1992 01 13BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1992 ~4EMBERS PRESENT Carol Watson, Willard Johnson and Richard Wing. STAFF PRESENT Paul Krauss, Planning Director and Sharmin A1-Jaff, Planner I. Variance to the Side Yard Setback for Construction of an Addition and Garage located at 3607 Red Cedar Point Road, Douglas and"Jamie Anderson. ~l-Jaff presented the staff report. ~hairman Johnson opened the public hearing. Doug Anderson, the applicant, submitted two letterS~of ~RpP.~ of ~he variance application from neighbors living next door. , Wing stated that approval of this variance will make the resi~nce more liveable. The owners are entitled to a garage but thiS ~e reflects his concern regarding' small lots. ~atson questioned the width of the garage and agreed with ii~i'i~ng ' ~egarding the size of the lot. She indicated that this W~ll 'improve the liviability of the home. o~ohnson agreed with both Watson and Wing. Wing moved, seconded by Johnson, to approve Variance Request #92-1, for a 1% foot variance to the side yard setback for expansion of "~he second floor over the existing deck which will be replaced by the construction of a two car garage; and a 14% foot variance from the shoreline setback as shown on the site plan dated December 20, 1991, with the following conditions: Type III erosion control be maintained during t~:~~~ion season along Lake Minnewashta. No additional construction is permitted without a variance application. ~All voted in favor and the motion carried. ~'PPROVAL OF MINUTES Watson moved, seconde~ by Wing, to approve the minutes of December 9, 1991. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ~OURNMENT Satson moved, seconed by Wing, to adjourn the meeting. Ail voted -!n favor and the motion carried.