1990 11 19BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 'MEMBERS PRESENT: Carol Watson, Jay Johnson and Willard Johnson. STAFF PRESENT: Paul Krauss, Planning Director. VARIANCE TO THE FENCE REOUIREMENTS FOR IN-GROUND SWIMMING POOLS, 8280 GALPIN BOULEVARD, E. JEROME AND LINDA CARLSON Krauss gave the staff report with a recommendation for approval of the variance. Building official Steve Kirchman reiterated his concerns about the issue and his recommendation for denial. The public hearing was opened. Julius Smith, the applicant's attorney, provided an analysis of why he believed the variance was reasonable and should be approved. The applicant, Jerome Carlson, spoke in support of his application. Watson questioned staff as to why an inaccurate ordinance was distributed. She indicated that the city had an obligation to distribute current ordinances. Krauss indicated that he agreed with the sentiments but pointed out the difficulty of keeping ordinances current. He also pointed out that when the building permit was issued for the pool that it was clearly stated that a fence would be required. Jay Johnson discussed the old ordinance with it's standard that fences not be required if the site was inaccessible. He indicated a belief that this site would have qualified under the old ordinance. He also questioned who the ordinance is designed to protect. Kirchman indicated that it is designed to protect the public and the homeowner. Jay Johnson agreed with Planning Staff's thinking that the public would be protected since the site was largely inaccessible. Willard Johnson indicated that anybody who would be trespassing on this property would clearly know that they were on private property and pointed out that the adjacent wetland and slough was equally dangerous. It was noted that the applicant had submitted letters whereby he is willing to accept any dangers that may accrue to his family from an unfenced pool. BOA Minutes November 19, 1990 Page 2 Watson moved approval for the variance to delete the fence requirement. Willard Johnson seconded the motion and added a condition to the effect that if the property is subdivided in the future, a fence will be required as a condition. It was further required that this condition be required with the title of the land at the County. The applicant, Jerome Carlson, spoke to this additional condition. He did not object to the condition applying to the home and the original 40 acres but indicated that he did plan on some subdivision of property along Hwy. 41, far removed from the site, and believed that the condition should specifically only apply to the house and the original 40 acres. The Board~discussed this and agreed that this would be the case. The Board voted in favor and the motion carried. Staff discussed a proposal drafted by the City Manager that would decrease the time to appeal the Board of Adjustment action from 10 working days to 4 days. The reason for this change is to expedite the ability to move appeals to city Council meetings without having to wait for a protracted period of time. The Board indicated that they did not object to this amendment which will be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council at future meetings. The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.