1987 08 03BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1987 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Tom Hamilton. STAFF PRESENT Jo Ann Olsen, Assistant City Planner PUBLIC HEARING Request for a Lot Area Variance for Construction of a Single Family Residence, 6830 Yuma Drive, Lewis Woitalla Olsen presented the staff report to the Board. Hamilton stated that he had no questions or concerns with the request. Watson ~elt that by not receiving a variance it would be con- sidered and taking and that he can meet all of the setbacks. Johnson stated that he wanted a condition approval to De that no other variances would be allowed. Hamilton stated that it is the right of the property owner to request a variance in the future and they should not condition approval on no future variances. Watson moved, seconded by Hamilton, to approve the lot area variance with the following conditions: ~. The applicant must meet all of the required setbacks. 2. The applicant is responsible for the sewer and water assessment on the property. Request for a Rear Yard Setback Variance to Construct a Porch and Deck, 6410 White Dove Drive, Mark Prchal Olsen presented the staff report to the Board. Hamilton stated that we are not allowing reasonable use of the property unless the request is approved. He asked where it was stated that a 10 foot to 12 foot length is a typical porch dimen- sion. Watson stated that the lot was not platted long ago and already they were requesting a variance. She stated that people must Board of Adjustments Minutes August 3, 1987 Page 2 realize that small lots have limitations. She stated that she has no problem with %he variance since it will be adjacent to a ponding area. Johnson stated that he had no problem with the variance request. Hamilton moved, seconded by Johnson to approve the rear yard variance request. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Request for a Shoreland Setback Variance to Construct an Addition, 3601 Red Cedar Point, Dick Schlener. Olsen presented the staff report to the Board. Hamilton stated that is a beautiful site and felt that what is being requested is a good proposal. He does not agree with the landscaping condition. Watson stated that she had no problems with the variance. She felt that where the bitumious exists now is worse for the lake than the addition. She felt that the addition would not block anyone's view and would not be detrimental to surrounding proper- ties. Mr. Schlener stated that they might want a deck on the north side of the addition. Hamilton stated that a deck on the addition no wider than 6 feet would be fine. Johnson moved, seconded by Hamilton, to approve the variance reques% for the addition with a deck no wider than 6 feet and that the addition must comply with building and fire codes. Approval of Minutes Watson moved, seconded by Johnson, to approve the minutes as written. Watson and Johnson voted in favor. Hamilton abstained. Watson moved, seconded by Hamilton, to adjourn the meeting at 7: p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.