1984 09 10BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10, 1984 MEMBERS PRESENT Carol Watson, Dale Geving and Willard Johnson MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRE~ENT Barbara Dacy, City Planner CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Watson moved, seconded by Geving to approve the minutes of the August 20, 1984 meeting. Watson and Geving voted in favor. Johnson abstained. Motion carried. PETITION FOR ZONING VARIANCE TO THE ACCESSORY BUILDING SETBACK REQUIREMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1420 LAKE LUCY ROAD, TERRANCE O'BRIEN, APPLICANT. Barbara Dacy presented a brief overview of the variance petition. The applicant, she explained, is requesting a five foot variance to the ten foot required accessory building setback to construct a 24' x 20' garage. The unusual circumstances regarding the location of the garage is the existence of a wetland located in a depression just east of the house. The topography slopes sharply downward to the depression. Building the garage in conformance with the setback would require locating the garage on the side of the hill. Mr. O'Brien wanted to extend the length of the garage from 20 feet to 22 feet. Geving felt it would be a substantial improvement to the property. He asked what prevents the applicant from locating the building further to the north. O'Brien stated that the location of the trees prevents locating the building further to the north. Geving asked the applicant about drainage from the proposed garage roof. O'Brien stated he would use gutter pipes to drain the water to the wetland. Geving stated he wanted to make it a condition that the runoff must be directed towards the wetland and that the west garage wall be of sheet rock/fire wall material. Board of Adjustments and Appeals Minutes September 10, 1984 Page 2 Watson moved, seconded by Geving, to approve Variance Request #84-12 for a 5 foot variance to the 10 foot required accessory building setback to construct a 24 foot by 22 foot garage as revised on attachment #3 with the following conditions: 1. The west wall of the garage must be constructed of sheet rock or fire wall material; and 2. The runoff from the garage must flow from west to east toward the wetland. Motion carried unanimously. Geving moved, seconded by Johnson to adjourn the meeting. Ail voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.