1993 06 28BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MINUT~ MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1993 PRESENT: Carol Watson, Willard Johnson and Mark Senn STAFF PRESENT: Paul buss, P]snning Directar, and Sharmin A1-Jaff, Planner L W'fllard Johnson called the meeting to order. Request for a 3-~ Variance to Construct a 6~ ft. High Fence within the Front Yard Setback on Property Zoned RSF and Located on Lake Riley Boulevard, John and Durene Klingelhut~ Variance Case 93-4. Sharmin Al-Jaff presented thc staff report. The applicant agreed wilh staff's commen~ Watson rp~,4e a motion to approve the vadancc with the following conditions: 1. Thc landscaping plan shall be imp~l~ as shown in lhe plans ~ June 7, 1993. The city and utility companies shall not be held liable far any damages done to the fence while performing maintenance work within the utility and drainage easement. 3. Thc applicant shall enter into an encroachment agxcemcnt with the city. 4. All fees associated with this application shall be paid by the atilt. 6. No trailers or campers shall be located on tl~ site. 7. No surrage of boats, with the exception of the boat that belongs to the applicant. 8. No portable toilets shall be permitted on the sil~ Johnson seconded the motion. Both Watson and Johnson voted in favor. The motion failed due to the absence of a third vol~ The app~t was infmm~ that the City Cotmcil will review their application after the Board of Adjustment and Appeals meeting. Request for a 10-ft. Front Yard Variance for the Comtrucfion of a Shale Family Residence on Property Zoned RSF and ~ at 3870 Maple Shores Drive, Susan Jasin, Variance Case 93-5. Sharrnin A1-Jaff presented the staff report. W'tlhrd John~.on opened the public headng. The applicant statcd that the main reason for the request was to save some treos. A neighbor _s~____~d that he was opposed to the variance because it deviated from the minimum standards of the neighborhood. He also stated that the neighbor to the west of the subject lot was opposed to this BOA Minutes June 28, 1993 Page 2 variance as well, however, he could not be he~ tonight. Wat~o questioned how many tzee~ would be saved if the variance wa~ granted. Al-laff replied that a tree survey ha~ not been conducted. Watson reco~ tabling the itean until the app~t can supply stuff with a tree survey. Senn seconded the motion. All volzxt in favor and the motion ~ Approval of Minutes Watson moved to table approval of minutes and rexl~ staff bring back all the minutr~ dating back to February 18, 1993. Johnaon seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion ADJO~