1989 06 12BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES JUNE 12, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Ursula Dimler STAFF PRESENT: Jo Ann Olsen, Senior Planner VARIANCE FOR A FATHER-IN-LAW APARTMENT, LOCATED AT 8412 GREAT PLAINS BOULEVARD, EUGENE KLEIN Staff presented the report. Watson stated that she did not feel that the garage and "father-in-law apartment" should have a separate access and that all access should be through the existing residence. Dimler agreed that there is a need and should encourage the family staying together as long as possible. Johnson stated that as long as it never becomes a rental apart- ment that he was comfortable with the application. Mr. Klein, the applicant, stated that no individual access from the garage and the "father-in-law" apartment may not be in compliance with building codes and may pose a safety problem. Watson agreed that he was probably right in that and asked how the city could enforce that the apartment not become a rental property. Roger Knutson stated that most likely the only way you would know it would be a rental property would be by complaint, but we do have the authority to not allow a rental property from being maintained. Johnson moved, seconded by Dimler to close the public hearing. all voted in favor and the motion carried. Watson moved, seconded by Johnson, to approve Variance Request #89-4 to allow a father-in-law apartment above an attached two car garage located at 8412 Great Plains Boulevard subject to the following conditions: 1. The dwelling has an appearance of a single family dwelling, including the maintenance of one driveway and one main entry. 2. Separate utility services will not be established. 3. The apartment never be used for rental property. Ail voted in favor and the motion carried. UPDATE At the City Council meeting, a condition was added that the variance be granted only under the Klein's name and recorded against the property so that when the Klein's sold the property, the variance would no longer be valid.