1990 06 11BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES JUNE 11, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Carol Watson, WilSard Johnson and Jay Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Paul Krauss, Planning Director and Sharmin A1-Jaff, Planner I. A 1'11" VARIANCE TO ENLARGE AN EXISTING NON-CONFOP~ING SHED, JAMES MCALLISTER, 620 FOX HILL DRIVE. Willard Johnson called the meetin~ to order. The Board was familiar with the request and a staff presentation was not requested. All three members of the Board agreed that the applicant's request should be denied. Jim McAllister stated that he will cut 2 feet off of the shed to meet the required setbacks. He also stated that his neighbor was not able to sell him two feet off of his property due to the fact that the neighbor has taken a mortgage on the house and the bank from which the mortgage was taken was not in support of the selling of the two feet of the property and believes that this will reduce the value of the house. The applicant also stated that it would cost him $1600 to move the shed to meet the setbacks, while it would cost him between $500 to $600 to cut off two feet of the shed. Therefore, he would rather cut off the two feet from the shed. The applicant also requested that he be allowed to shingle the roof to the shed. The Board agreed to let him proceed with shingling but he would have to cut off the two feet from the structure at the same time. The Board also granted the applicant 90 days to comply with these conditions. Willard Johnson moved, seconded by Watson, to close the public hearing. Willard Johnson moved, seconded by Watson, to deny Variance Request #89-16 for James McAllister for a 1'11" rear yard variance. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Johnson moved, seconded by Watson~ to approve the minutes of May 14, 1990. All voted in favor ~nd the motion carried. The Board adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.