10-09-07 Minutes Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting October 9, 2007 Members Present: Ron Olsen, Dennis Hansen, Jim Sommers, Lee Scholder, Rose Kircher, Bill Fouks Members Absent: Shirley McGee Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist, Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Guests: Marcus Zbinden, Carver County Environmental Services Minutes: No minutes were approved. Tour of Carver County Organics Site at MN Arboretum: Marcus took the Environmental Commission on a tour of the organics composting site at the Arboretum. He explained that loads from the residential routes come into the site on Wednesdays and Fridays. The organics are mixed with yard waste and wood chips stored on site the same day it arrives or the next morning. The mix is piled and marked with a stake showing the day the pile was made. The pile temperature is taken daily and marked on the stake. Once the pile has reached a specific temperature for a certain number of days it’s transferred to another pile and mixed again. The whole process from truck to soil takes about a month. Collection tubes have been installed under the piles to test for groundwater contamination and run off pollution. The water collected is tested by the state and the levels of any contaminants have been well below any level of concern. The commission was impressed with the site and program. The meeting then continued at the Chanhassen Rec Center. Nominations for the EE Award: Jill presented an application received from John and Elaine Malakowsky. The commission reviewed it and also discussed other potential nominees. The ideas included: Eckankar for their prairies and woods, Bill will contact Chaska HS to see if any Chan students could be nominated, Ron will contact Bokoo bikes to find out about any commuters, Jill will see if Lotus is recycling plastic pots. Final approval of nominees will take place at the November meeting. General Discussion: - The commission may tour the Environmental Center for their next meeting. If so, the meeting date and time will need to change to Wednesday at 6 pm. - In a brief discussion about a water conservation education program, water saving shower heads distributed by Centerpointe or MVEC were brought up. Jim will look into the details. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:30 PM. Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair