APRIL 21, 1986
Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Dale Geving.
Jo Ann Olsen, Assistant City Planner
Side Yard Setback Variance Request to Construct a Garage,
Curtis Robinson, applicant.
Public Present
Curtis Robinson
Don Schmieg
Susan Albee
appl i c an t
6871 Nez Perce Drive
Olsen stated that the applicant is requesting a variance to
construct a 24' x 28' garage 8 feet from the east side yard lot
line. She noted that the proposed garage will be located 15 feet
from the existing single family residence and 30 feet from the
rear lot line. She stated that the existing single family resi-
dence is also 8 feet from the east side yard lot line. She
explained that the single family residence has an attached two
car garage with a driveway from West 77th Street. She stated
that the proposed garage is going to be used for the storage of
two cars and will not require an additional driveway from Erie
Olsen explained that the applicant wishes to keep the proposed
garage at the same distance from the lot line as the existing
home. She noted that the rear yard is level and there are no
special site conditions which require the garage to be 8 feet
from the side lot line. She stated that the proposed garage can
meet the 10 foot side yard setback.
Johnson asked why Mr. Robinson wanted the garage 8 feet from the
side lot line.
Robinson stated that he wanted the garage to line up with the
existing home and that he is planning on adding a deck which
would be blocked by the garage if it was 10 feet from the lot
Geving stated that the deck was not shown on the plans.
Board of Adjustments Minutes
April 21, 1986
Page 2
Robinson stated that he did not put it on the plans but that the
slab is in the ground.
Geving asked how he will get to the garage.
Robinson stated he will be keeping two old cars in the garage and
that he will drive them over the lawn to Erie Avenue only once
or twice a year.
Geving stated that a hardship needed to be estasblished so that
the 10 foot setback can be met.
Robinson stated that his patio would be blocked.
Geving stated he understood what Robinson was trying to do, for
the aesthetics and that he now agrees with the request.
Watson stated that she also understood the applicant's reasoning,
but that he can move the garage 2 feet and meet the setback.
Geving moved to approve the variance request.
Watson seconded for discussion and to hear Johnson's opinion.
Johnson stated that he understood the request but there is no
Don Schmieg stated he wants the variance because he is the neigh-
bor and it would look better to have the garage lined up with the
Watson stated that he can meet the 10 foot setback.
Robinson stated that a fence would connect the existing home with
the garage which would block the garage from neighbors.
Susan Albee stated that a variance is to be granted when there is
undue hardship and that there is no hardship here and a variance
is not justified.
Geving stated a motion had been made to approve.
Geving voted in favor. Johnson and Watson were opposed and the
request was denied.
Board of Adjustments Minutes
April 21, 1986
Page 3
Lot Area Variance to Construct a Single Family Residence,
Lewis Woitalla, applicant.
Public Present
Susan Albee
6871 Nez Perce Drive
Olsen stated that the applicant is applying for a lot area
variance to construct a single family residence on Lots 1927-1931
(9,322 square feet). She stated that the Zoning Ordinance
requires a minimum lot area of 15,000 square feet and the appli-
cant is therefore requesting a 5,678 square foot lot area
variance. She noted that the proposed residence is approximately
40' x 35' and meets all of the required setbacks.
Olsen stated zoning Ordinance No. 47-J allows platted lots of
record prior to 1972 to receive a building permit if they meet
50% of the lot requirements (i.e. lot area, lot width and depth).
Because the lots were not established as a separate parcel of
record, prior to 1972, the 50% requirement (minimum lot size of
7,500 square feet) does not apply to this request.
Olsen stated that for several years the city applied a general
policy of a minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet for property
in Carver Beach. She explained that this policy allowed lots
with at least 10,000 square feet to receive a building permit.
She stated that the 10,000 square foot minimum, however, was not
an adopted City regulation and therefore, staff does not believe
this guideline should be followed and used as a reason for denial
of the variance.
Olsen stated that in summary, the applicant split his property
without receiving City approval. She stated that the applicant
met the minimum lot area requirement in 1977 but created his own
hardship by selling off a portion of his property.
Olsen stated that Planning staff recommends that the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals deny variance request 986-4 based on the
following findings:
1. The zoning Ordinance is not imposing a hardship; the lot was
split without city approval.
2. Granting the variance would be contrary to the spirit and
intent of the 15,000 square foot minimum lot size requirement.
Woitalla stated that the City did not require approval of lot
splits in 1977 and that he was assessed for a second parcel.
Board of Adjustments Minutes
April 21, 1986
Page 4
Russ Norm stated that the City did assess Mr. Woitalla for an
extra lot.
Geving staed that there was only one original stub to the pro-
perty and only one assessment.
Woitalla stated that Kleve Anderson (buyer of Woitalla's lots)
paid an assessment and that he also paid an assessment.
Geving stated that if a lot is assessed it does not make it
buildable. If a lot is determined unbuildable, the assessments
are returned.
Russ Norm stated that the City has granted building permits to
similiar si zed lots.
Geving stated that each case is unique and that this was a self
created hardship.
Watson stated that no one told Mr. Woitalla that his remaining
lots were buildable when he sold the other lots.
Johnson stated that it was one parcel with one assessment.
Susan Albee stated that she was opposed to this lot size in
Carver Beach and was opposed to the variance request.
Watson stated that Mr. Woitalla split a conforming lot and
created a non-conforming lot.
Bruce Burrington (neighbor) stated that they have been through
this before and that he is opposed to the variance.
John Pfieffer agreed that Mr. Woitalla had enough land but split
it up and opposes the variance.
Geving moved, seconded by Watson, to deny the request because the
lot does not meet the Zoning Ordinance requirements. All voted
in favor and the motion carried.
Watson moved, seconded by Geving to close the public hearings.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Watson moved, seconded by Geving to approve the March 17, 1986
minutes as written. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Geving moved, seconded by Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 7:20
p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.