1988 06 13 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES JUNE 13, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Tom Hamilton MEMBERS ABSENT: Dale Geving STAFF PRESENT: Jo Ann Olsen, Asst. City Planner VARIANCE REQUEST FOR A 45 FOOT VARIANCE TO THE 75 FOOT SHORELAND SETBACK, KK DESIGN Olsen presented the staff report to the Board. Watson stated that the addition would not be restricting anyones view and she would have no objection. Geving asked if the applicant had any ideas on the landscaping and he felt that it was not creating a greater variance. John Kosmas, the applicant, stated that they would be planting and replacing some trees to the north of the structure. Johnson stated that he had no objection to the addition and asked what was planned. John Kosmas showed the Board the plans for the addition which is essentially a three season porch. Geving moved, seconded by Watson, to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Geving moved, seconded by Watson, to approve the 45 foot variance to the 75 foot shoreland setback with the following conditions: 1. The structure must not extend beyond the existing stone patio. 2. The applicant must provide landscaping to screen the addition from the north. All voted in favor and the motion carried. VARIANCE REQUEST TO RECEIVE A 50 FOOT VARIANCE TO THE 200 FOOT WETLAND SETBACK FOR A PRIVATE STABLE, 3931 ASTER TRAIL, DALE COLLINS Dacy presented the staff report to the Board. Watson asked if the trees would be protected where the stable is proposed to be located. Dale Collins stated that the trees would be fenced off and pro- tected from the horses. BOA Minutes June 13, 1988 Page 2 Geving stated that he would like to see a letter from Dave Headla, Horse Inspector, to confirm that the stable was for per- sonal use and not commercial. Johnson stated that he agreed with the staff report and the loca- tion of the stable. Bill Boyt questioned how high the berm was and if it was pro- tecting the wetland. He also questioned where the manure would be stored and how often it would be removed. Dale Collins stated that the manure would be located near the barn and that it would be removed on a regular basis. He stated that the slope of the site drains toward the drainageway so that the wetland would be protected. Geving stated that they would make a condition that the manure would be removed on a regular basis. Bill Boyt questioned why the stable could not be located to the north and screened from surrounding properties. Geving and Watson stated that there was more of a runoff problem from the north. Johnson moved, seconded by Watson, to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Geving moved, seconded by Watson, to approve the approve Variance Request ~88-5 to grant a 50 foot variance to the 200 foot wetland setback as depicted on the site plan represented in Attachment #1 and the condition that the manure would be stored as far away from the drainageway as possible and would be removed on a regu- lar basis. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Watson moved, seconded by Geving to approve the minutes of May 9, 1988, as written. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.