1992 06 08BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES JUNE 8, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Chmiel, Willard Johnson and Carol Watson STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin A1-Jaff, Planner I. Variance Request for a 15 Foot Front Yard Setback Variance for a Single Family Residence on property zoned PUD and located on Lot 5, Block 1, Orchard Hills Addition, Paul Nelson Sharmin A1-Jaff presented the staff report. Willard Johnson opened the public hearing. The applicant stated that he agreed with staff and supports their recommendation. He had worked closely with his architect and this was the best design they could come up with to best maximize the potential of this lot. Watson stated that she was concerned with the parking situation. The applicant stated that there will be enough room on the driveway to park four cars in addition to the two car garage. He also stated that only his daughter and himself will be living at the residence. All Board members agreed that this variance will help reduce erosion. Don Chmiel moved, seconded by Watson, to approve the Variance Request #92-5 for a 15 foot front yard variance as shown on the site plan dated April 20, 1992, with the following conditions: 1. No alteration to the site will be permitted below the proposed 1018' contour. . Type III erosion control shall be maintained throughout the construction and until vegetation has been established. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Variance to the Bluff Line Preservation Ordinance for the Construction of a Swimming Pool on vropertv zoned RR, Rural Residential and located at 9980 Deerbrook Drive, Bruce Bren Homes. Sharmin A1-Jaff presented the staff report. Willard Johnson opened the public hearing. The applicant stated that this intrusion will not harm the bluff line as that area has already been graded and the 902' contour line no longer exist. Chmiel stated that he was concerned with potential erosion problems. BOA Minutes June 8, 1992 Page 2 The applicant stated that they plan on pumping the water into the pond on site after which it will drain out into the bluff. A1-Jaff requested that condition #1 be changed to read "The applicant shall provide a method acceptable to the Engineering Department of draining the pool and hard surface areas to avoid concentration of flow at any single point". Chmiel moved, seconded by Watson to approve Variance #92-6 for a 30 foot bluff setback with the following conditions: The applicant shall provide a method acceptable to the Engineering Department of draining the pool and hard surface areas to avoid concentration of flow at any single point. . Type III erosion control shall be maintained during construction and until vegetation has been established. 3. A Registered Structural Engineer shall design the pool foundation. . The pool and deck surrounding the pool shall not encroach beyond the 902' contour line. The 902' contour line shall be located and staked on the site. . The width of the pool shall be reduced to 16 feet to ensure the total structure of the pool and the deck surrounding the pool does not encroach beyond the 902' contour line. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Avvroval of Minutes Watson moved, seconded by Willard Johnson, to approve the minutes as written. Watson and Johnson voted in favor, Chmiel abstained and the motion carried. Willard Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting. Watson seconded the motion. All voted in favor.