1983 09 27MINUTES
VARIANCE CASES 82-12 and 83-13
Members Present: Dale Geving, Willard Johnson, Mike Thompson.
Staff Present: Bob Waibel, City Planner
Public List:
Don Schmieg, 200 W. 77th Street, Chanhassen
John Parsons, 7200 Juniper, Excelsior
Margaret Parsons, 7200 Juniper, Excelsior
Earl Morgan, 3724 Hickory Road, Excelsior
Grace Morgan, 3724 Hickory Road, Excelsior
Susan Morgan, 3734 Hickory Road, Excelsior
Michael Morgan, 3734 Hickory Road, Excelsior
Eugene Rask, 1030 Bridge Street, Shoreview
(summer residence: 3728 Hickory Road)
Esther Rask, 1385 Cohansey Street, St. Paul
Jeremy Cone, 3735 Hickory Road, Excelsior
Ron Roeser, 222 Chan View, Chanhassen
Richard Comer, 3800 Red Cedar Point Drive
Dennis J. Wittenberg, 9880 Crestwood Terrace,
Eden Prairie
Roeser Variance Request, 222 Chan View - Planning Case 83-13:
The staff report was delivered by Waibel indicating the request
was for a ten foot front yard setback variance and a nine foot
side yard variance request to the respective 30 foot front yard
and 10 foot side yard setback requirements of Zoning Ordinance
47. Tom Hamilton stated that he felt there were no problems with
the granting of the variance as requested and also felt that it
would be an overall improvement to the property in the neigh-
Don Schmieg indicated he objected to the proposed variance for
the reason that there is sufficent room on the property for the
applicant to conform and that approval would allow anybody to
receive this same type of variance. Additionally, he stated that
since the one foot setback is measured from the foundation to the
property line, the overhang would certainly encroach over the
property line.
Ronald Roeser stated that the reason why he requested the
variance was to save more yard area in the rear yard for gar-
dening as well as to reduce his costs for the garage construc-
tion. He stated that he prefers to encroach within one foot of
the property line, however, if need be his plans would still be
possible if only a two foot setback were allowed.
Dennis Wittenberg stated that he owns the property abutting to
the east and objects to the proposal. He stated that, if
approved, the garage would be only 12 feet from the house on his
property which is 11 feet from the property line. He stated that
it would be quite unusual if the same request was approved for
SEPTEMBER 27, 1983
his property which would put two structures only two feet apart
from each other.
A motion was made by Mike Thompson to close the public hearing.
Motion seconded by Willard Johnson. Vote unanimous. Motion
Willard Johnson stated that he does not agree with such a minimal
lot line setback and felt there was sufficient room for a garage
to be located elsewhere on the property.
When asked if the garage can be pushed ten feet further back from
the front property line to be compliant with the front yard set-
back of 30 feet, Mr. Roeser stated that he thought that was
A motion was made by Dale Geving and seconded by Mike Thompson.
to recommend the City Council deny the requested ten foot
front yard setback variance and approve an eight foot side yard
setback variance with the condition that the applicant be
required to install rain gutters on the east side of the proposed
garage. Vote: Dale Geving and Michael Thompson - Aye; Willard
Johnson - Nay. Motion carried.
L.O. Parsons, Lot 26, Block 1, Red Cedar Point - 83-13 Variance
The staff report was presented to the Board by Waibel. He indi-
cated that the proposal was similar to that which was proposed
approximately one year ago. At that time the proposal was
reviewed in the context of it being subject to the shoreland
management regulations for lot area and setbacks, etc; as well as
how it was assessed for sewer and water improvements. He indi-
cated that since that proposal was denied, considerable questions
were raised as to the validity of using the sewer and water
assessment rolls in determining the reasonable use of existing
platted properties established prior to the adoption of the
City's Zoning and Shoreland regulations.
He mentioned that since variances, in the past, were usually
approved or disapproved based solely upon its assessment status,
and since this policy is presently being questioned, con-
sideration must also be given to such requests in the context of
Ordinance 47-J. Ordinance 47-J allows for platted lots of record
prior to February 8, 1972, to be buildable provided it meets 50% of
the area, lot width, and depth requirements of the zoning
district within which it is located. In this context, the
variance requests for this proposal technically are for a five
foot lot width variance, a 1,058 square foot lot area variance
and a 1.5 foot side yard setback variance to the requirements of
Ordinance 47 and 47-J.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1983
Waibel stated that although a written response from DNR had not
yet been received, Area Hydrologist, David Leuthe had suggested
in a phone conversation prior to the meeting, that a front yard
encroachment of 10 feet be considered to lessen the high water
mark encroachment. Waibel indicated that staff does not find any
problems with same since there would still be a 20 foot parking
apron in front of the proposed house.
Mike Morgan stated that he was opposed to the variance. He felt
it was a significant deviation from the ordinance standards for
Red Cedar Point and would have a negative effect on the neigh-
borhood overall.
Mr. Morgan also delivered a letter to the Board from Mr. & Mrs.
Sidney Krueger (neighbors to the east) stating opposition to the
Esther Rask stated she was opposed to the request feeling that it
was an over use of the property.
Earl Morgan stated that he was opposed to the proposal and felt
it was too close to the lake and especially close when water was
John Parsons presented a list of signatures of property owners in
the area who were in favor of the Parsons request to the Board.
Dale Geving directed staff to provide the City Council with a map
showing the location of those property owners who signed the
petition in favor of the request.
A motion was made by Michael Thompson and seconded by Dale Geving
to close the public hearing. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Dale Geving stated that this is a very difficult request. In
similar cases the Board often asks for property owners to attempt
to acquire additional land adjacent to their property so that
they would come closer to the ordinance standards. The Board and
the City Council also have to consider the fact that there may be
certain property rights involved with platted lots of record such
as is found in Red Cedar Point, Carver Beach and Shore Acres.
Willard Johnson felt that if the house moved ten feet closer to
the road there could be a parking problem.
A motion was made by Dale Geving and seconded by Michael Thompson.
to recommend that the City Council deny the request. Vote:
Unanimous. Motion carried.