AUGUST 28, 2007
Chairman Stolar called the regular meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. after concluding a work
session to discuss the capital improvement program that began at 6:00 p.m..
Glenn Stolar, Steve Scharfenberg, Tom Kelly, Thor Smith, Dan
Campion, Paula Atkins and Jeff Daniel
Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; and Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Kelly moved, Scharfenberg seconded to approve the agenda
as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Stolar: Any upcoming events?
Ruegemer: Just the Huffman race coming up September 8. We'll cover that a little bit later in
the agenda but 9:00 on September 8 at City Center Park.
Stolar: Great.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES:Daniel moved, Scharfenberg seconded to approve the
verbatim and summary minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated
July 24, 2007 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a
vote of 7 to 0.
Todd Hoffman: Thank you Chair Stolar, members of the commission. First of all would like to
apologize for shorting the item by 4 or 5 pages. I'm not sure if everyone received them. If not,
send copies down to you. The 2030 comp plan has been worked on since May and so it's an
update to our section. I can tell you that since submitting our draft we have been getting nice
reviews from both the council and the community development staff so the document that you
see before you has been refined. A couple of additions and basically what we would like the
commission to do is review it. Not necessarily proof read it but make sure that the overall
direction and content of the plan is in keeping with your thinking. It's split up in a variety, it
looks much different than the 15 comp plan. It's very well laid out. It includes nice graphics and
Park and Recreation Commission - August 28, 2007
so we just want to make sure that before it goes to the council on September 10 that you have a
chance to review it.
Stolar: And everyone please check your emails. Todd mailed out the complete draft. I will start
with Steve. If you wanted to have any questions or comments.
Scharfenberg: I don't. It looks like from what I was able to view, very well put together and I
didn't have any, I haven't been able to read the additional stuff that was sent out today so.
Stolar: And by the way, much of what was in the additional stuff, about a page and a half or so
of it, was the things we had put into the 2030. The different projects so it showed the map of the
different items we said we were going to look at. Expanding Lake Ann and some of those
things… And then a couple of the other goals and objections. Or objections and policies, excuse
me. Paula.
Atkins: I would like more time to review it. I didn't look at the email recently either so, sorry.
Stolar: Okay.
Hoffman: This is your chance. If you make comments, you have to forward them, email them
and then we'll get them to community development.
Stolar: Tom.
Kelly: I don't have any. Could we make a motion to say you know, if we have any comments,
pass them to Todd by 4:00 p.m. on Friday. If not, then.
Stolar: Does that give sufficient time for you?
Kelly: Or I'm just trying to.
Hoffman: It is. If there are comments here, it'd be best that we talk about them as a group and
so if people do have comments that can solicit some, or pull out some conversation, it would be
best to do that. I would like to save the comments outside of the commission meeting just for
those who are in that particular situation.
Stolar: Jeff, did you have anything?
Daniel: I really had none.
Stolar: Dan.
Campion: None.
Stolar: Thor.
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Smith: None. I thought it was very well put together and I don't have any other additions.
Stolar: Todd, I have 2 or 3 because I too agree. It looks great, and it was very well put together.
And I don't know that these are specific changes but themes that I would like to see if we can
Hoffman: Okay.
Stolar: One is, I think in relation to, we talked about the citizens surveys but I would also like to
include some of the recognitions the city has had and how the parks contribute to the city's
prestige or recognition. Right, which is one of our missions. So the Money Magazine, Best
Places to Live and the Family, was it Family Circle? I think the fact that we are a part of what
makes this town receive those recognitions is part of our mission.
Hoffman: Great.
Stolar: And then the second thing is, and you and I have talked about this before Todd, just the
overall health issue that we're facing. Of course just recently the new obesity studies came out
and you know for those of you who don't know, a good friend of mine is Executive Director of a
foundation that focuses on childhood obesity and she develops programs for park and rec
departments to help address childhood obesity. In fact she's a speaker at this year's national
conference. Park and rec conference. And I think that the fact that we as a commission have
always supported the trails and the programs and the physical activities to make for a healthier
community, I think is an important thing to note as part of our objectives here. So we talk about
the quality of life but it's the health and well being also that we support and you know even
tonight in our CIP we said you know, we've got trails. We've got activities we want to support.
