1987 04 20BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES APRIL 20, 1987 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Carol Watson, Dale Geving, and Tom Hamilton. STAFF PRESENT Jo Ann Olsen, Assistant City Planner PUBLIC HEARING Variance Request to Receive a 6 Foot Variance to the 10 Foot Side Yard Setback to Enlarge a One Car Garage on Property Zoned RSF, Single Family Residential and Located at 6681 Horseshoe Curve, Barbara Allison. Olsen presented the staff report to the Board. Mark Hewett, who represented Barbara Allison, stated that they can direct the drainage to the street. Mr. Rosen asked if the applicant will be increasing the driveway area and replace the retaining wall. Mark Hewitt stated that they will replace the retaining wall and will direct drainage to the street. Mrs. Rosen stated that their main concern was that the drainage to the adjacent property did not go across their land. Carol Watson felt that the only problem was the drainage and that if the engineer ensures that the drainage goes to the street, she would approve the variance. Mark Hewitt stated that if water goes to the street it won't Keep water from the property. Mrs. Rosen stated that the street has curves which will keep the water in the street and not on the edge of their property. Staff will visit the site once the garage has been completed. Geving moved, seconded by Watson, to approve the Variance 87-3 with the following conditions: 1. The garage shall have gutters which direct all drainage to the street. 2. The driveway shall direct all drainage to the street. Board of Adjustments Minutes April 20, 1987 Page 2 3. Staff must approve the drainage prior to the applicant utilizing the garage. Ail voted in favor and the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Variance Request To Receive a 75 Foot Structure SetDack from a Wetland for a Single Family Residence on property zoned RSF, Single Family Residential and located at Lot 1, Block 1, Piper Ridge, Robert Pierce. The Board of Adjustments and Appeals stated that they would be passing any decision onto the City Council for their decision; however, they would review the variance for additional input from Watson. Watson stated that the City knew the variance would be required when the Council approved the plat of Piper Ridge and that she agreed with moving the house 20 feet from the front yard setback. Howard Schmidt asked how a home could be built when the street is in the swamp. Ralph Hagland stated that when Piper Ridge was approved Dale Geving stated that it would be reviewed later. Hagland asked how it could be stopped and when was if officially approved? Geving stated that the variance was not approved at the time of subdivision approval. He stated that the City Council withheld judgement until they could see the home plan and could have an engineer look at it. Hamilton stated that when the City Council reviewed the plat, they informed the developer that there would be no back yard and he also stated that the house plan that was being proposed was not very creative and that it could conform to the lot better. Watson stated that they lose the ability to work with the lot because of the wetland setback. Pierce stated that he is flexible and is willing to work with the city. He also stated that the residents of Piper Ridge want a house on this lot to clean it up. Hamilton asked why a rambler and not a tuck-under? Pierce stated that a tuck-under home would not work. Hamilton asked where the walk-out would go to? Board of Adjustments Minutes April 20, 1987 Page 3 Pierce stated that they can bring the walkout to either side of 'the home. Watson asked how he will keep the basement dry? Pierce stated that the elevation of the house can be set so that the basement will be dry. Geving asked what they would do with the dirt that exists on the lot now and how it will be prevented from going into the wetland? He also stated that the lot only has a two foot elevation from the wetland to the road and how could a home be built on a two foot elevation without touching the wetland? Pierce stated that he had no intention of touching the wetland and the home will be above the water table and will not flood the basement. Geving asked if the edge of the wetland still exists as when it was approved and that he felt this lot was too sensitive to be developed. Pierce stated that he could cut off two feet of the house and pull it back farther from the wetland. Watson stated that he should cut off the two feet as he men- tioned. She also noted that she felt the variance had to be granted or else it would not be a buildable lot and that the home should be located as far away from the wetland as possible and that the 20 foot front yard setback be granted. Geving moved, Watson seconded, to close the public hearing and pass the variance on to the City Council for their decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Geving moved, Watson seconded, to approve the minutes dated April 6, 1987. Geving moved, Watson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.