1992 08 10BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES FOR AUGUST 10, 1992 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Richard Wing. STAFF PRESENT: Paul Krauss, Planning Director and Sharmin A1-Jaff, Planner I. Willard Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. A 6 Foot Shoreland Setback Variance for an Addition and Deck on Drol~ertv zoned RSF, Residential Single Family and located at 6641 Minnewashta Parkway, James and Jean Way. A1-Jaff presented the staff report. Johnson made a motion to open the public hearing. James Way stated that they bought the house with the intention to add on to it. Watson stated that two letters were received in support of this application. Wing stated that numerous people had wanted to buy this house but did not because of its layout. He also stated that he agreed with staff's recommendation. Watson stated that she had no comment. Johnson stated that he had no problem with it. Wing moved to approve Variance Request #92-10 with the following condition: 1. Type I erosion control shall be maintained along the lakeshore until vegetation has been re-established. Watson seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carded. Reconsider Variance Recluest g92-2, Eunice Kottke, 9221 Lake Riley Boulevard. A1-Jaff stated that this is a discussion item. This item was discussed, tabled and discussed again. The Board of Adjustments and Appeals visited the site and based their recommendation upon that visit as well as the analysis that was provided by staff.. Willard stated that two meetings were spent on this item, we went to the job site and the Board did this item justice. Watson stated that they want to intensify the use and that was not acceptable. Wing stated that the concerns with this proposal have intensified. Board of Adjustments Minutes August 10, 1992 Page 2 Krauss stated that the reason we did not notify the applicant is because we felt we could not allow the applicant to speak without notifying the neighbors and give them a chance to speak. Also the way we see it, she has no right to go to the City Council either. Her right to appeal expired months ago. Wing stated that she should take the application to the City Council and present it at visitors presentation. Johnson stated that she has been treated fairly. Watson moved to approve the minutes, Wing seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.