Hoffman: Page 11 under active living, we'll expand on that.
Stolar: Yeah, that's where, okay.
Hoffman: It starts to talk about that but we can expand on that to include.
Stolar: What I wasn't actually looking at, in the policy on page 14, the objectives so the
overarching goal of park and recreation system is to provide facilities and programs to meet the
city's needs and promote a sense of community. See if in there we can put some of those things,
add some.
Daniel: Health and awareness.
Stolar: Health and awareness as well as the recognition and prestige quality of life factors.
Those were just the two places.
Hoffman: Thanks.
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Stolar: The final point I had was, is a nit picky one but in the chart I don't see us having Camp
Tanadoon as one of the open space areas in that, on page 4. So we list all the other types of
things including the private golf courses. I didn't know if we wanted to list Camp Tanadoon
Hoffman: Okay. We do. We want to be inclusive.
Stolar: That was all I had. And I mean again, I think both you and the staff, as well as our
partners in.
Hoffman: Hoisington.
Stolar: Yeah. Just did a great job with this for this thing, and personally I'd like to thank
commission members for either attending one of the, well our individual review session as well
as the citizen reviews. In the discussion yesterday at the City Council, when we were talking
about park needs into the future, it was very comforting to be able to rely upon the input we
received at those open houses with the citizens where we've got so much feedback that was
supportive of our plan. And you know our being there and talking with the citizens I think
helped a lot so thanks.
Hoffman: The picture of the wood playground will go away as well.
Stolar: Like you say, they're such cute kids. Want to leave them in. Got to find maybe those
kids and see if we can get them on the new playground.
Hoffman: If you wouldn't mind go ahead and take them through those extra pages.
Stolar: Okay. So in the extra pages that were just distributed we continued to talk about the
objectives and policies. It follows on the objective of implementing strategies to supplement the
city's capacity to expand and maintain the park and rec system. And then planning for parks and
recreation proactively. Anticipate any community needs. Much of which we were just
discussing today in the 10 year CIP. And then the final section is related to the park and rec
initiatives, including the map that showed the work done showing all the different future
initiatives and changes we'd like to see.
Hoffman: And again I apologize. We think if it was as simple as one person printing it and the
other person grabbing it off to go to the packet and then the copier ran out, or the printer ran out
of paper so, page 18, 19, these are what you talked about. These are your words from last May
going into the document as a commission so I want to make sure that you have an opportunity to
at least take a look at those and review them.
Daniel: Quick question. Once this program is completed, signed off on, what, how are we going
to make this available to the public to read? Do we place it on the web site?
Hoffman: It will be on the web site.
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Daniel: Okay.
Hoffman: And this all goes through a public hearing process. I wasn't totally inclusive, not only
are these your ideas, but these are the ideas that came out of the public meetings. So then this
goes into a document and this is again read by the community and they'll say you know, this is
good. This is not a good thing. This is crazy. And then council will, they may change the
document. They may send it back to you to make some changes and modifications. They may
send it back to staff. Then they'll continue to refine it until they actually put their stamp of
approval on this and so this goes through a complete public hearing process. Once it's finally
approved, then it will be covered in the paper. And then it goes into a print copy and then it goes
on to the web site and people can access it. And then there's a comp plan out there now. Who
looks at it? Not very many people unless you're developing property or you might be moving
into an area or you might be interested in the community, moving here or bringing a business
here. So then it's out there and accessed you know by individuals as they see fit. But it is the
guiding document for what we're going to do.
Stolar: And I encourage, if we, you know once this is solidified, that we probably provide it to
new park and rec commissioners. This section to park and rec commission members as part of
their orientation. I think when I joined we did get a copy of the.
Hoffman: Existing plan.
Stolar: What was that year.
Hoffman: 2010.
Stolar: 10, something like that yeah. Also if you noticed in here there was discussion about I
believe updating this every 5 years.
Hoffman: Correct.
Stolar: And then reviewing it. You had something in here about reviewing it every 5 years or
something. I can't remember where that was.
Hoffman: Probably in the front of the plan.
Stolar: Anyway, it was in here somewhere. I thought this, it should be a living document. If it
dies, it should be a part of how we, you know when we do CIP's and such, it should be a guide
for that.
