have a motion with an additional recommendation. You can also put forward a motion that would go with just this recommendation and the 21 and we'll vote on both. Would that be acceptable Bob? Generous: Yeah. McDonald: I thought it would be. We have a second on the first motion. Keefe: Then we need to vote on that. Generous: You can vote on the motion, the amendment and then. McDonald: Okay, all in favor of the recommendation that we adopt the recommendation for the site plan with the addition of a 22nd recommendation granting conditional use, granting intermittent use of the light based upon controlling access to the parking lot say aye. Papke moved, Larson seconded that the Planning Commission recommend an amendment to the motion adding the following condition: 22. The applicant be granted the ability to conditionally light the parking lot as long as they gate the entrance to the parking lot. Papke voted in favor, the remainder of the commission voted in opposition. The motion failed with a vote of 1 to 5. McDonald: Okay, the motion fails. Do I have a second motion? Larson: The motion to approve it without the 22nd? McDonald: No, with the 22nd in. Larson: Are we going to do another one without it? Keefe: Yeah, I'll make a motion. McDonald: Yeah, we would do another one without it. 10 Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 Keefe: And I guess point of clarification. Just revisit this one thing. They have to put in lights. They don't necessarily have to be on except when they're using it. Generous: Right. Keefe: That's the ordinance. Generous: Interpretation of the ordinance. It's only necessary. Keefe: Alright. I'll make a recommendation Planning Commission recommends Site Plan approval of Planning Case #07-18 for parking lot plans prepared by Proterra Design Associates dated August 7th subject to conditions 1 through 21. McDonald: Okay, do I have a second? Dillon: Second. Keefe moved, Dillon seconded that the Planning Commission recommends Site Plan approval of Planning Case #07-18 for a parking lot, plans prepared by Proterra Design Associates, Inc., dated 08/07/07, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City and provide the necessary security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping. 2. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for City review and approval prior to beginning site improvements. 3. The perimeter landscaping on the south and east sides of the parking lot shall be located such that it is between site fencing, if installed, and the roadway. 4. Replace red oak plantings in islands with elm cultivars, Autumn Blaze maple, or ginkgo. 5. All city boulevard trees shall be protected during construction. Any trees lost due to construction shall be replaced by the applicant. 6. The applicant shall add one tree to the landscaping along the west property line for a total of 10 trees. 7. Increase the minimum inside width of all islands to 10 feet. 8. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the city for approval prior to beginning site improvements. 9. Site landscaping shall be irrigated. 11 Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 10. Field verify existing conditions prior to construction. Submit existing conditions plan with next submittal. 11. Submit revised stormwater management plan. Current calculations show that catch basin #7 does not have enough inlet capacity, the velocity between catch basin #8 and catch basin #1 is over 10 fps, and the existing storm in Coulter Boulevard does not have sufficient capacity. There is a 15" storm stub in McGlynn Road to help resolve these issues. 12. Additional spot elevations shall be added at the intersection of McGlynn Road and the proposed drive to ensure that drainage is conveyed through the intersection and the curb line maintains a .5% minimum slope. Also, add spot elevations to the high points in the parking lot. 13. Paved surface grades shall not be less than 1 %. Curb line grades shall not be less than .5%. Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plan. 14. An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off-site grading. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes. 15. Add top and bottom elevations to the retaining walls. Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. 16. The watermain must be revised to meet city specifications. The hydrant must be installed according to Detail 1004 with a valve and a plastic wrapped CL 52 DIP lead. Watermain fittings shall be wrapped ductile iron. 17. All watermain and storm sewer within this site shall be privately owned and maintained. An irrigation meter will need to be installed. 18. Utility plans shall show both plan view and profiles of all utilities (water and storm sewer lines). Storm drainage arrows need to be corrected on the plans. 19. All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The city specifications shall replace the technical portion of the specification. The applicant is also required to provide a cash escrow to guarantee restoration of the boulevards. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required, including the MPCA, Dept. of Health, Carver County and the Watershed District. 20. Show the cross-section of the parking lot on the plans. Provide a turnaround near the entrance to the parking lot if a gate is installed. Upon completion of the project, the applicant shall submit a set of "as-built" plans signed by a professional civil engineer. 21. Handicap ramps must be installed according to City Detail Plate 5215. 12 Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 2007 All voted in favor, except Papke who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 5 to 1. 13