1993 03 08BOARD OF ADR/STMENTS AND APPEALS MINUTES FOR MARCH 8, 1993 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: W'fflard'Johnson, Carol Watson and Mark Senn STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner L Willard Johnson called the meeting to order. A Front Yard Setback Variance for the Conslruction of an Addition to a Single Family Home on Property Zoned RSF ~md located ~ 6880 Lotus Trail. John and Lisa Lense~rrav A1-Jaff presented the staff report. The applicant presented a model of the house to the Board. The Board had no discussion regarding this proposal. A unanimous motion was made to approve the variance. Watson moved, seconded by Senn. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A 20 Foot Setback Variance to the Required 50 Foot Setback from the Edge of a Creek for the Construction of a Single Family Home and located at 6541 Minnewashta Parkway~ Dana Johnson AI-Jaff presented the staff report. Dana Johnson stated that he agreed with slaff's presentation and the report. Mark Senn questioned how much additional money it would take to correct the soil Dana Johnson stated that it was $20,000 for con~ctions and $15,000 for packing the soil Watson questioned the location of a gasoline tank that was buried underground. Dana Johnson replied that the tank was removed. Based upon the fact that the proposed house was not going to encroach any closer to the edge of the creek, the Board reco~ approval of the variance. The motion was made by Watson, seconded by Senn. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Approval of Minutes Watson moved to approve the minutes of February 22, 1993. Senn seconded thc motion. Ali voted in favor a,;d the motion carded. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.