Hoffman: Okay. And then Friday, what time?
Kelly: Well I just threw that out. I said Friday at 4:00.
Hoffman: Perfect.
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Scharfenberg: You have a list of projects? That will not be referenced in here right? Or will it?
The list of projects that we just ran.
Hoffman: They will be included. The 20, the 10 year CIP will be in this document. It probably
won't be in our section. It will be under the CIP section in the comp plan, but it will go in.
Stolar: Any additional comments? Todd were you looking for a motion for us to approve this
draft or were you just presenting it as information? Is there action you need from us?
Hoffman: No action necessary unless you want to make some recommendations to be
incorporated as changes.
Stolar: My recommendations are strictly that. Recommendations and I'll leave it your's and the
consultant's discretion as to how and when you include it.
Hoffman: Wonderful.
Stolar: Suggestions I should say.
Hoffman: Yeah, and they're good suggestions. We'll get them in there.
Stolar: Anybody have any formal action? I think just as a sense of the commission based on our
comments here, I think this is, we're appreciative of the work done. Thank you.
Stolar: I know we have an action right in front of us and I know we already have some updates
that we need to do based on our working session so. Todd, if you want to introduce the text?
Hoffman: Absolutely. Chair Stolar, members of the commission, the 2008 Park and Trail
Acquisition and Development CIP. It's listed on the back. There are 7 items I believe which
we're going to take one out based on your work session. Highway 101 north trail connection will
be deleted from 2008. What will remain is the Lyman Boulevard upgrade trail improvements at
half a million. Arboretum Business Park/Chan Nature Preserve Phase I development at 317.
That is currently underway. The Preserve trail and bridge at $250,000. That is also currently
underway. Lakeside trail, Lyman Boulevard, that's currently rocked. It's not asphalted but
should be by the end of the summer and then we pay this money back to the developer. And
then our annual picnic tables, park benches. We'll be buying some actually for to outfit the new
shelter. And then trees in the fall. We always do a fall tree planting to replace what's been lost
over the summer, such as in a couple of storms so we'll be out taking a look at some areas. So
that brings the number down from the $1.263 to $1,138,000.
Stolar: And then we did talk about the marquee at City Center Park.
Hoffman: Adding that in.
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Stolar: Adding that in with the understanding that we're also going to work with the city to see if
there are additional other sources of funding for a community wide, not just park and rec,
community wide marquee. Since Jerry's going to be coding this little program in there.
Hoffman: Second part of the item, the commission would need to formulate a recommendation
to forward a 10 year CIP based on the conversation we just completed and the document that we
saved for years 2009 through 2017.
Stolar: And we don't have it right in front of us but the, does anyone have any questions to how
we ended up with it? Let me see if we need. Is the commission interested in making sure
we…before we recommend it? So do we have a motion on the amended 2008 CIP
recommendations? Those amendments being off the staff presentation. The removal of the 101
north trail connection at $125,000 and then the addition of the city information marquee at City
Center Park.
Scharfenberg: Motion to approve the 2008 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development CIP as
Stolar: Motion by Commissioner Scharfenberg. Do we have a second?
Campion: Second.
Stolar: Seconded by Commissioner Campion. Any comments? Discussion? Changes?
Scharfenberg moved, Campion seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission
recommend the City Council approve the 2008 Park and Trail Acquisition and
Development Capital Improvement Program, amended to delete the Highway 101 North
Trail Connection at $125,000 and the addition of a city information marquee at City
Center Park. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Stolar: Why don't we, since Jerry's the next two reports anyway, we'll wait for him to come
back. I guess I can, if commission members don't mind, I'll jump quick to just the city meeting
report from last night and, for those of you who don't know, we were asked to present our park
and recreation needs, forecast future needs and much of it, very similar to what we've talked
about tonight with the 2030 plan as well as the CIP, and it was a good discussion. I think, as I
mentioned previously, the fact that we had the input in the 2030 plan was very helpful in
discussing the support for the visions we have. It did come down in the discussion too so
basically the crunch that we're dealing with from a community park perspective is athletic fields,
and the answer was yes. That's really the big push right now because as they talk about, we have
a lot of open space and if you look in the 2030 plan from an acreage perspective, in 2030 we'll be
about 42 acres short in community, 40 acres short in community parks based upon the models
that we used. We'll be 12 short I believe in neighborhood parks. But those numbers, it was
brought up by the City Council, don't include all of these other open space items we share such
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as preserves or Minnewashta Park or the Arboretum. Things along those lines. Well, and in the
discussion we talk about how those really don't count when you're looking at athletic fields
because you can't put an athletic field on the Arboretum. You can't put them in Minnewashta so
the need for a community park really is centered a lot around as the population grows, the
athletic field needs grow. I think that was a take we all walked away with. But I think that they
saw that need and.
