PC Minutes 10-16-07 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 16, 2007 Chairman McDonald called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Undestad, Jerry McDonald, Kurt Papke, Kevin Dillon, and Kathleen Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT: Debbie Larson and Dan Keefe STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Paul Oehme, City Engineer/Public Works Director; and Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer PUBLIC HEARING: LIFE TIME FITNESS SECOND ADDITION: REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL FOR THREE LOTS ON PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1. BLOCK 1. LIFE TIME FITNESS LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAYS 5 AND 41 (2901 CORPORATE PLACE). APPLICANT: ALLIANT ENGINEERING. INC. AND LIFE TIME FITNESS. PLANNING CASE 07-24. Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. McDonald: Okay, thank you. I'll start to my left. Mark? Undestad: None over here. Thomas: No. McDonald: None? Papke: As I was looking this over the one question that came to mind is, does this give Life Time, obviously it gives them more flexibility to sell off one of the parcels so if they would decide not to build the second building or whatever. Can you allude today a little bit about how much flexibility this actually gives them. Could they turn around after we grant this, sell off the remaining parcel that they currently intend to build a building on and we could end up with something completely different there? Generous: Well all three buildings are currently under construction so they will have those in place. Theoretically they could sell off one of the buildings, or the lot with the building on it that someone would take over, but then they would still be governed by the PUD standards that says they can have offices there and a fitness center. Papke: Okay. Planning Commission Meeting - October 16, 2007 Aanenson: Let me just add one other point on that and that, because you have a single owner and they have a vested interest in protecting their views and their visibility, I think that's the level of protection. They've indicated as they move forward they may lease some of that as they build into that so there is that possibility but I think for their control of their visibility and their architecture that they have on the other buildings, they'd probably at least still mirror that building. While it may be sold off would probably architecturally be pretty close to what it is. Generous: If you will also, it's my understanding they intend to occupy the first office building this, by the end of November this year. Start occupancy. The second one is under construction so both office buildings and I believe it's their intention by the end of next year to occupy that second building. Dillon: No questions here. McDonald: I have no questions either and I guess at this point, is there an application to come forward and speak on this or has city staff pretty much done all that? Generous: I believe they looked at the staff report and saw that there weren't any issues. We actually have the documents for the final plat already in so. McDonald: Okay. So at that point then I'll bring it back up to the commission for final deliberation and we'll start with Kevin. Dillon: I don't have any issues with this. I mean I think it will be a good citizen and I can't really see any down side so. McDonald: Okay. Kurt. Papke: It seems that they're within their legal right to do so and... Thomas: No. Undestad: No comments. McDonald: And I have no comments either. This seems pretty easy. Okay. I'll take a motion from the commission. Undestad: I'll make a motion that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the plat creating three lots, Life Time Fitness Second Addition, plans prepared by Alliant Engineering, Inc. dated September 14, 2007, subject to conditions 1 through 4. McDonald: Can I have a second? Papke: Second. 2 Planning Commission Meeting - October 16, 2007 Undestad moved, Papke seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the plat creating three lots (Life Time Fitness Second Addition), plans prepared by Alliant Engineering, Inc., dated September 14, 2007, subject to the following conditions: 1. The right-of-way for the Corporate Place cul-de-sac must be removed from the Life Time Fitness Second Addition plat. 2. Cross-access and cross-parking easements/agreements must be recorded with the plat. 3. The existing sanitary sewer and watermain within the plat will remain privately owned and maintained via easement agreements between adjoining properties recorded with the plat. Secondary utilities that cross property lines shall also be addressed via private, recorded easement agreements between adjoining properties. 4. The Life Time Fitness Second Addition must comply with the Development Design Standards for Arboretum Business Park. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to o. PUBLIC HEARING: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: TRANSPORTATION. SEWER AND WATER ELEMENTS. McDonald: Again these are open meetings and they will remain open until we get to the end to allow comment of anyone who wishes to visit the city's web site or to send letters or to visit city hall itself and talk to anyone but tonight we will be dealing with transportation, sewer and water elements. Staff. Aanenson: Again thank you Mr. Chair. Ijust want to add a little bit more to that. For our residents that may be watching at home, the draft of the entire comprehensive plan is on the city's web site so I encourage anybody that may be listening to part of this discussion that wants to learn a little bit more about the specific topics, to go to the city's web site under what's new, under the comprehensive plan. All the chapters are enumerated. They have that opportunity. And certainly while the hearing is continuing, it's out for public comment until April 18t so if they have questions that they want to speak to, the appropriate person is the city engineer, public works director or myself or anybody else on staff that would certainly be appropriate to do. So with that we do have Paul Oehme, the City Engineer here to speak to the sewer and water and then Bob Generous will be presenting transportation. Again the goal here is to just kind of give you a, kind of the high points. There's a lot of minutia but I think just to give our residents and yourself an education on kind of where we're going with the sewer and water which the sewer plan also ties into certainly the MUSA phasing so as we get into land, just to see how those two tie together so with that I'll turn it over to Paul and Bob. Generous: Okay. Chapter 7 of the comprehensive plan deals with the transportation element. The beginning of it, the transportation element identifies the density and distribution of land uses in the community and their relationship to our transportation system. It provides a functional 3