11-14-07 Minutes Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting November 14, 2007 Members Present: Dennis Hansen, Jim Sommers, Lee Scholder, Rose Kircher, Bill Fouks, Shirley McGee Members Absent: Ron Olsen Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Minutes: October minutes were approved. Tour of Carver County Environmental Center: Bill reviewed operations at the Environmental Center with the Commission. Use of the facility has increased over the years, but remained nearly the same over 2005 and 2006. The county is looking for ways to promote the center to more people in the county. The commissioners thought more ads and articles in newspapers and city publications would be good because it’s unclear to the general public what is accepted at the site. Water Conservation Education Program : Initial ideas regarding an education program were discussed. The commission thought that first a mailing should be put together that included water usage information, discount on rain barrels, and fact sheets on xeriscaping, rain gardens and other landscaping. Maybe plants appropriate for these plantings could be sold at Arbor Day. Commissioners also talked about bottled water vs. tap water but decided that could be a separate issue. Nominations for the EE Award: The commission selected the finalists for the Award. They were Dale Rusch, resident, for bluebird nest box monitoring; Eckankar, organization, for natural resource stewardship; and General Mills, business, for the Lake Ann rain garden plantings. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM. Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair