1993 12 13BOARD OF ADIUSTMENT$ AND APPEALS MINUTES December 13, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Carol Watson, Willard/Iohnson and Mark Senn STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin Al-$aff, Planner IL and Steve Kirchman, Building Of Ttcial. Willard $ohnson opened the meeting. UPDATE ON 93-9 VARIANCE (PAPKE) - VARIANCE REQUEST TO LOCATE A SEPTIC SYSTEM 75 FEET FROM THE EDGE OF A WETLAND TO SERVE A SING{.R FAb~, .Y A1-Jaff and Kirchman presented the staff report update. Thc Board members were reaninded that this variance is for a wetland setback and not the deafign of the septic system. Kirchman di~ codes regulating on-site sewage Irea~t systems, their peff~ and staff experience with the many systems in the city. Options to standard systems were also discussed. Kirchman also stated that staff has investigal~d three failures in the southeast part of the City that involved liquids surfacing at the toe of the downslope dikes. Preliminary indications are that the liquids are a combination of treaUxt effluent and ground water. Surfacing has been attributed to improper landscaping and system overloading. Watson asked if the city monitors the existing sysmm, and Kirchnum stated that a new lyrogram has been developed that would allow the city to ins~'t those systems once evea3r two years. The inspections will begin in spring of 1994. Senn moved to deny Variance #93-9. Watson seconded the motion- All voted in favor and the motion carded unanimously. A FOUR, (4) FOOT SHORELAND SETBACK VARIANCE FOR CONSTRUC~ON OF A GARAGE/ROOM ADD1TION AT 9119,LAKE RH~Y BLVD.~ ~IOttN B. AND MARLYN G. The Board of Adjustments and Appeals indicated that staff did not need to presemt the staff report Senn moved to approve variance request ~ 10 for a four (4) foot shoreland setback variance. Watson seconded thc motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Approval of Minute: Watson moved to approve the minutes dated November 22, 1993, ~Iohnson seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Johnson closed the public hearing. Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting. Senn seconded the motion. All voted in favor.