Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Tom
STAFF PRESENT: Paul Krauss, Planning Director, Kathryn Aanenson,
Planner II and Sharmin A1-Jaff, Planner I.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M.
An 11 foot variance to the required 75 foot wetland setback for the
construction of a deck on DroDertv zoned RSF and located at 7570
Canyon Curve, Jack Thien.
A1-Jaff stated that the applicant withdrew his application.
A front yard variance for the construction of a three season porch
on proDertv zoned RSF and located on lot 6, Block 1, Highland Park,
Adeline Skluzacek.
Aanenson presented the staff report.
Mrs. Skluzacek stated that this approach would make the house more
energy efficient. The stoop is attached to the house and she would
rather use it as foundation. Furthermore, the stoop covers an
abandoned well. One of the reasons the applicant requested the
variance was to control a drainage problem in the basement. This
was discussed at the meeting and it was decided that this does not
constitute a hardship as there are other ways to remedy the
Workman stated that three feet is not much but the fact remains
this will create a precedent.
Mr. James Dwire stated that he is a neighbor of the applicant and
he had no objection to the variance application.
Watson made a motion to deny the variance beCause it would create
a precedent. Johnson seconded. Watson and Johnson were opposed.
Workman was in favor. -The variance was denied.
The applicant requested to appeal the Board's decision to the City
Council. The appeal was set for October 14, 1991.
BOA Minutes
September 23, 1991
Page 2
A front and side yard variance for the construction of an addition
and a garage on property zoned RSF and located on Lots 17, 18, and
19, Shore Acres, 9203 Lake Riley Boulevard, Alan Dirks.
Aanenson presented the staff report.
Alan Dirks stated that the present side yard setback is 7% feet and
they wanted to maintain that setback.
Johnson moved to approve the 7% foot side yard setback and deny the
variance for a front yard setback. Johnson stated that there is
not a hardship and approval of the front yard setback variance
would create a precedent. Tom Workman seconded the motion. All
voted in favor.
A variance for an addition to a single family residence on a non-
conforming lot (10,000 s~.ft.) on Dropertv zoned RSF and located on
Lots 3211-3215, Carver Beach, 580 Foxhill Drive, Randy Schlueter.
A1-Jaff presented the staff report.
Randy Schlueter stated that he has had two architects help design
this addition. He presented the Board with a model of the house
and Watson stated that this is an excellent way of giving the Board
an idea as to what the final result is going to look like.
Workman moved to approve the variance. Watson seconded the motion.
Watson added the condition that the applicant maintain the natural
drainage on the site. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
A 30 foot variance to the required 75 foot wetland setback for the
construction of a deck on property zoned RSF and located at 7021
Chevenne Trail, Don and Barb Brettin.
A1-Jaff presented the staff report.
Workman noted that the applicant will not be establishing a
precedent and made a motion to approve the 30 foot variance to the
required 75 foot wetland setback with the condition that the
applicant maintain erosion control during construction, and re-
establish vegetation. Johnson seconded the motion. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Watson moved to approve the minutes. Workman seconded the motion.
Johnson abstained as he was not present at the previous meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.