MEMBERS PRESENT: Carol Watson, Willard Johnson and Tom Workman.
STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin A1-Jaff, Planner I and Dave Hempel, Senior
Engineering Technician.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
A 5,000 S~uare Foot Lot Area Variance for the Construction of a
Single Family Residence, 6610 Mohawk Drive, Eric Meester
Sharmin presented the staff report. The public hearing was opened
for discussion.
Eric Meester stated that he agreed with staff's recommendation and
he would like to start construction on his home.
Watson moved, seconded by Johnson, to close the public hearing.
Watson moved, seconded by Johnson, to approve Variance Request #91-
2 with the condition that the applicant maintain the natural
drainage pattern. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
A 79 Foot Lot Frontage Variance to Construct a Single Family
Residence, 3727 South Cedar, William Haugh
Sharmin presented the staff report and made a correction to what
was previously stated in the report in regards to the applicant not
fulfilling the conditions of vacation of Kirkham Road. The
applicant had fulfilled the conditions by installing a layer of
crushed rock. That portion of the road was not maintained over the
past 15 years, therefore, the area has revegetated.
Dave Hempel presented three different options to install a
turnaround to increase the frontage on the lot. He also showed the
differences between a typical cul-de-sac and a temporary cul-de-
Ken Smith stated that he is the owner of the lot and Bill Haugh is
the purchaser and applicant. He brought up the issue that a
turnaround is not necessary in that area as snow plows normally
turn in the subject property's private driveway.
Staff stated that this is not acceptable. A turnaround is required
and the Board fully agreed with staff and requested that a
condition of approval remain by requesting that the applicant
provide an adequate turnaround.
Watson requested that a house pad be shown on the survey and asked
the applicant to work with staff to resolve the frontage issue and
the turnaround construction.
Board of Adjustments Minutes
May 20, 1991
Page 2
Johnson requested that the drainage easements be shown on the
survey. The Board of Adjustments tabled action on this variance
and directed staff to further research to solve the issues at hand
and then bring the item back to the Board.
Johnson moved, seconded by Watson, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10