Agenda Agenda Chanhassen Planning Commission Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 7700 Market Boulevar d Call to Order Unfinished Business New Business Public Hearings LAKESIDE 1.: Request for Minor PUD Amendment to adjust internal setback requirements from 20 feet to 15 feet and adjust the wetland setback consistent with current wetland setback requirements. Applicant: Sienna Corporation – Planning Case 07-23 T-MOBILE:Amendments 2. Request for Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review to allow a 145-foot Telecommunication Tower with a 4-foot lightning rod and a 6-foot privacy fence, located west of Great Plains Boulevard, north of Creekwood Drive, south of Halla Nursery, and east of Bluff Creek Golf Course (Outlot A, Halla Maryanne Addition). Applicant: T-Mobile USA. – Planning Case 07-04 Item Deleted* 3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 4.: Chapter 3 – Historic Preservation and Chapter 4 – Housing Elements. Approval of Minutes 5.Approval of Planning Commission Minutes dated October 16, 2007. Commission Presentations Adjournment Open Discussion *The following item was published and then deleted from the agenda: ROSEMOUNT: 3. Request for Variance to permit a temporary antenna on top of a building located at 8200 Market Boulevard. Applicant: Rosemount, Inc. – Planning Case 07-25 NOTE: Planning Commission meetings are scheduled to end by 10:30 p.m. at outlined in the official by-laws. We will make every attempt to complete the hearing for each item on the agenda. If, however, this does not appear to be possible, the Chairperson will notify those present and offer rescheduling options. Items thus pulled from consideration will be listed first on the agenda at the next Commission meeting.