CC Minutes 9-10-07City Council Meeting - September 10, 2007 Councilwoman Ernst: Second. Mayor Furlong: Moved and seconded. Any discussion? Councilman Litsey moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes. e. Approval of Site Plan Review for Auxiliary Parking, Paisley Park, 7801 Audubon Road. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Furlong: Do you want to pick up 1(c) right after visitor presentations? Todd Gerhardt: Yeah, I think that's appropriate. Mayor Furlong: That's an unfinished business item. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. ND 1(C). THE PRESERVATION AT BLUFF CREEK 2 ADDITION, PROJECT 07-11: APPROVE CHANGES TO GRADING PLAN. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Oehme, we'll start with your update and then have opportunity for Mr. Dorsey's public comment. Paul Oehme: Sure. Thank you. City Council members, this item is just a request by the developer to modify the existing grading plan as has been previously approved. Approximately 43,000 cubic yards of excess material on site that the engineer did not anticipate. He would like to utilize the existing development to re-grade the property so material would not have to be hauled off site. He has submitted a grading plan and staff has reviewed that grading plan and has gone back and forth on several modifications and the plan before you tonight is we feel the best plan that we can come up with in terms of how to shape the site. The future development so the issue recently has Mr. Dorsey, the property owner to the east has raised some concerns about the grading and some of the touch down points in terms of the road and specifically a retaining wall along and adjacent to the development property. Just for background sake, Ryland Homes did meet with Mr. Dorsey I think back in May of some time and the issue at that time again was the road, the stub road. Mills Road. The elevations and the grade of that street. Mr. Dorsey requested a few modifications to that road and then also the retaining wall previously was about 12 feet high in one section. Mr. Dorsey did not, he can speak to this but he requested that that road, or that that retaining wall be lowered as you may recall under the second phase approval process. The applicant again did meet with him and we're trying to work out an agreement in terms of try to reduce the height of that wall and just recently today we did have a conversation on the phone with Mr. Dorsey and the developer and you know we have initially identified the potential to reduce that wall to under 4 feet. The only issue there is if we can reduce it under 4 2