1984 04 16BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS APRIL 16, 1984 Members Present: Carol Watson, Williard Johnson, and Dale Geving Front Yard Setback Variance Request, 7201 Juniper Avenue, ~regory G. Dattilo, Public Hearing: -- Mr. Dattilo is proposing to construct a 20' x 35' addition onto his existing home at 7201 Juniper Avenue in Red Cedar Point. The addition is to follow along the line of the front side of the existing home which will require an 8' 8" front yard setback to the 30 foot front yard setback requirement of Zoning Ordinance 47. A motion was made by Carol Watson and seconded by Dale Geving to approve the variance as requested. Motion unanimously approved. Side Yard Setback Variance Request, 720 West 96th Street, Ronald Landin, Planning Case 84-1 Variance:-- -- Mr. Landin is proposing to move a house onto the east 155 feet of the west 310 feet of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 25, Township 116, Range 23. The house is proposed to be located having a side yard setback of 47 feet to the west property line and 40 feet to the east property line. The proposal requires a 53 foot side yard setback variance to the Zoning Ordinance requirement that properties in an R-lA District have one side yard of a minimum of 10 feet and another side yard with a minimum of 100 feet. A motion was made by Dale Geving and seconded by Willard Johnson to approve a 53 foot side yard variance request for Mr. Landin, Planning Case 84-1 Variance with the following conditions: - The proposed home must be aligned with house to the west; - The project must be completed within one year from the date of approval; - The home must connect to the 201 sewer project. Motion unanimously approved. Shoreland Management Regulations Variance Request, 6370 Pleasant View Road, Timothy Foster, Planning Case 83-7 Variance: Mr. Foster is seeking a 26 foot ordinary high water mark setback variance for a frame shed which was constructed on Lot 3, Block 1, Christmas Acres after the adoption of the Shoreland Management Ordinance. The Shoreland Management regulations require that all structures be setback a minimum of 75 feet from the ordinary high water mark of recreational development waters. A motion was made by Dale Geving and seconded by Carol Watson to approve the variance as requested because they felt it would be difficult for the applicant to change his plans. Conditions of approval would be that there be no blight on the land or lake and that no harm is done to either the land or lake. Ayes - Carol Watson and Dale Geving. Naye - Willard Johnson. Motion carried. Board of Adjustments and Appeals Minutes April 16, 1984 Page 2 Side Yard Setback Variance, Parcel A, Coey Subdvision, Brian Tic hy: Mr. Tichy is proposing to construct a single family detached resi- dence on Parcel A of the Coey Subdivision for which an 11.9 foot side yard setback variance is required to the R-lA, Agricultural Residence Distrct requirement that one side lot have a minimum width of at least 100 feet. A motion was made by Dale Geving and seconded by Carol Watson to approve a 15.9 foot side yard variance request for Parcel A, Coey Subdivision. Motion unanimously approved.