Ordinance 030aRHL 1/26/70 • VILLAGE OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA • ORDINANCE NO. 30 A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5.01 OF ORDINANCE NO. 30, THE PLUMBING CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF CHANHASSEN. THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 5.01 of Ordinance No. 30 adopted on October 21 , 1968, and entitled "The Plumbing Code of the Village of Chanhassen", is amended to read as follows: 5.01 Permits and Fees. No person, firm, or corporation shall install, alter, repair, or extend any plumbing system in the Village without first obtaining a permit therefor • from the Village. At the time of application for said permit, the applicant shall pay a fee therefor as follows: (a) Minimum New Construction Permit Fee for installations not exceeding 8 plumbing fixtures $25.00 (1) Additional New Construction Permit Fee per fixture for installations exceeding 8 plumbing fixtures $ 1.00 (b) Minimum Alteration Permit Fee for alterations not exceeding 4 plumbing f ixture s $10.00 (1) Additional Alteration Permit Fee per fixture for alterations exceeding 4 plumbing fixtures $ 1.00 (c) Municipal Water Service Connection • Permit Fee $10.00 • (d) Municipal Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Permit Fee $10.00 0 SECTION 2. This ordinance becomes effective from and after its • passage and publication. • Ct MAYOR ATTEST: n C LE RK Published in / Kra `��z-�•� on the -5 day of z -`/S 1970. -2- 348 - 2nd Street State of Minnesota County of Hennepin w SUV NEWSPAPERS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Excelsior-Deephaven MINNETONKA SUN SS. Excelsior, Minnesota R P WANDER being duly sworn on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the secretary and print- ei of the new .paper knows as The Excelsior-Deephaven-Minnetonka Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated a, follows t 11 Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed ,pace to at least 900 ,quare inches 12) Said newspaper is a w•eekl-, and is distributed at least once each week 31 Said newspaper has W', of its new, columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purport, to ,erre and does not whollN duplicate anv other publication and is not made up entirelv of patents, plate matter and advertisements (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regular]% delivered to paving subscriber, has an average of at least 75`, of its total circulation cur- rentlN paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local post -office a5i Said newspaper purports to serve the Villages of Excelsior arid Deephaven in the Countv of Hennepin and it has Its known office of issue in the Village of Excelsior in said counh established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of new, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer or per -,on, in it, emplo\ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and devoted erclu,lvel% during such regular busine,s hours to the business of the newspaper and business related thereto (6) Said newspaper files a cop% of each issue immediatel\ with the State Historical Societv 17, Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least two \ear, preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretar-, of State of Minnesota prior to January 1. 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed b� the Secretar% of State and signed b% the publisher of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the new spaper i, a legal newspaper ' tic' tui then state, nn ordinance ,\o. 3u oath that the printed � hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of ,aid newspaper and wa, printed and published therein in the English language once > U�1 em It week for GI1e NuCcessrve wt�7:�1�s eek, that it wa, first so published on the day „t �}eb. 19 70ind was thereafter printed and puhli,hed on ever\ to and including the da\ of 19 and that the following is a printed copN of the lower case alphabet from 1 to 7. both inclu,i�e and i, hereby .acknowledged as being the size and kind of type u,ed in the composition and publi- c,at ion of ,aid notice tow it abcdefghi,lklmnop(lrstuvwrvz 70 tib ub,ci ibed and swr on to before me thi, I dat of �r �' • 1`I Notarial Seal jr �c;�r�t�a�tvi,�rei,�cxr.-�4�rt'Pub1i`c Ra�►+u�r:-�nrr D&v-('ommis.,jjon "pirex Novemvi)or 8; 19'N , iOfficial Publication) RHL 1 26 70 VILLAGE OF CHANHASSEN CAR1v ER AND HE`NEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA ORDIN'AN'CE NO. 30 A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5.01 OF ORDINANCE NO 30, THE PLUMBING CODE OF-TIJE VILLAGE OF CHANHASSEN. THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS SECTION' 1. Section 5 01 of Ordinance No 30 adopted on October 21. 1968 and entitled "The Plumbing Code of the Village of Chanhassen is amended to read as follows 5 01 Permits and Fees. No person. firm, or corporation shall insta'1. alter, repair, or extend am plumbing system' in the Village without first obtaining a permit therefor from the�,Village At the time. of application for said*prmit, the applicant shall pav a fee there .(W.as follows a). .tpum New Construction Permit Fee fortallations not exceeding 8 plumbing fixtures $25 00 1 1 Additional. New.Construction Permit Fee per fixture for installations exceeding 8 .plumbing fixtures $ 1 00 b j Minimum Alteration Permit Fee for al- teratioris not exceeding 4 plumbing fixtures$10 00 11 J�f#ditional AlterationPermitFee per 'facture for alterations exceeding 4 p umbing fixtures $ 1 00 )e) ;,N icipal. water Service Connection Paktttt Fee $ l0 00 �a'tiI"ltmcipal Sanitary "Sewer Service C)onneetion Permit Fee $10 00 SL ON 2. This ordinance becomes effec- tive fro) i'7nd after its passage and publication EUGENE A COULTER ` Ma% or ATTESV­ ADOLPH TESS\ESS Clerk Feb 5 1970, - Ex -Car