February 26, 1990
MEMBERS PRESENT: Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Jay Johnson.
STAFF PRESENT: Paul Krauss, Planning Director and Steve
Kirchman, Building Official.
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by
Chairman Johnson.
Staff presented this staff report to the board. Krauss indicated
that the report was in error relative to the gas tank. The
report indicated that the gas tank was located on the subject
site and had been used to store aviation fuel for seaplanes. The
error was that the tank was located on adjoining property but has
apparently polluted soils on the subject's site. Staff indicated
that the conditions and terms of approval relative to the
variance had not changed but that the delay in building was due
to the pollution problems and the need to resolve them prior to
the issuance of the building permit, approval was recommended for
the extension. Johnson inquired as to whether or not the building
plans were the same as had originaly been approved. The appli-
cant indicated that they were. The applicant also requested that
the extension be valid until one year from the date of MMPCA's
approval of the 'site for construction. He indicated that this
request was due to the fact that the PCA may not act on the
matter for some time and that a simple calendar year expension
may not provide sufficient time to comb and build the site.
Watson indicated that she is comfortable with the extension as
requested by staff for the one calendar year. She acknowledged
that another year may be requested in the future and that the
board would probably not be opposed to granting one but that
city actions could not be contingent upon the actions of an
external agency.
Johnson moved, Watson seconded, for approval of a one year exten-
sion to the variance. All present voted in favor.
Staff presented the staff report to the board. Additional infor-
mation as requested pretaining to the building permits was pre-
sented. It was indicated that the information that staff had
gathered revealed no unusual aspects or issues and that since we
continued to fail to see the hardship that denial was again
recommended. Johnson asked if the contractor for the slab of the
shed was contacted. Steve Kirchman indicated that yes he had
contacted the contractor and he indicated that the shed was
totally renovated and that the owner had indicated to him that a
permit had been obtained. Willard Johnson indicated that he had
also contacted the contractor. Watson indicated that the
February 26, 1990
Page 2
contractor should have known better than to operate without a
permit. The applicant then addressed the Board. He noted that
the City has granted other setback variances in the area. Watson
said that although other variances were granted that hardships in
most cases had been demonstrated, which in her opinion did not
exist in this instance. The applicant indicated that the permits
which had been issued, were modified at the site by the building
inspector to which he pointed out the fact that the garage and
home permits were for buildings that are not actualy the
buildings that were constructed. Jay Johnson asked the applicant
what this had to do with the shed, to which the applicant
replied, this was evidence of some confusion relative to the
fire. He indicated that the shed was knocked down by a bobcat
that was cleaning fire debris from the home. Watson explained
the philosophy behind variance review and approval. The appli-
cant indicated that he may be in the position of acquire a por-
tion of land from the adjoining property owner to eliminate the
variance. Staff was asked to respond to this and indicated that
we did not have a problem with it in concept as long as no new
variances were created, however, the lots would need to be
replated to allow for proper filing of this request.
Jay Johnson moved to grant a ninety day extension to allow the
applicant to attempt to purchase two feet of land and directed
staff to work with the City Attorney to see if we would accept a
quit claim deed in lieu of the survey. Watson seconded the
motion. All present voted in favor.
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Watson moved approval of the minutes.
Jay Johnson seconded and all present voted in favor.
Staff indicated that the City Council was being asked later that
evening to consider reappointment of the two non council board
members. We asked for direction as to whether or not the posi-
tions should be advertised.
Krauss gave a brief synopsis of the position paper that was going
to be presented to the City Council that evening pertaining to
variance proceedures and ordinance requirements. He indicated
that in responding to City Council requests, revised language had
been drafted that would have the effect of giving more lattitude
in determining what constitutes a hardship. It would also place
responsibilities for some types of variances with the Planning
Commission and City Council. He indicated that this was a posi-
tion paper only and that he was seeking council direction as to
whether or not it should be discussed further with the Planning
Commission and Board of Adjustments and Appeals.