Hoffman: They're willing to work with us.
Stolar: Yeah, willing to work with us and saw that we've done, I felt they felt we did our
homework. We worked, you know looked at all alternatives. We talked about how we've used
Minnewashta for recreational programs when we could. And that to the extent that we can
extend that partnership we will, but outside of that I think it was a pretty well received
discussion. And it was nice, as Todd mentioned in our working session is, we got to discuss this
portion of our 2030 plan with them as a focused item. Just us. And I thought that that worked
Hoffman: And the council wants to continue to challenge you as individual commission
members to take a look at what you can come up with with your own thoughts and with
discussions with your neighbors and friends about, they talked about can we put athletics back
into neighborhood parks more.
Stolar: Yes, oh I'm sorry, yeah.
Hoffman: Can we expand existing facilities? Can we continue to expand existing facilities?
What partnerships can we grab onto?
Stolar: Right. Are there other lands out there that aren't quote unquote parkland that we could
put athletic fields on?
Hoffman: Because we admitted openly that the easy acquisition development projects are over.
There's not going to be easy projects and so.
Stolar: And the flat land is not there anymore.
Hoffman: Most of it's gone. There it's worth about you know $10.00 a square foot. And so it's
going to be a challenge and so when you complete a study and you put that challenge out there,
you know the easiest thing to do is just to say change our numbers. Let's just take that away but
that's not what we're about. We want to make sure that we meet those demands. It also, this is
also a very true validation of what we know. What we've heard for the past 10 years. We know
that people are happy with the neighborhood parks. We know they're happy with their trails.
They can get out of their house, but we've heard this you know, there's not enough ballfields.
There's not enough ballfields. We were very fortunate with Bandimere. We were extremely
fortunate and so you can feel good about that, but here's always think about it in your head.
Bandimere was such a good deal, it's way down here. We're going to pay, if we acquire it, we're
going to pay way up here for the next one, and both of those are going to balance out and you're
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just going to say okay, well. We got one on the cheap. We're going to have to pay for one, and
we can all say for years and years, we should have bought two Bandimere's when we bought one,
but we didn't and so now we're going to have to pay. Or come up and be creative. Before
councils and citizens are willing to pay 5 or 10 million dollars for the next community park,
when they paid 2 for their last one, they're going to want to make sure that you've exhausted all
the possibilities for fulfilling their athletic field needs. We also mentioned, the other thing that
we may lose the Instant Web field, so we're up one field now you know and that may go away.
For those of you not familiar with the Instant Web field, it's down there, it's in a private business
lot. When they build a building there, that field goes away and we're down one more so.
Daniel: Do we have an assessment of existing parks, neighborhood parks that we have right now
that could have, for example Curry Farms. I know that there's enough open space there that you
could tentatively size a small soccer field in there. For junior or whatever it may be. There used
to be at one time there something like that. I mean that's just one example. Plus there's parking
so I mean there's.
Hoffman: Well, yeah very little parking.
Daniel: Very little.
Hoffman: You were probably around in the days when we put CAA would play at Rice Marsh.
They would play at Carver Beach Park. And what happened is that parking filled the cul-de-
sacs. Blocked people's driveways. They would park in one place and walk through yards to get
to the field. And so the community was fairly upset with the park commission. Fairly upset with
staff and the council about you shouldn't be forcing these community athletics into our
neighborhood parks. It's causing problems. It's hampering our quality of life. You know
nobody else has to put up with that. We live next to a park and we have to put up with that, and
we made again promises to the community that when we acquire Bandimere, when we approved
the Rec Center, when we built the Rec Center, we improved City Center, we'll take those out of
those neighborhood parks, and we've done that with the only exception being North Lotus and
Meadow Green where we still, and a few, for any of you who have been around Meadow Green,
I still can't believe they put up with what they do down there. The parking is you know, it's bad.
