09-11-07 Minutes Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting September 11, 2007 Members Present: Ron Olsen, Shirley McGee, Dennis Hansen, Jim Sommers Members Absent: Lee Scholder, Rose Kircher, Bill Fouks Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Guests: None present Minutes: June minutes were approved. th 4 of July Parade summary: Commissioners who assisted with the float said the parade went well. It was hot and the freeze pops the Dry Cleaning Station brought ran out fast. They went to get more, had trouble finding any and didn’t come back. The commissioners finished the parade route. The candy ran out at the usual point. The hybrid car was good to have. Perhaps they could add an E85 vehicle next year? Comprehensive Plan, Review of Natural Resource, Ch. 3: Jill presented an overview of the current version, components of the chapter and the revisions included for this draft. The three main goals of future planning for natural resources in Chanhassen are protection, management and restoration. As a result of the comp plan approval, a Natural Resources Stewardship Plan and a Forestry Management Plan are hoped to be developed in the next couple of years. The commission discussed the draft chapter and thought that natural resources such as wind, geothermal and solar should be included in the plan. Protecting and utilizing these resources should be addressed. It was suggested that other ‘green’ cities be researched to see how they acknowledge and protect these resources. The commissioners thought the chapter was well written and didn’t have additional comments at the time. Jill said to send her any comments or opinions about the comp plan and she will be compiling them for a report to the City Council. General Discussion: - Jill suggested a water conservation education project to the Commission. Developing an education program for residents about water and energy conservation could be done this winter and distributed in the spring. It will be discussed again at the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 PM. Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair