1984 11 17BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 MEMBERS PRESENT Carol Watson, Willard Johnson and Dale Geving. MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT Barbara Dacy, City Planner CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Geving noted that the address of the applicant on page 1 should be changed to 1420 Lake Lucy Road. Watson moved, seconded by Geving to approve the minutes of September 10, 1984 meeting as amended. All voted in favor and the motion carried. PETITION FOR ZONING VARIANCE TO THE SIDE YARD BUILDING SETBACK FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 710 WEST 96th STREET, LINDA LANDIN, APPLICANT Dacy presented a brief overview of the variance petition. She stated that the applicant is requesting a 55 foot side yard set- back variance to the 100 foot side yard setback requirement to allow the construction of a 40' x 82' pole barn to be used for personal storage. She stated that the applicant is also requesting the Board to extend the one year construction period granted by a previous variance on April 16, 1984 for the proposed location of a house on the same lot. Geving asked if the applicant still intends to move a house onto the property as originally proposed in the variance granted in April. Landin responded that his plans were not definite. Geving informed the applicant of the new house moving ordinance. Geving also stated that he would prefer to have the applicant reapply when his construction plans were more firm. Landin stated that he wanted to combine both requests in order to avoid paying another hearing fee. Watson and Johnson, however, stated that they both felt more comfortable if the applicant would reapply with more definite plans. Geving moved, seconded by Watson to deny the one year extension of the previous granted variance but with the provision that the hearing fee be waived upon reapplication of the applicant. Motion carried unanimously. Johnson asked the applicant what the exterior of the proposed pole barn would look like. Landin stated that it would be Board of Adjustments and Appeals Minutes September 17, 1984 Page 2 constructed of steel siding much like the structure on Pioneer Trail and would be an earth tone color. In order to protect the view for the neighbor on the east, Geving asked the applicant if the building could be moved farther to the south. Landin replied that it would be too far back for utilities and the property slopes sharply to the south. Landin also stated that the pro- posed location of the pole barn would be even and consistent with his existing accessory building to the west. The Board then discussed alternative locations and different alignments for the proposed pole barn. Geving recommended that the pole barn should not be located further north than the existing accessory building on the lot to the west. Johnson asked the applicant if the pro- posed barn would house the equipment used for the applicant's business. Landin replied that it would not and it would be used only for personal storage of items such as a motor home, snowmo- biles, lawn mowers, etc. Geving moved, seconded by Johnson to grant a 55 foot side yard setback variance to the required 100 foot side yard building set- back to allow the construction of a 40' x 82' pole barn with the following conditions: 1. The pole barn cannot be placed further north than the north side of the accessory building located at 720 West 96th Street. 2. The exterior should be of an earth tone color. 3. The barn cannot house anything else than personal items. 4. The drainage from the pole barn must be directed to the south toward the wetland. Watson stated that the property was fairly large and buildings of this size can be expected to locate in these areas. The motion carried unanimously. Chairman Johnson requested that staff send the public hearing notice on each variance case to the board members when they are sent to the property owners. Dacy stated that she would do so and also told the board that the variance staff reports would be distributed the Wednesday before the hearing. Dacy also gave a brief description of the review of variance fees as requested by the board at the September 10th meeting. She stated that the average fee for surrounding communities for variances was $50. She will prepare a detailed memorandum of the cost analysis for the board at the next hearing.