But they've become accustomed to it and so the mayor brought the very same point up. You
know we could put youth athletics back into neighborhood parks but it's going to caused some
headaches. Oh in Sunset Ridge we're doing that. So we're doing it where we can get away with
it. That's the best way to put it…
Daniel: There used to be soccer there.
Hoffman: Yeah some, what would you call it, enterprising coaches.
Ruegemer: Yeah.
Hoffman: Find a few open fields.
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Ruegemer: We don't advise people, we don't schedule anything but we know that it's occurring
in certain neighborhoods. Chan Hills is another park.
Hoffman: And that's public use. You're not going to do a lot about that.
Stolar: It's just a bunch of people getting together but it's you know coached by these teams,
Hoffman: But if we start to schedule them back on those parks and those neighborhoods start to
have a problem, this audience is going to be their first stop. They're going to be saying, hey
what's the deal? You know why are you putting those people back in the neighborhood parks.
And that's also the reason we stopped building ballfields in neighborhood parks, is because you
don't need a ballfield to play pick-up baseball on a Saturday afternoon with your neighbors. And
when we put these very nice, fenced, dugout or you know and aggregate fields in, then the
athletic association started saying hey, they put that out. A nice field over there in Chanhassen
Hills Park. Why don't we, we should be scheduling games over there, so we stopped building
those parks, those fields in those neighborhood parks for that reason. But push come to shove,
you know you might have to do it again. You never know.
Daniel: It just comes down to capacity. You might reach that point where, again based off of
the cost threshold of expanding or get another community field, you have to look at alternatives.
Hoffman: Yeah, it's what appropriate. And the first place they go to is those fields like Sunset
where the parking lot is large and it's not in a neighborhood. And North Lotus where it's fairly
large parking lot, not right in the neighborhood.
Stolar: Roundhouse has a park there but it doesn't have a field.
Hoffman: No field. And they're using that for some pick-up.
Ruegemer: Soccer.
Hoffman: Soccer. Yeah, the coaches in that side of town are finding it.
Stolar: Jerry did bring the other recommendations so as we went through it. It shows for 2009
we have $650,000 recommended with the two trail projects. Bluff Creek and Pioneer Boulevard.
Hoffman: And then half a million at Lyman.
Stolar: Half a million at Lyman, that's right. And then 2010 was going to be a lighter year with
70 grand. Oh, I noticed the 2008 Carver Beach Park, fishing dock extension. We didn't include
in that. We had it in 2008 here. We didn't include it in our CIP recommendation. The $3,000.
Hoffman: Okay.
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Stolar: Do I have a motion to amend our previous motion? To add that one since it was listed
Hoffman: Scharfenberg would need to do it.
Scharfenberg: What was that?
Stolar: Amend to add the Carver Beach Park fishing dock extension to the 2008 CIP.
Scharfenberg: So amended.
Stolar: Okay.
Scharfenberg moved, Campion seconded to amend the motion of approval for the 2008
Park and Trail Acquisition and Development CIP to add the Carver Beach Park fishing
dock extension. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to
Stolar: Somewhat Robert's Rules of Order but not exactly the way it should be.
Hoffman: It'll be about $3,000…
Stolar: Yeah. Yeah actually that brings to close the Carver Beach discussions with what's been
done so far. I think that's great. So then going back to 2009, we have 650 in new projects plus
the 500 carry over of Lyman for 1150. 2010 will be an extremely lean year with about 70.
Hoffman: 50 and 20.
Stolar: 50 and 20 so 70 grand being spent. 2011 we're looking at the Lake Ann ballfield
shelter/restrooms at 750. 2012 is, let's see which one.
Hoffman: 450.
Stolar: Is the MUSA neighborhood parkland acquisition. 2013 we have the safety netting for
Bandimere I believe.
Hoffman: Yep. And downtown railroad trail.
Stolar: Downtown railroad trail 300 for 340. 2014 we have.
Hoffman: Picnic shelter improvements.
