1989 07 24BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES JULY 24, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Ursula Dimler STAFF PRESENT: Jo Ann Olsen, Senior Planner SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE, 7410 CHANHASSEN ROAD, FRED OELSCHLAGER Staff presented the report. The applicant, Fred Oelschlager, stated that he tore down the existing garage near the lake and now has a two car and a three car garage. The three car garage has an eight foot high door and the width does not allow him to fit his pick up truck. He currently uses his three car garage as storage and the proposed garage would be for the cars and truck. He stated that there are five cars on the property at all times and that he does not like having them outside. He felt that the hardship was that the 10 foot setback had to be preserved that the proposed garage would encroach onto the driveway. Watson stated that when things were built before the zoning ordi- nance and are within the setback they try to fix the problem and not perpetuate the problem. Therefore, she felt that some of the structures were currently within the setback that all new struc- tures should meet the setbacks. Johnson stated that the Board tries to correct setback problems and that he would like to see the garage moved to the 10 foot side yard setback. Fred Oelschlager stated that it is acceptable at 10 feet but that it would smother the area and the only other option would be to expand the three car garage to a four car garage. Watson moved, seconded by Dimler, to deny the side yard setback variance request. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Johnson moved, seconded by Watson to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.