1992 02 24BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 24, 1992 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Richard Wing. STAFF PRESENT: Paul Krauss, Planning Director and Sharmin A14aff, Planner I. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. A VARIANCE FOR A 22 FOOT FRONT YARD AND SHORELAND SETBACK VARIANCE, AND 6½ SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCE, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE AND DECK ON PROPERTY ZONED RSF. RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY AND- LOCATED AT 9221 LAKE RILEY BOULEVARD. DONNA ANDREASEN. A1-Jaff noted that this item was tabled at the last meeting. She presented an update to the Board. Johnson made a motion to open the public hearing. Donna Andreasen stated that the grades are too steep for the applicant to maneuver, and that is why they located the garage at its proposed location. As for the expansion of the foot pad of the house, Andreasen stated that she was the architect for the remodeling of the house and there has not been an expansion. Dennis Baker stated that he is in favor of alternative # 1 prepared by staff. He requested that the city ensure that the deck addition does not get enclosed in the future. He also stated that he had pictures to prove the foot pad of the house or the foundation has been expanded from what it was 10 years ago. As for the difficulty to maneuver in the driveway, there is not an existing driveway. If the applicant installs a driveway, it will be much easier to drive on. As for the grades and the steepness of the property, Mr. Baker stated that it would be much easier to access the house from an attached garage than from a detached garage. Watson stated that she had no problem with the deck addition as it is minimal. Her first reaction was favoring alternative #1 but she did think that alternative #2 was worthy of consideration too. Johnson stated that he was in favor of alternative #1. He normally has a problem with granting variances that allow additions so close .to the lake, but this addition would be minimal. Wing stated that alternative #1 was the most reasonable solution and made a motion to approve variance request #92-2 as shown in alternative # 1. BOA Minutes February 24, 1992 Page 2 Watson seconded the motion and requested that "Not one shovel of dirt be removed before erosion control is installed" and 'Whe applicant stabilizes the dirt under the deck" be added to the conditions of approval outlined in the staff report. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The variance was approved unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED JANUARY 13, 1992. Watson moved to approve the minutes dated January 13, 1992, Wing seconded the motion, all voted in favor and the motion carried. Approval of Minutes dated February 10. 1992. Wing made a motion to approve the minutes dated February 10, 1992. Johnson seconded the motion. Wing and Johnson voted in favor and Watson abstained from voting as she did not attend the February 10, 1992 meeting. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.