Stolar: Picnic shelter improvements of 100. 2015 we have the access docks as well as.
Hoffman: Rice Marsh Lake.
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Stolar: Rice Marsh Lake trail extension. And I don't have the dollar number of that one. What
Hoffman: I think it was 3.
Stolar: Oh wait, that's over here. Yeah. …so that was for $10,000 each so about $400,000
roughly. 2016 was the Bandimere shelter for 750. 2017 another lighter year. The skate park,
new ramps for 75. So that's what we had. Do we have any discussion on those? Seeing none, I
have a new business item related to, or excuse me…related to the CIP. Do we have a motion to
approve this as our 10 year CIP recommendation for Todd to present as part of the
comprehensive plan?
Campion: Move to approve it.
Stolar: Moved by Commissioner Campion.
Daniel: Seconded.
Stolar: Seconded by Commissioner Daniel. Any further discussion?
Campion moved, Daniel seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend
the City Council approve the 10 year Park and Trail Acquisition and Development CIP.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Stolar: And again thanks everyone for spending the time today to go through that.
Hoffman: Great work session. You guys did a wonderful job.
Ruegemer: Yeah just give the commission a little update. The Huffman race is coming up
Saturday, September 8. Again it's our 8 Annual. Kathy, Dave's wife is coming back again
with her brother this time so they'll be set up with the, at the AmericInn has some suites and
plane tickets and stuff already to go for Kathy. Dave and Kathy's daughter Jessica is going to the
University of Minnesota right now so she's in town and their son Jack will stay back in Chicago
for the time so, she's, I just talked to her last week. She's really looking forward to coming back
again and seeing everybody involved with the race. Also old neighbors so they're extremely
pleased with that. I've had conversations with Mike Wegler, our Street Superintendent and Peter
Anderley with our Carver County Sheriff's department. I'm going to be meeting with those two
gentlemen again tomorrow morning at 11:00 to go through kind of last minute road closures and
cone placements. Staffing. That sort of thing tomorrow morning so those guys are great to work
with and they're always real receptive to our needs that we'll have a successful event. So we'll go
through that again. Kids race is on track again. Palmer's I believe is going to be sponsoring that
again this year. They're going to write a nice check for that. We have a new, one of the new
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Vikings mascots coming. Ragnar will not be here this year. It'll be somebody else affiliated
with the Vikings mascot department so made the arrangements so they'll change at City Hall that
morning and then come out for the event that day so the Vikings have been involved again with
that. Given us free advertising on their web page and also during the game day publications at
the games. All the postcards and that have gone out to all the past participants inviting people to
participate again. Shirts should be here probably the next 2 or 3 days. They're actually on the
printer I believe today. So those should be all set to go. As it relates to the shirts, we have new
kind of a major sponsor. Ridgeview Medical Clinics agreed to pay the, for the most part, almost
100% of the shirt costs of $2,400 so that means we can give more away. Kind of on the tail end
of it to the boy scouts. Feed my starving, what was it? Feed my.
Hoffman: Starving Children.
Ruegemer: Starving Children, and then of course we're also going to donate $1,000 to the
student scholarships with the Chamber of Commerce in Dave's memory so, Dave's honor so
that's been a really great event with that. That just means we can spread the, spread a little bit
more money across the board so it'd be a great day. Great event. Again we have another
meeting scheduled with the Huffman board on Thursday afternoon at 3:00 to kind of go, keep
going so we have a meeting once or twice a week leading up to the race so. Everything's on line
right now and moving towards the race day.
Scharfenberg: Jerry, does the board decide what charities the money goes to?
Ruegemer: Typically yes.
Scharfenberg: Okay. Does that change from year to year?
Ruegemer: It does.
Scharfenberg: Or does it stay pretty constant?
Ruegemer: Yeah, it does. For the most part there's kind of some you know staples. The boy
scouts typically receive some money. We've added the, I think this is the third year now for the
Chamber of Commerce Student Scholarships. We eliminated the Arboretum this year and added
Feed My Starving Children to that event and so you know down the road, you know we can
discuss, I'm sure we'll probably do something for the Ridgeview Foundation as well probably at
some point down the road so.
Kelly: How much money did the raffle ticket sales raise for the Huffman Run?
