OCTOBER 21, 1985
Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Dale Geving.
Barbara Dacy, City Planner
Front Yard and Shoreland Setback Variance Request, 3701 South
Cedar Drive, Larry Vanderlinde, applicant.
Public Present
Larry Vanderlinde
211 Chestnut, Chaska
Dacy noted that there was a previous variance approved on this
property for a 14 front yard and a 25 foot rear/shoreland setback
variance in July, 1980. The previous owner could not sell his
existing home and therefore could not build on the subject site.
Dacy stated that the applicant is applying for a five foot front
yard and a 35 foot shoreland setback variance to construct a
single family dwelling. She stated that the property slopes gra-
dually towards Lake Minnewashta.
Dacy explained that lots in the Red Cear Point subdivision were
platted in 1916 prior to the effective date of the Zoning
Ordinance and noted that in the Applicable Regulations, the
Zoning Ordinance and the Shoreland Management Ordinance state
that substandard lots of record (platted before the effective
date of the Zoning Ordinance) which do no meet the lot require-
ments may be allowed as building sites provided the use is per-
mitted by the Zoning Ordinance and provided that 50% of the lot
area and lot width requirements are met. She stated that the
applicant owns two lots which measure approximately 12,000 square
feet which exceeds 50% of the 15,000 square foot lot area
requirement. She also stated that the lot also measures 90 feet
in width which is consistent with the lot width requirement of
the R-1 District.
Dacy explained that the Shoreland Ordinance states that where
development exists on both sides of the proposed building site,
structural setbacks may be altered to take setbacks of the
existing structures into account. She noted that the home to the
Board of Adjustments and Appeals Minutes
October 21, 1985
Page 2
east, 3637 South Cedar Drive, has a shoreland setback of approxi-
mately 49 feet. Staff does not have a survey on the property to
the west, but as noted on the applicant's site plan it also
appears to be within the required 75 foot setback. She stated
that in this application, the edge of the home is approximately
in the same location; however, this applicant is proposing a 12
foot deck. She noted that DNR staff contacted Planning staff
verbally and stated that distance from the ordinary high water
mark should be maximized as much as possible. She noted that
imposing the 75 foot setback would cause impractical circum-
stances in locating the home on the lot.
Dacy stated that the applicant's proposed site plan not only pro-
vides an adequate distance from the road right-of-way but also
maitains a shoreland setback that is consistent with existing
structures in the neighborhood. She stated that staff recommends
that the ordinary high water mark be identified on the building
permit survey to verify the shoreland setback.
Watson stated that she would like to maintain the shoreland set-
back, but wants to insure that adequate driveway distance is pro-
Geving stated that he recalled the previous variance request and
feels this proposal is better.
Geving moved, seconded by Johnson, to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Geving moved, seconded by Watson, to approve the 5 foot front
yard and 35 foot shoreland setback variance with the condition
that the ordinary high water mark be identified on the building
permit survey to verify the shoreland setback. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Watson moved, seconded by Geving to approve the October 7, 1985
minutes as written. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Geving moved, seconded by Watson to adjourn the meeting at 7:15
p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.