1984 08 20MINUTES
AUGUST 20, 1984
Members Present
Tom Hamilton, Carol Watson and Dale Geving
Staff Present
Scott Martin, Community Development Director and Barbara Dacy,
City Planner
Call to Order
Chairman Hamilton called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Geving moved, seconded by Watson, to approve the minutes of the
July 9, 1984 meeting as presented. Geving and Watson voted in
favor of the motion. Hamilton abstained. The motion carried.
~etition for Zoning Variance to the Front Yard Building Setback
~equirement for Property Located at 6699 Hopi Road: Sharon
Hanson, Applicant
Barbara Dacy, City Planner, presented a brief overview of the
variance petition. She presented the Board with a corrected
Certificate of Survey which shows the existing home to be located
on the unimproved Western Drive right-of-way line as well as the
proposed kitchen/dining room addition. However, the proposed
living room addition would require only a 17 foot front yard set-
back variance from Hopi Road, rather than the initially proposed
21 foot variance.
The Board felt that the proposed additions would be a substantial
improvement to the property and beneficial to the neighborhood.
Geving moved, seconded by Watson, to approve a seventeen foot
front yard setback variance from Hopi Road and a 30 foot front
yard setback variance from Western Drive as depicted on the
applicant's site plan dated "Received, August 20, 1984". All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
~etition for Zoning Variance for Property Located at 6311 Teton
Lane: Bruce Cameron, Applicant
Barbara Dacy presented a brief overview of the petition. Geving
moved, seconded by Hamilton, to approve a six foot side yard set-
back variance to allow the construction of a 12' x 14' addition
to the single-family home located at 6311 Teton Lane, as
requested by the applicant in his proposed site plan dated
"Received, July 30, 1984". All voted in favor and the motion
Chanhassen Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals
August 20, 1984
Page 2
Petition for Zoning Variance to Install One Additional Dock and
To Allow Overnight Storage of Watercraft at Outlot B, Lotus Lake
~states, Lotus Lake Homeowner's Association, Applicant
Geving stated that many beachlots in the City will be affected by
the Board's decision. He was familiar with the negotiations with
the Lotus Lake developer regarding beachlot use. Each dock, he
felt, takes up considerable mmount of space and affects lake
vegetation. He stated the City should allow only one dock per
lot and not waiver from the established ordinance.
Hamilton noted that installation of the dock is not the problem,
but rather it is the intensity of use of the dock which affects
the lake. Agreement on use of the beachlot, he said, was nego-
tiated and reached with the developer in good faith to protect
the best interests of lakeshore owners and lake users. He was
concerned about opening the door to renegotiation with other
homeowner associations having recreational beachlots.
Geving commented that several years were spent developing the
beachlot ordinance, and exceptions should not be made to it so
shortly after its adoption. He stated he had no objections to
the sailboat moorings~ however, the motorized boats affect the
lake most severely.
Peter Beck, attorney representing the Lotus Lake Homeowner's
Association, stated that a variance is not required because no
prohibition on docks was included in the development contract.
The contract, he said, provided site plan review and permitting
from the City Council.
Beck stated the fear of precedent setting was unfounded because
the circumstances are so unusual. The outlot consists of
approximately 900 feet of shoreline, he noted, not typical of
other recreational beachlots in the City. Historical background
of the outlot is also unique in terms of the provisions of the
development contract. Beck cited the assessed value of the
outlot declined nearly ninety percent since the adoption of the
recreational beachlot amendment to the Zoning Ordinance.
Geving moved, seconded by Watson to forward the request to the
City Council without recommendation. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Geving moved, seconded by Watson, to approve a variance to allow
the installation of four (4) sailboat moorings in the abutting
waters of Lotus Lake, as proposed by the Lotus Lake Homeowner's
Association in Variance request ~84-8. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Chanhassen Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals
August 20, 1984
Page 3
Petition for Zoning Variance to the Recreational Beachlot Width
Requirement and to Allow Overnight Storage of Watercraft at 9241
~ake Riley Boulevard, Sunny Slope Homeowner's Association,
Steve Burke, President of the Sunny Slope Homeowner's Association,
was present to request that the petition be tabled to allow the
Association to study the option of selling the subject property
for single-family residential use.
Watson moved, seconded by Hamilton, to table the petition of the
Sunny Slope Homeowner's Association to the September 24, 1984
meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The Board agreed to allow the petitioner to keep the existing dock
and canoes on the beachlot until final action on their request,
but ordered that the boat not be kept overnight at the dock.
Geving moved, seconded by Hamilton, to adjourn the meeting at
7:25 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.