Ruegemer: I want to say $1,100. Total revenue.
Smith: Is it the same route as last year?
Ruegemer: Yep.
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Hoffman: Who can forget it? Most importantly, Dave sat right at this venue. Right here. He
was one of.
Ruegemer: I think in Tom's chair.
Stolar: Okay.
Ruegemer: If anybody would like to be involved that day, help out with registration and be a
course monitor, involved in any way or just want to show up, please tell me and we'll get you
involved as much as you want to be or as little as you want to be so.
Stolar: I'll check the fall baseball schedule and then I'll let you know. Okay, thank you. Any
Ruegemer: Fall programs, just kind of a general FYI for the commission. John was on staff
about a week and he had to put this together so, he's really, he did a nice job on putting a lot of
the programs together. Making a lot of contacts in the short term with the 4 of July and
everything going on so, there's a lot of combined efforts with multiple agencies here. This
includes also the Rec Center with that. We're going to try some new things for the MEA
timeframe. We're going to kind of break away from the traditional school day other ventures
with Eden Prairie and Chaska and kind of try to do some things on our own with that so just try
different type of classes. Adult types of classes and really kind of try and gear up towards the
fall season here so. I think the winter's newsletter is due here in the next couple weeks here so
for the winter, so we're kind of thinking ahead even beyond this a little bit as well so.
Stolar: Great. Any questions?
Atkins: Do you have a fall…softball league?
Ruegemer: Yep, fall softball is going. We started the week of the 13. 14. Was it Tuesday the
14. We started a couple weeks ago and we will go now til about the first part of October. Fall
basketball will be starting next, about 2 or 3 weeks.
Campion: When are the lights going to be in at Lake Ann?
Hoffman: Lake Ann? They'll be completed this, late this fall. End of November, ready for the
spring. Same schedule as the shelter. Be done late this fall, early spring.
Stolar: And we had talked about maybe next spring having a.
Hoffman: Dedication.
Stolar: Little ceremony.
Park and Recreation Commission - August 28, 2007
Kelly: Will CAA take full advantage of the lights next year do you think?
Ruegemer: Multiple agencies will.
Stolar: That's what we could do. Have a little softball game. Us against City Council.
Scharfenberg: Park and Rec against the Planning Commission.
Stolar: Actually, one commission should join us and then we get first bids.
Hoffman: Park commission against the 14 year olds.
Stolar: Any other questions?
Kelly: I just a question, any feedback about the Miracles Kids Triathlon at Lake Ann?
Ruegemer: I certainly didn't hear any negatives on it. My daughter did participate as well as
your's so I was down there. I mean it really was hurry up and let's get swimming and let's get
biking but as far as I know, I think everything went fine.
Hoffman: An event very lucky to get that one under the belt. I mean it was huge, as I biked
down that morning I just thought, well this is what you run into and all that effort, all that
planning and if it would have been a thunder storm rather than rain storm, it would have been
done and those people would have had to go home and it would have just been so deflating so
even with the weather, a great success.
Stolar: And we had no parking was an issue again and I did talk to some of the Carver County
sheriff's and the way they let people just park along 78 Street there, it worked out well so. They
managed it well.
Hoffman: Yeah, and the health issues were just onset of hypothermia and a few road rashes…to
think you're suffering from pre-hypothermia in August. No body fat. 3 hours in the rain and
cold. We actually had a car that they were heating kids in as they were warming them back up
from coming off the race course.
Stolar: Did you guys stay for a little bit at the end there with that one kid that raised the
number…kid again. $25,000 he raised….one kid. Yeah, just amazing. He just tops himself.
Last year he broke 10 which was just amazing and then this year he broke 25. Just amazing.
Hoffman: I think he sponsored, somebody said he sponsored his own golf tournament.
Stolar: Something like that. Yeah, he thought of ways to raise the money. He just keeps coming
up with new ideas to raise money for this charity and it's amazing.
Park and Recreation Commission - August 28, 2007
Hoffman: He was awarded the, for the statewide triathlon association, I think he was the fifth
person ever to receive their highest award and they awarded that to him at their annual banquet
so very neat story.
Stolar: Alright, any other items to discuss? Questions on the Administrative packet?
Smith moved, Campion seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim